Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

Blacks do get treated fairly. They are treated according to the merits of their character. Those merits are few and far between.

Regardless, my question was more one of practicality than of "right to demand." If blacks are being held down by whitey and are just as good as whites, it would follow that black countries would be just as good as white countries. Thus, it would make sense for these oppressed black minorities to move to them. The opposite is happening. Blacks are drowning to get to white countries. How do you explain that?

Interesting point you bring up. Seems blacks don't want to live in countries run by blacks.

Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.
If Jews truly ran the world (I'm not denying they have lots of undeserved influence) then Germany and Austria would be the worst countries on earth.

There's a reason places like Detroit are in shambles. It damn sure isn't because of white poeple running it into the group.
Blacks do get treated fairly. They are treated according to the merits of their character. Those merits are few and far between.

Regardless, my question was more one of practicality than of "right to demand." If blacks are being held down by whitey and are just as good as whites, it would follow that black countries would be just as good as white countries. Thus, it would make sense for these oppressed black minorities to move to them. The opposite is happening. Blacks are drowning to get to white countries. How do you explain that?

Interesting point you bring up. Seems blacks don't want to live in countries run by blacks.

Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.
If Jews truly ran the world (I'm not denying they have lots of undeserved influence) then Germany and Austria would be the worst countries on earth.
Very good point. It would be logical. What actually happened is that the Jews took over the German and Austrian economies after ww2, and converted them into satellite stages of the dollar circulation from the USA through entente loans through Marshall helpings to war debt payments back to the USA. The scheme that made the dollar the world's reference currency. The economies that the Jews tanked for Germany and Austria are actually the Latin American economies.
That's the meme. Do you have evidence of this? Preferably something from this century, not 1955 Georgia.

I am not from your ratchet stinking baby boomer me generation of a cesspool. I would be ashamed if most of my life had been in the 20th century. But I am patient, I know what terrible things the 20th century has done to people's brains that lived in it.

Here is my evidence. My American pal, showed me his report card. It was right in there. On top of it. How can you be mostly A in all subjects, but a solid F in the one that is on top of your report card? Simple. Institutional racism. Nationwide.

Stinks all the way to here, France. Here in France, we hate people who don't speak perfect French and we rob them off their assets and survival in general. We brutally assimilate them, then sell them off for cheap thrills. But you Americans rob them off of even their hopes. How about that?
Could it be that he failed the subject that happened to be listed first and passed the others? I had different grades on my report card, too. In America, they're allowed to give us one grade based on our performance in one class and another based on our performance in another class.

Same here in France, grades are subject specific. But isn't it highly odd, that you appear to be successful in your efforts in all subjects, pretty well and high on the scale, except that one on the first line?
Surely, if you made all that effort in all the subjects, then that one subject also received your effort.
First you're assuming he made efforts in the other subjects and didn't just get a handout. Then you're assuming that effort = result.
Is this a so called mathematical anomaly that catches all crooks in forensic accounting and all teachers in racist bigotry?
WTF does that mean?

I think he is not that stupid. I am a maths student. He too wants to be. It does require a lot of work and practice and "meditation" on the subject to be good at it. I think he is not lazy.
They should change the laws to give grades not based on performance, but on your "thoughts" regarding whether a person is stupid and lazy!

Seriously, do you have evidence that he was discriminated against based on skin color? Maybe all his other classes were easy. Lots of other possibilities, but you assume it's racism/discrimination?
Blacks do get treated fairly. They are treated according to the merits of their character. Those merits are few and far between.

Regardless, my question was more one of practicality than of "right to demand." If blacks are being held down by whitey and are just as good as whites, it would follow that black countries would be just as good as white countries. Thus, it would make sense for these oppressed black minorities to move to them. The opposite is happening. Blacks are drowning to get to white countries. How do you explain that?

Interesting point you bring up. Seems blacks don't want to live in countries run by blacks.

Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.

You are in disarray when you live like savage animals.

Depends on what you call running.

It is true that lifestyle expectations are different, but I think that is determined by climatic reasons in black countries.
Interesting point you bring up. Seems blacks don't want to live in countries run by blacks.

Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.
If Jews truly ran the world (I'm not denying they have lots of undeserved influence) then Germany and Austria would be the worst countries on earth.
Very good point. It would be logical. What actually happened is that the Jews took over the German and Austrian economies after ww2, and converted them into satellite stages of the dollar circulation from the USA through entente loans through Marshall helpings to war debt payments back to the USA. The scheme that made the dollar the world's reference currency. The economies that the Jews tanked for Germany and Austria are actually the Latin American economies.
The reason their economies tanked are numerous and different. For example, Venezuela, off the top of my head, tanked due to reliance on oil exports.
Interesting point you bring up. Seems blacks don't want to live in countries run by blacks.

Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.

You are in disarray when you live like savage animals.

Depends on what you call running.

It is true that lifestyle expectations are different, but I think that is determined by climatic reasons in black countries.
How does that explain why blacks fail in America, too?
I am not from your ratchet stinking baby boomer me generation of a cesspool. I would be ashamed if most of my life had been in the 20th century. But I am patient, I know what terrible things the 20th century has done to people's brains that lived in it.

Here is my evidence. My American pal, showed me his report card. It was right in there. On top of it. How can you be mostly A in all subjects, but a solid F in the one that is on top of your report card? Simple. Institutional racism. Nationwide.

Stinks all the way to here, France. Here in France, we hate people who don't speak perfect French and we rob them off their assets and survival in general. We brutally assimilate them, then sell them off for cheap thrills. But you Americans rob them off of even their hopes. How about that?
Could it be that he failed the subject that happened to be listed first and passed the others? I had different grades on my report card, too. In America, they're allowed to give us one grade based on our performance in one class and another based on our performance in another class.

Same here in France, grades are subject specific. But isn't it highly odd, that you appear to be successful in your efforts in all subjects, pretty well and high on the scale, except that one on the first line?
Surely, if you made all that effort in all the subjects, then that one subject also received your effort.
First you're assuming he made efforts in the other subjects and didn't just get a handout. Then you're assuming that effort = result.
Is this a so called mathematical anomaly that catches all crooks in forensic accounting and all teachers in racist bigotry?
WTF does that mean?

I think he is not that stupid. I am a maths student. He too wants to be. It does require a lot of work and practice and "meditation" on the subject to be good at it. I think he is not lazy.
They should change the laws to give grades not based on performance, but on your "thoughts" regarding whether a person is stupid and lazy!

Seriously, do you have evidence that he was discriminated against based on skin color? Maybe all his other classes were easy. Lots of other possibilities, but you assume it's racism/discrimination?

Well, his history teacher was a real bitch, I know that. Also his literature teacher. Even here, literature teachers always hate you if you are good in other subjects. Now add that you are black. I bet that put it in for him.
Could it be that he failed the subject that happened to be listed first and passed the others? I had different grades on my report card, too. In America, they're allowed to give us one grade based on our performance in one class and another based on our performance in another class.

Same here in France, grades are subject specific. But isn't it highly odd, that you appear to be successful in your efforts in all subjects, pretty well and high on the scale, except that one on the first line?
Surely, if you made all that effort in all the subjects, then that one subject also received your effort.
First you're assuming he made efforts in the other subjects and didn't just get a handout. Then you're assuming that effort = result.
Is this a so called mathematical anomaly that catches all crooks in forensic accounting and all teachers in racist bigotry?
WTF does that mean?

I think he is not that stupid. I am a maths student. He too wants to be. It does require a lot of work and practice and "meditation" on the subject to be good at it. I think he is not lazy.
They should change the laws to give grades not based on performance, but on your "thoughts" regarding whether a person is stupid and lazy!

Seriously, do you have evidence that he was discriminated against based on skin color? Maybe all his other classes were easy. Lots of other possibilities, but you assume it's racism/discrimination?

Well, his history teacher was a real bitch, I know that. Also his literature teacher. Even here, literature teachers always hate you if you are good in other subjects. Now add that you are black. I bet that put it in for him.
Good thing most laws in European countries are based on science and not "bets."
Interesting point you bring up. Seems blacks don't want to live in countries run by blacks.

Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.
If Jews truly ran the world (I'm not denying they have lots of undeserved influence) then Germany and Austria would be the worst countries on earth.

There's a reason places like Detroit are in shambles. It damn sure isn't because of white poeple running it into the group.

You really might want to take back that comment.

Black people are by far the largest racial or ethnic population in Detroit, which has the highest percentage of black residents of any American city with a population over 100,000. Eighty-three percent of the city’s 701,000 residents are black. It continues to be an underreported story that a white state legislature and white governor took over the city and forced it to file for bankruptcy against the will of its elected representatives. It is also underreported that white governors and the white state legislature failed to provide Detroit with its fair share of state tax revenues – a significant contributor to the city’s current financial distress.

