Unhappy ending: Adele Biton passed away

I remember everything," Adva Biton recalled Friday. "We were at my mother's house for an hour and a half drinking wine. After we left, about 100-200 meters from Ariel, I saw a truck in front of me. Within one second I heard a boom. Everything turned dark, I couldn't see a thing.

Mother of girl hurt in Samaria recounts attack - Israel News Ynetnews
A Zionist drunk driver who blames her daughter's death on Palestinians because of their skin color. Classy

Again, you say she was drunk, but bring nothing to support this.

How can you be taken seriously.
And any Palestinian child will probably grow up to bomb Israeli restaurant, so lets kill them all to the last, so they won't kill shoot and maim and bomb and stab families in their sleep (AKA the Fogels)

That's the same logic. And it's an insane and absurd one.

And your conclusion is disgusting. I don't think any child killed is better then other. I don't wish for any kid to die. I hope you don't have kids yourself.
How many kids do you have. Probably twenty, like all those butt ugly hasidic women have, right? Deliberately overproducing offspring so that you can outnumber the Palestinians in their own territory. YOU people are the ones who have no respect for children.

Can you sound more hateful? I think the line wasn't crossed enough.

Our discussion ends here.
Hateful? Wanting the Palestinians to be able to live in peace, and to have their rightful land back, is not hateful at all.

I am not calling for genocide. The Jews can go to where they originally came from, such as Russia, the USA, or Germany. The Palestinians have nowhere to go unless they reclaim their homes.

Yes, you're hateful. Read your own posts before you press the "post reply" button, and think for a minute how they look from a different prespective.
You mean the perspective of Palestinian children seeing their friends killed by Israeli carpet bombing. The Palestinian father who wonders how he will feed his children after Israeli settlers chased him off his land. The Palestinian woman in prison for no reason by "suspicions of terrorism," awaiting being tortured into confessing? Yeah. That.

And Israeli children don't die? they don't feel? Why should Palestinian blood spilled matter to me more than Israeli blood, when my own lands were taken by Palestinians, by force? Why is their side more honored than the Jewish one?
I remember everything," Adva Biton recalled Friday. "We were at my mother's house for an hour and a half drinking wine. After we left, about 100-200 meters from Ariel, I saw a truck in front of me. Within one second I heard a boom. Everything turned dark, I couldn't see a thing.

Mother of girl hurt in Samaria recounts attack - Israel News Ynetnews
A Zionist drunk driver who blames her daughter's death on Palestinians because of their skin color. Classy

Every child's life is precious - whether it's Jewish or Palestinian. No one knows whether that life might have become a doctor, a teacher, a mother, a father, or a thug.

There was no evidence that the driver was drunk.

Adele was strapped in a carseat.

The accident was caused when a truck, hit by a stone, swerved into a their vehicle
I guess the alcohol in the mother's blood was a Hezbollah insurgent!

Or maybe the illness the child died from recently was an Iranian secret agent.

Fucking kikes, seeing enemies all over when they are the true enemies of world peace.
Lipush, why would you even bother responding to fanger? You, as well as the rest of us knows that he's nothing but a Jew hating troll. He's obviously trying to bait you with his posts.
Adele Biton, the Israeli child that was badly hurt after Palestinians stoned her mother's car, passed away hours ago due to pneumonia.

Blessed be her memory.

but rocks are not weapons....and Israel should not arrest those that use rocks to attack Israelis.
Adele Biton, the Israeli child that was badly hurt after Palestinians stoned her mother's car, passed away hours ago due to pneumonia.

Blessed be her memory.

but rocks are not weapons....and Israel should not arrest those that use rocks to attack Israelis.

I have no problem if they choose to arrest rock throwers as long as rock throwers are treated equally and Israeli rock throwers are arrested along with Palestinian rockthrowers and subject to the same penalties.
She ran into the back of a truck, "The truck was hit by the first barrage of stones and was forced to brake. I found myself under it."

Mother of girl hurt in Samaria recounts attack - Israel News Ynetnews
If only instead of a baby being killed, Netanyahu was in the car. Or any pig Israeli soldier for that matter. Or any fucking zionist sympathizers such as Coyote or Lipush

Threatening forum members with death or wishing other posters to die is against regulations. Don't you read?
From what I heard, the mother was driving irresponsibly. Maybe even drunk, although the biased islamophobic media would never show that.

In any case, her death does not even equal ONE palestinian child targeted for elimination by the Israeli Air Force death squads

Can you prove that claim from a non partisan source ?

Of course you cant, you are just spouting ISLAMONZI BLOOD LIBELS
Adele Biton, the Israeli child that was badly hurt after Palestinians stoned her mother's car, passed away hours ago due to pneumonia.

Blessed be her memory.

but rocks are not weapons....and Israel should not arrest those that use rocks to attack Israelis.

I have no problem if they choose to arrest rock throwers as long as rock throwers are treated equally and Israeli rock throwers are arrested along with Palestinian rockthrowers and subject to the same penalties.

The evidence says they are, so what is your point. The people who murdered that Palestinian boy are still on remand awaiting trial, yet you complain when the Israeli's try to arrest Palestinians that murder Israeli children WHY?
I remember everything," Adva Biton recalled Friday. "We were at my mother's house for an hour and a half drinking wine. After we left, about 100-200 meters from Ariel, I saw a truck in front of me. Within one second I heard a boom. Everything turned dark, I couldn't see a thing.

Mother of girl hurt in Samaria recounts attack - Israel News Ynetnews
A Zionist drunk driver who blames her daughter's death on Palestinians because of their skin color. Classy

PROOF SHE WAS DRUNK, she could have had 1 small glass.
Maybe the pneumonia that killed the child was an anti-Semitic, terrorist form of virus, oy vey

Or was caused by one of Hamas's many biological weapons that they are noted for using............ INSH ALLAH
The child died of pneumonia, sad but thats life

Meanwhile, hundreds of Palestinian children died of bombings, or starvation caused by Israeli blockades. sad, and something that is NOT a part of a normal life

No one in Palestine has ever died of starvation unless they have been arrested by hamas and thrown down a well. If hamas stopped using civilian areas for war then no civilians would be hurt. After all nearly 50% of gaza is open space and they can fire rockets and mortars from there much easier
Nothing sexual... don't even think about it.

I have a lot of faults but being a pervert is not one of them.

But tell me if she's not a cute little doll...

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