Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
Last edited:
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

You have not shown causation. If the states that allow illegals to get licenses chose Clinton, perhaps it is simply because they are more liberal-leaning states. Wouldn't that make sense in states that allow illegals to vote? That certainly seems to fit more closely with the Democrat/liberal positions on illegal immigrants than on the Republican/conservative positions.

Looking at the list in your oft-linked article about the states which allow illegals to get a license, it seems that all of them other than Utah lean somewhat or heavily Democrat.

Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia

State of the States: Political Party Affiliation

"You have not shown causation."

I've made a far stronger case than the claims of Trump colluding with the Russians, or that he in any way obstructed justice by firing Comey.

It was my aim, and it was eminently successful.

Your ire proves that.
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
You are either the dumbest persin on the planet or thew biggest liar.

Consider these facts:

1) The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification.

2) You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic.

3) If you do opt to register to vote, ID is needed & that illegal alien drivers license would not count.

So STFU or Get informed.
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
Only the right wing claims Illegals Only voted Blue and not Red.
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

You have not shown causation. If the states that allow illegals to get licenses chose Clinton, perhaps it is simply because they are more liberal-leaning states. Wouldn't that make sense in states that allow illegals to vote? That certainly seems to fit more closely with the Democrat/liberal positions on illegal immigrants than on the Republican/conservative positions.

Looking at the list in your oft-linked article about the states which allow illegals to get a license, it seems that all of them other than Utah lean somewhat or heavily Democrat.

Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia

State of the States: Political Party Affiliation

"You have not shown causation."

I've made a far stronger case than the claims of Trump colluding with the Russians, or that he in any way obstructed justice by firing Comey.

It was my aim, and it was eminently successful.

Your ire proves that.
Mr. Trump openly asked the Russians for help in that regard. It was in the public domain.
They wouldn't ship them registration forms if they couldn't vote.

EXCLUSIVE: Nebraska Democrats include voter registration forms in 'refugee welcome baskets'

We all know Hillary cheated in every way she could. She also outspent Trump 2:1 with her Saudi Arabia gay executioner money. She had all the establishment media and favors in her pocket, she even had a vagina.

Yet, she lost against a total political newbie. What a colossal loser!

Yeah. If I were going to try to throw an election, I'd choose Nebraska.



Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


How many of the 12 states did Trump win? Besides, North Carolina is not on your list. North Carolina has one of the largest populations of illegal immigrants in the country. North Carolina allows illegal immigrants to have drivers license and North Carolina offers voter registration at the DMV. How did Trump win North Carolina?

Then there is the percentage of the population of a state estimated to be illegal aliens. California's is six percent. But Texas is 6.1%, did Trump win Texas? Meanwhile, Clinton won states like Vermont where the illegal immigrant population is less than .3%.

In short, if your claim is true, Hillary only won the popular vote because illegal immigrants voted in large numbers and every solitary one of them voted for Clinton, there would be a direct correlation between a states percentage of illegal immigrant population and Clinton's victory. There is absolutely NONE.
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
You are either the dumbest persin on the planet or thew biggest liar.

Consider these facts:

1) The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification.

2) You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic.

3) If you do opt to register to vote, ID is needed & that illegal alien drivers license would not count.

So STFU or Get informed.

Have no fear, RealDumb, I'm here to straighten you out....without the lobotomy!!!

1."The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification."
Of course they are.
Democrats gave them out for exactly that purpose.
And Democrats make the decision at the voting precinct....so, guess what they decide?

2. RealDumb says this: "You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic."
The LATimes says this:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Now...who's the liar, RealDumb?

Say 'duhhhhh..'

Thanks so much for inadvertently (better look that up) proving me correct.
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
Only the right wing claims Illegals Only voted Blue and not Red.

Sooooo, you moron.....illegals broke the law...again....and voted for the candidate who said he'd throw them out of the country?

You must be even more stupid than I imagined.
They wouldn't ship them registration forms if they couldn't vote.

EXCLUSIVE: Nebraska Democrats include voter registration forms in 'refugee welcome baskets'

We all know Hillary cheated in every way she could. She also outspent Trump 2:1 with her Saudi Arabia gay executioner money. She had all the establishment media and favors in her pocket, she even had a vagina.

Yet, she lost against a total political newbie. What a colossal loser!

Yeah. If I were going to try to throw an election, I'd choose Nebraska.



Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


How many of the 12 states did Trump win? Besides, North Carolina is not on your list. North Carolina has one of the largest populations of illegal immigrants in the country. North Carolina allows illegal immigrants to have drivers license and North Carolina offers voter registration at the DMV. How did Trump win North Carolina?

Then there is the percentage of the population of a state estimated to be illegal aliens. California's is six percent. But Texas is 6.1%, did Trump win Texas? Meanwhile, Clinton won states like Vermont where the illegal immigrant population is less than .3%.

In short, if your claim is true, Hillary only won the popular vote because illegal immigrants voted in large numbers and every solitary one of them voted for Clinton, there would be a direct correlation between a states percentage of illegal immigrant population and Clinton's victory. There is absolutely NONE.

Let's stick to the points..

a. How many illegal aliens reside in this country?

b. How many voted?

Trump won the popular vote counting only legal votes.
As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
You are either the dumbest persin on the planet or thew biggest liar.

Consider these facts:

1) The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification.

2) You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic.

3) If you do opt to register to vote, ID is needed & that illegal alien drivers license would not count.

So STFU or Get informed.

Have no fear, RealDumb, I'm here to straighten you out....without the lobotomy!!!

1."The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification."
Of course they are.
Democrats gave them out for exactly that purpose.
And Democrats make the decision at the voting precinct....so, guess what they decide?

2. RealDumb says this: "You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic."
The LATimes says this:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Now...who's the liar, RealDumb?

Say 'duhhhhh..'

Thanks so much for inadvertently (better look that up) proving me correct.

The drivers licenses for illegals state on them that they are not to be used for identification purposes or they are otherwise clearly marked.

They are not proof of legal US residency.

In your own post it says you "can" complete the voter registration....

So NO it is NOT automatic.

You really aren't too bright. Probley why you still wear a costume.
Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
You are either the dumbest persin on the planet or thew biggest liar.

Consider these facts:

1) The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification.

2) You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic.

3) If you do opt to register to vote, ID is needed & that illegal alien drivers license would not count.

So STFU or Get informed.

Have no fear, RealDumb, I'm here to straighten you out....without the lobotomy!!!

1."The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification."
Of course they are.
Democrats gave them out for exactly that purpose.
And Democrats make the decision at the voting precinct....so, guess what they decide?

2. RealDumb says this: "You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic."
The LATimes says this:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Now...who's the liar, RealDumb?

Say 'duhhhhh..'

Thanks so much for inadvertently (better look that up) proving me correct.

The drivers licenses for illegals state on them that they are not to be used for identification purposes or they are otherwise clearly marked.

They are not proof of legal US residency.

In your own post it says you "can" complete the voter registration....

So NO it is NOT automatic.

You really aren't too bright. Probley why you still wear a costume.

Depends on who is viewing the card, doesn't it.

Sooooo....if you are a Democrat....you let 'em vote.

Right, RealDumb?
They wouldn't ship them registration forms if they couldn't vote.

EXCLUSIVE: Nebraska Democrats include voter registration forms in 'refugee welcome baskets'

We all know Hillary cheated in every way she could. She also outspent Trump 2:1 with her Saudi Arabia gay executioner money. She had all the establishment media and favors in her pocket, she even had a vagina.

Yet, she lost against a total political newbie. What a colossal loser!

Yeah. If I were going to try to throw an election, I'd choose Nebraska.



Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


How many of the 12 states did Trump win? Besides, North Carolina is not on your list. North Carolina has one of the largest populations of illegal immigrants in the country. North Carolina allows illegal immigrants to have drivers license and North Carolina offers voter registration at the DMV. How did Trump win North Carolina?

Then there is the percentage of the population of a state estimated to be illegal aliens. California's is six percent. But Texas is 6.1%, did Trump win Texas? Meanwhile, Clinton won states like Vermont where the illegal immigrant population is less than .3%.

In short, if your claim is true, Hillary only won the popular vote because illegal immigrants voted in large numbers and every solitary one of them voted for Clinton, there would be a direct correlation between a states percentage of illegal immigrant population and Clinton's victory. There is absolutely NONE.

Let's stick to the points..

a. How many illegal aliens reside in this country?

b. How many voted?

Trump won the popular vote counting only legal votes.
You still have not proved anything but your projection..
They wouldn't ship them registration forms if they couldn't vote.

