Universal Background Checks for guns may lead to more suicide attempts being successful...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....the anti-gun twits..........they don't care about ending actual gun violence or actually keeping people from comitting suicide....they simply hate guns......

"Universal Background Checks" May Increase Firearms Suicide - The Truth About Guns

Catch that? Universal Background Checks — laws requiring a federal background check by a federal firearms licensee for any transfer of firearms — would inhibit a family member’s (or caregiver’s) attempt to temporarily remove firearms from someone at risk of suicide.

See.......the problem is....with a required Universal Background Check, you can't just walk into a family members home and take their guns away from them if you think they are on the verge of committing suicide .....because you would now need to undergo a Universal Background Check to take possession of the freaking gun..........so you would have to get a court order....that new stupid idea the anti-gunners are pushing, in order to have the police come in and do it...........because again, if you simply take the guns from the individual, to hide them or give them to a friend and family member...just in case.....you would both now be felons........because you didn't go to a gun store and have them do a background check....

This is how fucking insane the anti gunners are....

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