US and Qatar agree to not release 6 Billion dollars to Iran

Biden agreed to release a nations own money. But the recent actions of HAMAS changes the landscape.

Please don't ignore how Trump, GOP led Congress, Israeli governments have all changed minds on things after events change the landscape.
Changed what? The goddamn Mullahs have been supporters of terrorism for the last 50 years. Only an idiot would release them money even it was disguised as a humanitarian scam.
None of that matters. The belief that the US funded the Hamas attack is now part of the MAGA catalog. The facts you just mentioned about the money not possibly have been used in the attack will just be seen as a lie from the DEEP STATE. All part of the "No conspiracy theory left behind project"

And that is the problem in a nut shell. The would rather believe a lie than accept the truth.
It does not function automatically. It can be defeated by a surprise attack.
There is nothing to investigate.

And the surprise attack hit on the Israelie Sabbath at 0800 Hours, kinda like Pearl Harbor on Decemeber 7, 1941.
Fake shit.

Kerry volunteered and saw combat.

Kerry has been outed by his fellow veterans, including his former commanding officer, as a coward and a liar.

He never volunteered for Vietnam. When assigned he thought he was going to have safe duty in the Port of Dang Nang. When assigned to a River Boat unit he cried like a little baby. His Commanding Officer got so sick of him being a pussy he told Kerry that if he came withing 100 ft of him he would kick Kerry's ass.

He wasn't even in country long enough to break in a pair of boots.

He is a piece of shit, a coward, a liar, a pussy and a traitor to his country and fellow veterans.

I am a real Vietnam Veteran. Kerry is a sham.
The money has been sitting in Qatarie Bank since it was released. Not one penny has ever been sent to the HAMAS. The United States Central Command is based in Qatar and Qatar knows better than to fuck with the U.S.

The Reich Wing Noise Machine is bloviating how Iran gave a portion of that money the HAMAS, that is a down right out right flat out lie and they know it.

The attack took more than few days to plan, it took months if not years to plan. Attackinr Israel on their Sabbath, early in the morning of their Sabbath. Does that sound familiar to anyone.

How did the HAMAS know how to the Israelie Iron Dome. They got that information Iran, who got that info from Pooty and who would have give Pooty that info.....P01135809 is who. We know P00135809 gave highly classified intelligence to both Russian Ambassador and the Russian Foreign Minister. We know P01135809 had very private meetings with Pooty serveral times. Pooty learned a lot in those meetings.

NO Iranian money was involved in the attack. But the HAMAS learned how to defeat Iron Dome. They did by getting inside information. That iformation came from Russia and ONE U.S. President ever took more than one private meeting with Pooty, P01135809 ordered no notes were to be taken. WHY?

The HAMAS will be destroyed, but the defeat of Iron Dome needs to investigated.
How do we know that trump did not leak secrets at his mar a lago play house that included sensitive information from Israel. I am sure an investigation will be forthcoming.
Kerry has been outed by his fellow veterans, including his former commanding officer, as a coward and a liar.

He never volunteered for Vietnam. When assigned he thought he was going to have safe duty in the Port of Dang Nang. When assigned to a River Boat unit he cried like a little baby. His Commanding Officer got so sick of him being a pussy he told Kerry that if he came withing 100 ft of him he would kick Kerry's ass.

He wasn't even in country long enough to break in a pair of boots.

He is a piece of shit, a coward, a liar, a pussy and a traitor to his country and fellow veterans.

I am a real Vietnam Veteran. Kerry is a sham.

I doubt your bs war stories about the 'nam. Can't trust anything you claim.

The men in the boats with Kerry defended him against that drunkard who was a commanding officer. :auiqs.jpg:

and John O'Neill and Jerome Corsi, are two big time losers.

the veterans who accused Kerry were contradicted by numerous former crewmen of Kerry's, and by Navy records, according to, a nonpartisan fact-finding project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, which researched the claims back in 2004.

In the Navy, Kerry served aboard boats known as PCFs, or swift boats. According to a Boston Globe overview of Kerry's service in Vietnam, as reported by and "Under [Navy Admiral Elmo] Zumwalt's command, swift boats would aggressively engage the enemy. Zumwalt calculated in his autobiography that these men had a 75 percent chance of being killed or wounded during a typical year."

Kerry received a Purple Heart after being wounded in December 1968 when he got hit by schrapnel. The Boston Globe quoted William Schachte, who oversaw the mission, as saying it "was not a very serious wound."

A wound is described as any combat injury to the body; the Purple Heart criteria have no mention of how severe the injury needs to be.

In an affidavit, physician Lewis Letson said he treated Kerry and said Kerry's wound was self-inflicted when his gun jammed and he threw a grenade at an object, which sprayed the area with shrapnel. Kerry's medical records show that he was treated by J.C. Carreon (who has since died). Letson said it common practice for medics to sign the paperwork for the attending physician.

Letson said in his affidavit that "the crewman with Kerry told me there was no hostile fire, and that Kerry had inadvertently wounded himself with an M-79 grenade." But the crewmen with Kerry that day deny ever talking to Letson, reported.

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