EXCLUSIVE: Nebraska Democrats include voter registration forms in 'refugee welcome baskets'

We all know Hillary cheated in every way she could. She also outspent Trump 2:1 with her Saudi Arabia gay executioner money. She had all the establishment media and favors in her pocket, she even had a vagina.

Yet, she lost against a total political newbie. What a colossal loser!

Yeah. If I were going to try to throw an election, I'd choose Nebraska.



Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


How many of the 12 states did Trump win? Besides, North Carolina is not on your list. North Carolina has one of the largest populations of illegal immigrants in the country. North Carolina allows illegal immigrants to have drivers license and North Carolina offers voter registration at the DMV. How did Trump win North Carolina?

Then there is the percentage of the population of a state estimated to be illegal aliens. California's is six percent. But Texas is 6.1%, did Trump win Texas? Meanwhile, Clinton won states like Vermont where the illegal immigrant population is less than .3%.

In short, if your claim is true, Hillary only won the popular vote because illegal immigrants voted in large numbers and every solitary one of them voted for Clinton, there would be a direct correlation between a states percentage of illegal immigrant population and Clinton's victory. There is absolutely NONE.

Let's stick to the points..

a. How many illegal aliens reside in this country?

b. How many voted?

Trump won the popular vote counting only legal votes.
You still have not proved anything but your projection..

I've proven that you are a low-life liar.

Want me to do it again?
Millions of illegal aliens.....enticed into the nation by Democrats and urged to vote by Barack Obama.....voted for Bill's wife.

Except there's no evidence they did... and certainly not in the numbers of the millions.

Look, you guys stole an election, conspired with the Russians, and put a madman in the White House. Own it.

How did we steal the election in the Dem strongholds of PA, MI, and WI?
Millions of illegal aliens.....enticed into the nation by Democrats and urged to vote by Barack Obama.....voted for Bill's wife.

Except there's no evidence they did... and certainly not in the numbers of the millions.

Look, you guys stole an election, conspired with the Russians, and put a madman in the White House. Own it.

How did we steal the election in the Dem strongholds of PA, MI, and WI?

Legal...illegal....rectitude doesn't matter to Liberals.

Winning is all that counts.
As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
Only the right wing claims Illegals Only voted Blue and not Red.

Sooooo, you moron.....illegals broke the law...again....and voted for the candidate who said he'd throw them out of the country?

You must be even more stupid than I imagined.
Yet, it is You who is claiming all illegals voted blue and not red.

And, if women can "talk all that", they can ask guys for full body massage appointments. :p
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.

Do you ever give a straight answer, or provide details?

You say that illegals are automatically registered to vote, but use a quote that talks about automatic party registration and don't provide actual evidence that illegals are automatically registered to vote.

I ask how combining documents for voter registration and licenses allows illegals to register to vote, and you tell me I know rather than actually answering the question. Then you claim that millions of illegals have been registered because of this combining of forms after declining to explain how it contributes to the voter registration of illegals.
How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As I understand it, the federal National Voter Registration Act requires all states to allow citizens to register to vote in the DMV. There is no coincidence. That law was passed in 1993. You seem to be trying to imply that the 12 states (and DC) that allow illegals to get a driver's license decided to also allow people to register to vote at the DMV, rather than having been compelled to allow voter registration in the DMV by federal law for the past 24 years.

From the LA Times article you have repeatedly linked in your spammed posts:
"When the National Voter Registration Act was passed in 1993, it required state DMVs to register citizens to vote. Then-Gov. Pete Wilson refused to implement the law, calling it “another unfunded federal mandate." Along with several other governors, he sued to block it and lost."

Of course, you must assume that the DMVs discussed do not bother to check the citizenship status of those they register to vote for this narrative to make sense, as well.

Get the driver's license, and you're registered to vote.

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered....."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Get it?

You certainly can play dumb....but the scam is obvious, and the connection with who wins is the aim.

It is no coincidence that in almost every case, in those states, Democrats won.

Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.

Do you ever give a straight answer, or provide details?

You say that illegals are automatically registered to vote, but use a quote that talks about automatic party registration and don't provide actual evidence that illegals are automatically registered to vote.

I ask how combining documents for voter registration and licenses allows illegals to register to vote, and you tell me I know rather than actually answering the question. Then you claim that millions of illegals have been registered because of this combining of forms after declining to explain how it contributes to the voter registration of illegals.
She has to prove, all illegals Only voted blue and not red.

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