Unvaccinated students told to wear different coloured wristbands so they can be identified


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Like everywhere in the world lefts misuse democracy and human rights to get the power, thereafter they transform hijacked countries to hells.
Lefts ( democrats, socialists, communists, progressives, national-socialists, liberals etc. ) have brutally murdered more as 300m in different countries through the last century.
Peoples if they want to stay free must smash leftism of any kind.
Otherwise humanity will die.

First year students at the University of Bath have been given armbands by authorities to signal whether they’ve been double-vaccinated, with unvaxxed students having to wear a different colour.
“Freshers have been given wristbands to signal whether they are vaccinated against coronavirus amid anger at emerging “two-tier” university campuses,” reports the Telegraph.
“Students arriving this week at the University of Bath have been given a different coloured wristband on club nights if they can prove in advance they are double jabbed, or have Covid-19 immunity.”

Those who cannot prove they’ve been vaccinated are forced to enter a different queue in a clear example of segregation.
Bath is a notoriously left-wing city, as is its main university.

The typical behavior of any left in any betrayed country( here 'Democratic' Revolution in Russia 1917)
Through the Covid scamdemic lefts have already murdered more as 200m worldwide by lockdowns, food supply shortages, suicides, abortions, vaccination, ventilators in ICUs, denying of threatment by Iveremcetin



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Leftists ALWAYS impose their will incrementally. It's like boiling a frog to death by slowing raising the temperature. The frog doesn't even realize he is being boiled to death.

Only army revolt can cure leftist disease.
Why military doesn't help peoples now?

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