UNRWA's Chris Gunness Trolling for Dead Babies to star in Pallywood production

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Pallywood, duh-duh-duh-duh Pallywood..

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Chris Gunness trolling for dead babies to star in Pallywood production

Monday, February 02, 2015
this tweet from UNRWA's Chris Gunness:

Chris Gunness @ChrisGunness

Can anyone put me in touch with a family in Gaza where a child died of hyperthermia? Thanks. @ChrisGunness

That's hypothermia, not hyperthermia, Chris. You're welcome.)

There have been reports of a few children who "froze to death" in Gaza this winter. Their real causes of death are not so clear; for example a two-month old was diagnosed with COPD which is aggravated by cold weather but not caused by it. The specific causes of death for the other infants were not released so it is hard to know whether they died from hypothermia or something else.

Gunness is not interested in such trivia. He wants a dead body and crying parents. Gunness wants to use dead babies for fundraising.

This tweet sounds like pre-production for the next UNRWA Pallywood production.

Don't believe me? Check out this ridiculously staged video that UNRWA released three days ago on the topic of cold (in this case, in Syria):

Yeah, that doesn't look or sound staged at all!

It is also really interesting that the UNRWA spokesperson cannot locate any UNRWA employee in Gaza to find the appropriate dead baby props for him. He must have tried before resorting to using Twitter to find the dead infants. Because so many Gazans in freezing temperatures are still plugged into Twitter.
Pallywood, duh-duh-duh-duh Pallywood..

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Chris Gunness trolling for dead babies to star in Pallywood production

Monday, February 02, 2015
this tweet from UNRWA's Chris Gunness:

Chris Gunness @ChrisGunness

Can anyone put me in touch with a family in Gaza where a child died of hyperthermia? Thanks. @ChrisGunness

That's hypothermia, not hyperthermia, Chris. You're welcome.)

There have been reports of a few children who "froze to death" in Gaza this winter. Their real causes of death are not so clear; for example a two-month old was diagnosed with COPD which is aggravated by cold weather but not caused by it. The specific causes of death for the other infants were not released so it is hard to know whether they died from hypothermia or something else.

Gunness is not interested in such trivia. He wants a dead body and crying parents. Gunness wants to use dead babies for fundraising.

This tweet sounds like pre-production for the next UNRWA Pallywood production.

Don't believe me? Check out this ridiculously staged video that UNRWA released three days ago on the topic of cold (in this case, in Syria):

Yeah, that doesn't look or sound staged at all!

It is also really interesting that the UNRWA spokesperson cannot locate any UNRWA employee in Gaza to find the appropriate dead baby props for him. He must have tried before resorting to using Twitter to find the dead infants. Because so many Gazans in freezing temperatures are still plugged into Twitter.

Another Do-gooder ghoul IMO.
Pallywood, duh-duh-duh-duh Pallywood..

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Chris Gunness trolling for dead babies to star in Pallywood production

Monday, February 02, 2015
this tweet from UNRWA's Chris Gunness:

Chris Gunness @ChrisGunness

Can anyone put me in touch with a family in Gaza where a child died of hyperthermia? Thanks. @ChrisGunness

That's hypothermia, not hyperthermia, Chris. You're welcome.)

There have been reports of a few children who "froze to death" in Gaza this winter. Their real causes of death are not so clear; for example a two-month old was diagnosed with COPD which is aggravated by cold weather but not caused by it. The specific causes of death for the other infants were not released so it is hard to know whether they died from hypothermia or something else.

Gunness is not interested in such trivia. He wants a dead body and crying parents. Gunness wants to use dead babies for fundraising.

This tweet sounds like pre-production for the next UNRWA Pallywood production.

Don't believe me? Check out this ridiculously staged video that UNRWA released three days ago on the topic of cold (in this case, in Syria):

Yeah, that doesn't look or sound staged at all!

It is also really interesting that the UNRWA spokesperson cannot locate any UNRWA employee in Gaza to find the appropriate dead baby props for him. He must have tried before resorting to using Twitter to find the dead infants. Because so many Gazans in freezing temperatures are still plugged into Twitter.

Isn't hyperthermia what the Jordanian pilot died of, being burnt to death. As in a Diabetic having a HYPO where their blood sugar goes too low, as opposed to being hyper when their blood sugar goes too high
The dude is casting from the wrong pool. He should be auditioning fetuses.

Find plenty of them in the UK when the 12 year old girls come in for abortions, mostly Islamic fathers as well
The dude is casting from the wrong pool. He should be auditioning fetuses.

Find plenty of them in the UK when the 12 year old girls come in for abortions, mostly Islamic fathers as well

So, you claim that most abortions in the UK are of fetuses having Islamic fathers. Obviously a bald faced lie, but it shows to what ends your racism brings you to.
The dude is casting from the wrong pool. He should be auditioning fetuses.

Find plenty of them in the UK when the 12 year old girls come in for abortions, mostly Islamic fathers as well

So, you claim that most abortions in the UK are of fetuses having Islamic fathers. Obviously a bald faced lie, but it shows to what ends your racism brings you to.

So you have not been following the recent news in the UK regarding the rape of 1400 very young schoolgirls by Pakistani muslim men, That was in one very small town alone and many of the girls spoke about having to go through multiple abortions. This was so widespread throughout the country that one of the major political parties may just have to close up shop as a result. Try reading some bad stuff about islam for a change and see how vile it is in real life. These men used the Koran to justify their depravity and lawlessness then had the temerity to claim they only faced charges because the UK was racist.

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