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Reflects a History of Racism
Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.

You are in disarray when you live like savage animals.

Depends on what you call running.

It is true that lifestyle expectations are different, but I think that is determined by climatic reasons in black countries.
How does that explain why blacks fail in America, too?

Racism by whites like you explains the problems we face entirely. Not that blacks have failed, but that we face obstruction.
I am not from your ratchet stinking baby boomer me generation of a cesspool. I would be ashamed if most of my life had been in the 20th century. But I am patient, I know what terrible things the 20th century has done to people's brains that lived in it.

Here is my evidence. My American pal, showed me his report card. It was right in there. On top of it. How can you be mostly A in all subjects, but a solid F in the one that is on top of your report card? Simple. Institutional racism. Nationwide.

Stinks all the way to here, France. Here in France, we hate people who don't speak perfect French and we rob them off their assets and survival in general. We brutally assimilate them, then sell them off for cheap thrills. But you Americans rob them off of even their hopes. How about that?
Could it be that he failed the subject that happened to be listed first and passed the others? I had different grades on my report card, too. In America, they're allowed to give us one grade based on our performance in one class and another based on our performance in another class.

Same here in France, grades are subject specific. But isn't it highly odd, that you appear to be successful in your efforts in all subjects, pretty well and high on the scale, except that one on the first line?
Surely, if you made all that effort in all the subjects, then that one subject also received your effort.
First you're assuming he made efforts in the other subjects and didn't just get a handout. Then you're assuming that effort = result.
Is this a so called mathematical anomaly that catches all crooks in forensic accounting and all teachers in racist bigotry?
WTF does that mean?

I think he is not that stupid. I am a maths student. He too wants to be. It does require a lot of work and practice and "meditation" on the subject to be good at it. I think he is not lazy.
They should change the laws to give grades not based on performance, but on your "thoughts" regarding whether a person is stupid and lazy!

Seriously, do you have evidence that he was discriminated against based on skin color? Maybe all his other classes were easy. Lots of other possibilities, but you assume it's racism/discrimination?

You say blacks are stupid as a whole with no evidence supporting you. I say he was discriminated against because of his color because I am black and have gone to schools where white teachers do it.
Interesting point you bring up. Seems blacks don't want to live in countries run by blacks.

Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.

You are in disarray when you live like savage animals.

Depends on what you call running.

It is true that lifestyle expectations are different, but I think that is determined by climatic reasons in black countries.

Apparently coservative65 has never been to Africa. Nor does he know anything about the political aspects of the African economies ad how colonialism killed those economies and cultures to such an extent that they were basically forced to start over..
Could it be that he failed the subject that happened to be listed first and passed the others? I had different grades on my report card, too. In America, they're allowed to give us one grade based on our performance in one class and another based on our performance in another class.

Same here in France, grades are subject specific. But isn't it highly odd, that you appear to be successful in your efforts in all subjects, pretty well and high on the scale, except that one on the first line?
Surely, if you made all that effort in all the subjects, then that one subject also received your effort.
First you're assuming he made efforts in the other subjects and didn't just get a handout. Then you're assuming that effort = result.
Is this a so called mathematical anomaly that catches all crooks in forensic accounting and all teachers in racist bigotry?
WTF does that mean?

I think he is not that stupid. I am a maths student. He too wants to be. It does require a lot of work and practice and "meditation" on the subject to be good at it. I think he is not lazy.
They should change the laws to give grades not based on performance, but on your "thoughts" regarding whether a person is stupid and lazy!

Seriously, do you have evidence that he was discriminated against based on skin color? Maybe all his other classes were easy. Lots of other possibilities, but you assume it's racism/discrimination?

You say blacks are stupid as a whole with no evidence supporting you. I say he was discriminated against because of his color because I am black and have gone to schools where white teachers do it.
You're making a conclusion regarding this kid while knowing next to nothing about the situation. Sounds pretty stupid to me.
Same here in France, grades are subject specific. But isn't it highly odd, that you appear to be successful in your efforts in all subjects, pretty well and high on the scale, except that one on the first line?
Surely, if you made all that effort in all the subjects, then that one subject also received your effort.
First you're assuming he made efforts in the other subjects and didn't just get a handout. Then you're assuming that effort = result.
Is this a so called mathematical anomaly that catches all crooks in forensic accounting and all teachers in racist bigotry?
WTF does that mean?

