Unions...Going The Way of Liberalism...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I have to say at the start that I am not in any way opposed to labor unions.
I've posted that before...so this OP is not any form of gloating.
The United States Constitution endorses unions.

1. "Union Membership Rate Falls to 100-Year Low

2. According to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics today, the union membership rate fell to 11.1 percent, with just 14.6 million wage and salaried workers maintaining membership.

3. The rate of union membership has been on a steady decline over the past three decades. It grew slightly from 12.1 percent in 2007 to 12.4 percent in 2008. During President Obama’s first year in office, however, it fell once more.
[Pretty much like everything else Obama had anything to do with.]

4. Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, said in a statement today that though there has been job growth over the past 58 months, many of the jobs created do not provide fair wages.

5. .... jobs are coming back as the economy slowly rebounds, but neither are nearly enough.”
[Jump right in here, Obama-apologists!]

6. [And, speaking of Obama,]...the rate of union membership for public-sector workers last year was 35.7 percent, compared to just 6.6 percent for the private sector. "Union Membership Rate Falls to 100-Year Low

7. Remember the SOTU address?
"President Obama talked at length about jobs, the minimum wage and salaries during his State of the Union speech. Here we look at some of his claims and whether they’re true or not.

Claim 1: “Our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999.”

Full-time jobs have still not recovered – the entire net employment gains since 2007 come in part-time positions. Furthermore, the Obama administration’s policies have contributed to this sluggishness.Half of small business owners cite taxes or government regulations as their single greatest problem."
Fact Checking Obama s Jobs Claims in State of the Union

8. "Claim 2: “Our unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis.”
But he neglected to mention the fact that the proportion of Americans with jobs has changed little over his presidency. The vast majority of the improving unemployment picture comes from Americans dropping out of the labor force and no longer looking for work."

9. Claim 3: “This Congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work. Really. It’s 2015. It’s time.”
Actually, Congress did pass such a law in 1963 and President John F. Kennedy signed it. "

10. Claim 5: “To everyone in this Congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise.”
This approach doesn’t work. Researchers at UC-San Diego recently released a new study through the National Bureau of Economics Research. They tracked workers for two years after the 2009 federal minimum wage hike. So how did it affect low-wage workers? Their pay dropped. While some indeed saw a pay increase, over a million more either lost or couldn’t find jobs at the new rates. In total the average earnings of low-wage workers dropped by $150 a month."

Who are the fools who voted for this fraud????
Labor unions were an answer to labor problems. As the problems receded so did the need for labor unions.
The reason the problems have receded is labor unions have coerced the government to pass laws correcting problems.
Want to keep labor unions low in membership correct problems early by law.
Other organizations use the same voting method. To use veterans as an example, the American Legion and the DAV and VFW convinced the government to improve the problems with veteran care. The VA is now making improvements.
Another way to correct problems by law is to slip a few bucks to your legislators, and they may pass a law.
Labor unions were an answer to labor problems. As the problems receded so did the need for labor unions.
The reason the problems have receded is labor unions have coerced the government to pass laws correcting problems.
Want to keep labor unions low in membership correct problems early by law.
Other organizations use the same voting method. To use veterans as an example, the American Legion and the DAV and VFW convinced the government to improve the problems with veteran care. The VA is now making improvements.
Another way to correct problems by law is to slip a few bucks to your legislators, and they may pass a law.

As can be seen in the OP, the most immanent problem is the current administration.
Labor unions were an answer to labor problems.
too 100% stupid of course!! Using govt to violently raise your wage while other non-union workers who earn less have to pay for it with higher prices is evil and liberal. Unions just shipped 40 million American jobs off-shore. Unions should be made illegal again to bring those 40 million jobs back and dramatically raise American wages.

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