Unions Gotta Go!


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
Ok --- an opinion piece!

Unions are an outdated, outmoded, crime ridden antiquity that need to be abolished. While they served a purpose oh so many years ago, all of their goals have been codified into law, and they haven't accomplished anything positive in the past 20 years,

Feel free to discuss.
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This fails as a straw man fallacy.

And how exactly do you plan on 'getting rid' of unions – you and others on the right are going run into a snag with that pesky First Amendment.

1) yes unions should be made illegal again with repeal of Wagner Act etc and others that legalized them

2) unions never did any good since they raised prices and reduced the number of jobs
Besides, the U.S. government/corporate leadership has already eliminated most labor unions. That's why wages have declined in real dollars since Reagan's regime.
Besides, the U.S. government/corporate leadership has already eliminated most labor unions. That's why wages have declined in real dollars since Reagan's regime.

dear, wages have declined because of China and India. Unions accelerate the move to China and India. See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be stupid. Is another conclusion possibe?
Ok --- an opinion piece!

Unions are an outdated, outmoded, crime ridden antiquity that need to be abolished. While they served a purpose oh so many years ago, all of their goals have been codified into law, and they haven't accomplished anything positive in the past 20 years,

Feel free to discuss.

Unions are simply a democracy in the workplace. I'm not shocked a rightie wants to get rid of it!
Ok --- an opinion piece!

Unions are an outdated, outmoded, crime ridden antiquity that need to be abolished. While they served a purpose oh so many years ago, all of their goals have been codified into law, and they haven't accomplished anything positive in the past 20 years,

Feel free to discuss.

Unions are simply a democracy in the workplace. I'm not shocked a rightie wants to get rid of it!

yes get rid of unions and get 30 million jobs back from China.
The unions and their members reactions will proably be, "Fuck you, Spare Change and Edward Baiamonte," pat you on the head and keep on walking.
Besides, the U.S. government/corporate leadership has already eliminated most labor unions. That's why wages have declined in real dollars since Reagan's regime.

dear, wages have declined because of China and India. Unions accelerate the move to China and India. See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be stupid. Is another conclusion possibe?

Right, BECAUSE of conservatives 'free trade' (like Ronnie's 'NAFTA' he announced the day he ran for Prez in 1979 and started negotiating in 1986)

IF left up to conservatives/GOPers, the US would have plenty of jobs paying $10 a day!!

The jobs lost in the recession were lost BECAUSE of Republican Policies, lies and fallacies- Can we say Trickle Down (Voodoo!) Economics? Hell, even Dubya's Dad knew that stuff was, uh, Bunk!

Now they want you to believe them when they claim they know what's best for the rest of us?
Right, BECAUSE of conservatives 'free trade's?

dear most on left and right are for free trade which is why we have it. If you are opposed please say exactly why or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to understand free trade.
Ok --- an opinion piece!

Unions are an outdated, outmoded, crime ridden antiquity that need to be abolished. While they served a purpose oh so many years ago, all of their goals have been codified into law, and they haven't accomplished anything positive in the past 20 years,

Feel free to discuss.

Unions are simply a democracy in the workplace. I'm not shocked a rightie wants to get rid of it!

yes get rid of unions and get 30 million jobs back from China.

Sure, who needs a living wage, Corps/CONS policies proved that by shipping jobs to low wage nations like China

History has shown us that having more people able to afford the necessities of life IMPROVES the economy.

The period of greatest wage equality between workers and management was also the period where this nation boomed, seeing unparalleled growth for ALL classes (yes, even for the very rich). In fact, the rich did better under policies that they are crying about now then they do under so-called job-creator policies
Edward, the jobs lost in the recession were lost BECAUSE of Republican Policies, lies and fallacies. All on the right and left know that.

If you disagree please tell us why with evidence or own up that you are a typical Mises hack who lacks the intelligence to understand economics.
The period of greatest wage equality between workers and management was also the period where this nation boomed,

bring 50 million jobs back, by eliminating liberal unions taxes deficts illegals and schools, and wages would boom again. Liberals spied for Stalin and always do the perfectly stupid thing.
Corps/CONS policies proved that by shipping jobs to low wage nations like China.

Corps/cons are against unions, highest corp taxes in world, deficits, and 20 million illegals all of which stole 50 million jobs from the USA

Got it, you'll stick with keeping your head up your ass

Highest Corp taxes? Oh you mean NOMINAL rate (which no one, if they CAN MOVE) pays? Instead the US has the LOWEST CORP TAX BURDEN IN THE US EXCEPT FOR CHILE AND MEXICO? LOL

Deficits? Oh right 90%+ of current debt (traced back to deficits) can be traced back to GOP policy's like STARVE THE BEAST started under Reagan, lowering tax revenues as the blew up Gov't spending

20 million 'illegals'? Weird, aren't they here for jobs? Wasn't the GOP in charge of Congress where laws are made for most of the past 20 years? Where was the laws the GOP passed that hit on the supporters of this, you know EMPLOYER SANCTIONS AND FINES?

Yes, Unions couldn't keep 30 million jobs in the US averaging $10 an DAY pay Corps wanted to pay, lol

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