I think he is not that stupid. I am a maths student. He too wants to be. It does require a lot of work and practice and "meditation" on the subject to be good at it. I think he is not lazy.
They should change the laws to give grades not based on performance, but on your "thoughts" regarding whether a person is stupid and lazy!

Seriously, do you have evidence that he was discriminated against based on skin color? Maybe all his other classes were easy. Lots of other possibilities, but you assume it's racism/discrimination?

You say blacks are stupid as a whole with no evidence supporting you. I say he was discriminated against because of his color because I am black and have gone to schools where white teachers do it.
You're making a conclusion regarding this kid while knowing next to nothing about the situation. Sounds pretty stupid to me.

You made a conclusion abut blacks with knowing nothing. Shut up. I made mine based upon being black and going to school. I know the situation from personal experience.
No.First you're assuming he made efforts in the other subjects and didn't just get a handout. Then you're assuming that effort = result.WTF does that mean?

I think he is not that stupid. I am a maths student. He too wants to be. It does require a lot of work and practice and "meditation" on the subject to be good at it. I think he is not lazy.
They should change the laws to give grades not based on performance, but on your "thoughts" regarding whether a person is stupid and lazy!

Seriously, do you have evidence that he was discriminated against based on skin color? Maybe all his other classes were easy. Lots of other possibilities, but you assume it's racism/discrimination?

You say blacks are stupid as a whole with no evidence supporting you. I say he was discriminated against because of his color because I am black and have gone to schools where white teachers do it.
You're making a conclusion regarding this kid while knowing next to nothing about the situation. Sounds pretty stupid to me.

You made a conclusion abut blacks with knowing nothing. Shut up. I made mine based upon being black and going to school. I know the situation from personal experience.
Actually, I asked for more evidence regarding his story:

Could it be that he failed the subject that happened to be listed first and passed the others?

Asking for evidence is a sign of intelligence and an attempt to get to the bottom of a story.

You're the one who jumped to conclusion.
No. One must ask why do dumb ass, uneducated, inbred white idiots ask us why we stay when we were born in America and have the mother fucking right to demand we get treated fairly.

Nonsense, you don't wish to be treated fairly or equally, you play the victim and demand advantages not available to others. Quotas for instance.
No. One must ask why do dumb ass, uneducated, inbred white idiots ask us why we stay when we were born in America and have the mother fucking right to demand we get treated fairly.

Nonsense, you don't wish to be treated fairly or equally, you play the victim and demand advantages not available to others. Quotas for instance.

You're talking crazy again. What advantages am I asking for that whites like you don't already get? Quotas? You Mean like the quotas whites established for at least 189 years of 100 percent white?
Blacks are a type, sure. But black racial preconditioning exists too in most high schools. Many high school teachers down mark black students on their papers. Especially on report cards that colleges select by. Many blacks, even if they are good in a few subjects, get an F in a specific subject, that shows up on top of his report card. Blacks are down graded in high schools, and it goes down hill from there. I am white, by the way, yet I know this. This is big.

I am not from your ratchet stinking baby boomer me generation of a cesspool. I would be ashamed if most of my life had been in the 20th century. But I am patient, I know what terrible things the 20th century has done to people's brains that lived in it.

Here is my evidence. My American pal, showed me his report card. It was right in there. On top of it. How can you be mostly A in all subjects, but a solid F in the one that is on top of your report card? Simple. Institutional racism. Nationwide.

Stinks all the way to here, France. Here in France, we hate people who don't speak perfect French and we rob them off their assets and survival in general. We brutally assimilate them, then sell them off for cheap thrills. But you Americans rob them off of even their hopes. How about that?

How are things going in France with your Muslim immigrants?
No. One must ask why do dumb ass, uneducated, inbred white idiots ask us why we stay when we were born in America and have the mother fucking right to demand we get treated fairly.

Nonsense, you don't wish to be treated fairly or equally, you play the victim and demand advantages not available to others. Quotas for instance.

You're talking crazy again. What advantages am I asking for that whites like you don't already get? Quotas? You Mean like the quotas whites established for at least 189 years of 100 percent white?
Why don't you go back to the what-to-the-slave-is-the-4th-of-july thread and post some support for those anti-black laws you claim exist.

Can you quote one of these current or recent policies and laws denying blacks jobs? Or are we talking ancient history here?

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