US Approves Cluster Bombs for Ukraine

Looks like cluster bomb munitions have been approved for shipment to Ukraine. I imagine this will primarily be in the form of artillery and rocket artillery/SAMs. This has got to tick off our Russobot compatriots. You know who you are! :salute:

It should piss off everyone, most of the world has quit using those damn things
I'm upset at the very logical progression of the conflict and the high probability that we will be drawn into it. Some people do look past the here and now to see what is likely to happen, you know.
OK, you claim to be someone that looks past the present.

Tell me, what do you think will happen when a world dictator is allowed to invade and conquer another sovereign nation, unprovoked, w/impunity?

How does that turn out?
The United States strongly condemns the use of cluster munitions and considers it a war crime.

Stoltenberg said today that NATO does not have a unified position on this type of weapon, but the United States does, and it is sharply negative. A year ago, when Jen Psaki was asked to comment on rumors of Russia's alleged use of such munitions, she said that she had no confirmation of that information, but that if it appeared, it would qualify as a war crime.

But certainly not in the case of the use of these weapons by Ukraine!
Hypocritical scoundrels.
Looks like cluster bomb munitions have been approved for shipment to Ukraine. I imagine this will primarily be in the form of artillery and rocket artillery/SAMs. This has got to tick off our Russobot compatriots. You know who you are! :salute:
Your are not a moderator anymore because you are stupid, right?
OK, you claim to be someone that looks past the present.

Tell me, what do you think will happen when a world dictator is allowed to invade and conquer another sovereign nation, unprovoked, w/impunity?

How does that turn out?
We've fought proxy wars with Russia before, and ended up with thousands dead and ill will around the world. Is it really a good idea to jump into yet another conflict with them so that Quid Pro can look at his watch while the coffins are unloaded? And what impunity are you talking about? Russia is losing a lot of firepower and fighting men and doesn't show a lot of signs that they are conquering much of anything.

Basically, you want us to be the world's police force. That's not a real good idea.
I wonder when will Putin cease and desist from his illegal Ukraine invasion?
why would he? the only time he stopped was when a republican was in the oval office. Getting Xiden to ship more weapons, particularly weapons banned around the world only seems to be giving him more resolve to keep the war going
Dumbshit thinks it's still 1944 and he's an armchair Private First Class fighting Nazis. :laughing0301:
You really are a moron aren't you. Reading comprehension appears beyond your limited MAGA CAPACITY. Bless your heart!
As you see here, the lefty warmongers have no problem with Joe Biden trafficking banned munitions, or the end result which will be shredded civilians.
I have mo problem with dead Russians. I know you and Putin are a thing, but thats a you problem.
I have mo problem with dead Russians. I know you and Putin are a thing, but thats a you problem.
You are coming across as out of your mind on drugs of one or several sorts . I suggest you get some sleep , then re-read your posts and reflect carefully before your return . Have whatever views you wish , but try and behave like some sort of sane and mature adult and not like an ignorant lout . Any repeat of your childish tirade of absurd insults and I shall put you on ignore -- something I have never so far felt the need to do with anybody else , even though there are plenty here I would not give the time of day to in the real world. .
I'll add my two cents...

I am not a fan of arming the Ukraine, and I am not a fan of this admin, but Jake Sullivan did a great job explaining why the Biden Admin is providing weapons they said a year ago would amount to "war crimes."

He answered so many questions articulately (even though I don't like all of this answers). This was in great contrast to the typical KJP performance....

He explained that the US is committed to arming Ukraine (duh), and that the reason for supplying clusterbombs include:

  • Admin considered this long
  • Russia is using these clusterbombs (CBs)
  • Russia has dropped an estimated >10M bomblets already
  • Russia's CBs have poor reliability - 20-30% of bomblets are duds and pose a mine threat.
  • Our bombs are more reliable - duds are less than 2.5% - thus more humane, LOL.
  • Ukraine is only using these on their own soil, for defense.

Very interesting.

Timestamped to Jake...

This is turning into an escalating war that is never going to end. Who could have predicted that?
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