University Prof. I don't trust white people they need to lose more


You are looking at the very reason for the downfall of America.

Our never ending wars is certainly a bigger problem than she is.

Don't kid yourself. The ongoing threats and instability of other parts of the world are an obvious, immediate, and easy target to point your finger at. They are in the news big and bold every day. The kind of creepy, insidious, inside threat a moron like her represents is far more dangerous because it doesn't look so on the surface, the dangers are far less obvious and she has access to countless young minds with which to spread the infection of her stupidity like a virus.
University Prof: ‘I Don’t Trust White People,’ They ‘Need To Lose More’

The University of Hawaii professor who wanted universities to stop hiring white men also said “I don’t trust white people” and “cis het white people need to lose more,” according to screenshots obtained Friday by The Daily Caller News Foundation.


Well isn't she a real winner, I suppose she is above everyone else. Maybe the dumb bitch can move where no whites exist.
My oldest is only 10.5 and I am already checking colleges etc no snowflake libtard colleges. She is not a christian but I am very interested in her attending Liberty University or Hillsdale College among other places. I really want them all to go to Europe for college and marry a European man or woman.

I'm serious when I say this, but you might consider a trade school instead of any university. You know what you're going to get today once they've been "turned" in the higher education system.
That's true. My oldest is quite the artist,my son I have no idea what he likes other than military stuff and blowing things up and he says he is going to the military when he turns 18.
Piper Harron
Dr. Piper Harron is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Hawaii. Harron wrote an article about how white, male professors should resign or take a demotion in order to improve diversity. Harron wrote, "If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power. That’s right, please quit. Too difficult? Well, as a first step, at least get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person." She also wrote, "What can universities do? Well, that’s easier. Stop hiring white cis men (except as needed to get/retain people who are not white cis men) until the problem goes away. If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing."
Source: Get Out The Way

Piper Harron
Well let's see now... what's the favorite thing progtards love to say when someone disagrees with them?



I don't see as there's anymore proof needed to show who the true racists are... DEMOCRATS.

There are racists in all walks of life and political persuasions, not just democrats, guaranteed.
No denying that, but the vast majority of them are democrats, guaranteed, and the vast majority of them are black.

How can you be so sure, it's not like there's been a survey done on this, I don't think. But yes, some blacks are racists. Like I said, racism isn't represented by just one group or persuasion. The most popular thing on this forum is each party accusing the other party of being racists and fascists. It really doesn't accomplish anything. Kinda childish, really.
No one in academia can claim a disadvantage to White people in either college admissions or employment. If anything, the tables have been tilted to favor minorities for at least the last 20 years.
My oldest is only 10.5 and I am already checking colleges etc no snowflake libtard colleges. She is not a christian but I am very interested in her attending Liberty University or Hillsdale College among other places. I really want them all to go to Europe for college and marry a European man or woman.

I'm serious when I say this, but you might consider a trade school instead of any university. You know what you're going to get today once they've been "turned" in the higher education system.
That's true. My oldest is quite the artist,my son I have no idea what he likes other than military stuff and blowing things up and he says he is going to the military when he turns 18.
Piper Harron
Dr. Piper Harron is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Hawaii. Harron wrote an article about how white, male professors should resign or take a demotion in order to improve diversity. Harron wrote, "If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power. That’s right, please quit. Too difficult? Well, as a first step, at least get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person." She also wrote, "What can universities do? Well, that’s easier. Stop hiring white cis men (except as needed to get/retain people who are not white cis men) until the problem goes away. If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing."
Source: Get Out The Way

Piper Harron
Well let's see now... what's the favorite thing progtards love to say when someone disagrees with them?



I don't see as there's anymore proof needed to show who the true racists are... DEMOCRATS.

There are racists in all walks of life and political persuasions, not just democrats, guaranteed.
No denying that, but the vast majority of them are democrats, guaranteed, and the vast majority of them are black.

How can you be so sure, it's not like there's been a survey done on this, I don't think. But yes, some blacks are racists. Like I said, racism isn't represented by just one group or persuasion. The most popular thing on this forum is each party accusing the other party of being racists and fascists. It really doesn't accomplish anything. Kinda childish, really.
Like I said, and the proof is in your face blatant, as illustrated in the OP, blacks are the most racist race on the planet. Nothing childish about facts.

You are looking at the very reason for the downfall of America.

Our never ending wars is certainly a bigger problem than she is.

Don't kid yourself. The ongoing threats and instability of other parts of the world are an obvious, immediate, and easy target to point your finger at. They are in the news big and bold every day. The kind of creepy, insidious, inside threat a moron like her represents is far more dangerous because it doesn't look so on the surface, the dangers are far less obvious and she has access to countless young minds with which to spread the infection of her stupidity like a virus.

For sure, political correctness has gotten pretty bad. So have our never ending wars which have cost so much we are slowly becoming a third world nation. Not able to afford decent health insurance and college tuition for the younger generation.
University Prof: ‘I Don’t Trust White People,’ They ‘Need To Lose More’

The University of Hawaii professor who wanted universities to stop hiring white men also said “I don’t trust white people” and “cis het white people need to lose more,” according to screenshots obtained Friday by The Daily Caller News Foundation.


Well isn't she a real winner, I suppose she is above everyone else. Maybe the dumb bitch can move where no whites exist.

So she wants us to be more like black people?
I think I'll pass...

You are looking at the very reason for the downfall of America.

Our never ending wars is certainly a bigger problem than she is.

Don't kid yourself. The ongoing threats and instability of other parts of the world are an obvious, immediate, and easy target to point your finger at. They are in the news big and bold every day. The kind of creepy, insidious, inside threat a moron like her represents is far more dangerous because it doesn't look so on the surface, the dangers are far less obvious and she has access to countless young minds with which to spread the infection of her stupidity like a virus.

For sure, political correctness has gotten pretty bad. So have our never ending wars which have cost so much we are slowly becoming a third world nation. Not able to afford decent health insurance and college tuition for the younger generation.

You're going on about wars and ignoring the elephant in the room. This so called educator is dangerous to impressionable minds. She's part of a huge problem in academia. It has to stop, our children deserve better
I'm serious when I say this, but you might consider a trade school instead of any university. You know what you're going to get today once they've been "turned" in the higher education system.
That's true. My oldest is quite the artist,my son I have no idea what he likes other than military stuff and blowing things up and he says he is going to the military when he turns 18.
Piper Harron
Dr. Piper Harron is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Hawaii. Harron wrote an article about how white, male professors should resign or take a demotion in order to improve diversity. Harron wrote, "If you are a white cis man (meaning you identify as male and you were assigned male at birth) you almost certainly should resign from your position of power. That’s right, please quit. Too difficult? Well, as a first step, at least get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person." She also wrote, "What can universities do? Well, that’s easier. Stop hiring white cis men (except as needed to get/retain people who are not white cis men) until the problem goes away. If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing."
Source: Get Out The Way

Piper Harron
Well let's see now... what's the favorite thing progtards love to say when someone disagrees with them?



I don't see as there's anymore proof needed to show who the true racists are... DEMOCRATS.

There are racists in all walks of life and political persuasions, not just democrats, guaranteed.
No denying that, but the vast majority of them are democrats, guaranteed, and the vast majority of them are black.

How can you be so sure, it's not like there's been a survey done on this, I don't think. But yes, some blacks are racists. Like I said, racism isn't represented by just one group or persuasion. The most popular thing on this forum is each party accusing the other party of being racists and fascists. It really doesn't accomplish anything. Kinda childish, really.
Like I said, and the proof is in your face blatant, as illustrated in the OP, blacks are the most racist race on the planet. Nothing childish about facts.

How would you know? You sound like the type of person who hasn't gotten to know too many different kinds of people.

You are looking at the very reason for the downfall of America.

Our never ending wars is certainly a bigger problem than she is.

Don't kid yourself. The ongoing threats and instability of other parts of the world are an obvious, immediate, and easy target to point your finger at. They are in the news big and bold every day. The kind of creepy, insidious, inside threat a moron like her represents is far more dangerous because it doesn't look so on the surface, the dangers are far less obvious and she has access to countless young minds with which to spread the infection of her stupidity like a virus.

For sure, political correctness has gotten pretty bad. So have our never ending wars which have cost so much we are slowly becoming a third world nation. Not able to afford decent health insurance and college tuition for the younger generation.

You're going on about wars and ignoring the elephant in the room. This so called educator is dangerous to impressionable minds. She's part of a huge problem in academia. It has to stop, our children deserve better

I'm actually agreeing with you guys on people like these political correct folks. Still, why all the wars? We can't afford it and this country is in no danger of been overtaken. Hasn't since WW2.
That's true. My oldest is quite the artist,my son I have no idea what he likes other than military stuff and blowing things up and he says he is going to the military when he turns 18.
Well let's see now... what's the favorite thing progtards love to say when someone disagrees with them?



I don't see as there's anymore proof needed to show who the true racists are... DEMOCRATS.

There are racists in all walks of life and political persuasions, not just democrats, guaranteed.
No denying that, but the vast majority of them are democrats, guaranteed, and the vast majority of them are black.

How can you be so sure, it's not like there's been a survey done on this, I don't think. But yes, some blacks are racists. Like I said, racism isn't represented by just one group or persuasion. The most popular thing on this forum is each party accusing the other party of being racists and fascists. It really doesn't accomplish anything. Kinda childish, really.
Like I said, and the proof is in your face blatant, as illustrated in the OP, blacks are the most racist race on the planet. Nothing childish about facts.

How would you know? You sound like the type of person who hasn't gotten to know too many different kinds of people.
Your insults are wasted on me, snowflake, and unless you've been living in a cave for the last 30 years you'd see the proof every day.

Your argument has about as much content as flatulence.
You are looking at the very reason for the downfall of America.

Our never ending wars is certainly a bigger problem than she is.

Don't kid yourself. The ongoing threats and instability of other parts of the world are an obvious, immediate, and easy target to point your finger at. They are in the news big and bold every day. The kind of creepy, insidious, inside threat a moron like her represents is far more dangerous because it doesn't look so on the surface, the dangers are far less obvious and she has access to countless young minds with which to spread the infection of her stupidity like a virus.

For sure, political correctness has gotten pretty bad. So have our never ending wars which have cost so much we are slowly becoming a third world nation. Not able to afford decent health insurance and college tuition for the younger generation.

You're going on about wars and ignoring the elephant in the room. This so called educator is dangerous to impressionable minds. She's part of a huge problem in academia. It has to stop, our children deserve better

I'm actually agreeing with you guys on people like these political correct folks. Still, why all the wars? We can't afford it and this country is in no danger of been overtaken. Hasn't since WW2.

This thread is about some idiot "educator" spewing racist BS. Not wars
I work with white males, some long haired liberal, some Christian with crew cuts. Sorry,I feel like Jane Goodall amongst the apes. Men are interesting animals. Hateful, loving and frightening like the weather.
As usual non-Whites reveal they are racist, racial supremacists who have inferiority complexes because Whites are better looking and smarter.

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