"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

Why is there never a SERIOUS dialog about the REALITY of how to stop these mass shootings and instead all it ever leads to is more restrictions against the Law Abiding and more loss of Constitutional Rights ?? Why isn't the LEFT being held accountable for all the horrendous polices they promote that clearly lead to these horrific incidences? Such as the Left's attack on the family unit. The removal of CHRISTIAN values from schools. The promotion of violence through video games, Hollywood and social media?

WHY ????

I offer because saving lives IS NOT the priority. The priority IS THE AGENDA of dissolving the 2nd Amendment.
Too bad the procedure had not been to arm trained teachers so they could have a fighting chance like many had suggested.
It seems murderous people who have been screwed up by the Left will continue to find guns one way or the other.
There seems to be no serious dialog about the reality of stopping these mass murders, only taking away the 2ND from law abiding citizens.
If you're going to say hand guns would do no good in a situation like this then you are completely inadequate to speak of tactical operations.

At the very least, 3 or 4 armed teachers with handguns would have been able to pin this murderer down until SWAT arrived.
This tragedy was 100% avoidable and it seems there are too many coincidences for intelligent people to ignore at this point.
These mass shootings are being FACILITATED.
Perhaps there's a reason the Establishment fought tooth and nail to prevent teachers from being armed.....maybe these mass killing are just tools to be used in pursuit of an agenda.
It all makes sense unless you're either too stupid or too much a boot kisser to see the obvious.

It never fails. Uninformed nitwits latch on to some simplistic notion then repeat it endlessly, so convinced they are of how "brilliant" it is. And now this thread seems poised to descend into conspiracy theory pointlessness. Same pattern, different topic.
"Where was that [Uvalde Police Department] S.W.A.T. team in the hour while they were waiting for the Border Patrol tactical team to come?" he asked. "It's really just unfathomable, and law enforcement officials who are watching this across the country, as Tom Winter said earlier on the air, are aghast at what happened here."

"Ms. Gomez, a farm supervisor, said that she was one of numerous parents who began encouraging—first politely, and then with more urgency—police and other law enforcement to enter the school. After a few minutes, she said, federal marshals approached her and put her in handcuffs, telling her she was being arrested for intervening in an active investigation," the newspaper reported. "Ms. Gomez convinced local Uvalde police officers whom she knew to persuade the marshals to set her free. Around her, the scene was frantic. She said she saw a father tackled and thrown to the ground by police and a third pepper-sprayed. Once freed from her cuffs, Ms. Gomez made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fence, and ran inside to grab her two children. She sprinted out of the school with them."

Defund the police? You god damn right. Worthless fucks.

The Teachers Put Their Lives On The Line To Protect The Kids, When The Police Wouldn't

Remember That The Next Time We're Discussing Who To Fund
This is BECAUSE of defund the police...lol

All the good cops got out of law enforcement. Because of that, the standards had to lowered.

We've been telling y'all for years that the cops can't save you and that's why gun ownership is so important.
Here's one of them threatening a parent outside of the school with a taser.
View attachment 650144

Look at this fuck. He's got the glasses. The tactical vest. The gun he apparently only uses at the range, and a taser for concerned parents crying for their children being killed.

He's got everything except a pair of balls, and back bone.
Those parents needed their own AR-15s, so they could go on the attack and take out the shooter. Right?
You seem to have you head up your ass. Nothing you post is based in reality. The children are being murdered by guns in their schools by other youths.

Your ignorance goes beyond this belief ^^^, the Democrats are blocked by McConnell and his bitches to support children.
They're being murdered by wackjobs who stroll right through unlocked doors. Why weren't the fucking doors locked?
Perfection no, a basic competency level yes. A basic courage level yes.

I have even heard reports that the police barricade him in the room to contain him till the SWAT guys showed up
I get it if a cop doesn't risk his life to save gangsters being shot by other gangsters. But, one's personal sense of honor should be motivation enough to risk it all to save a bunch of kids.
It never fails. Uninformed nitwits latch on to some simplistic notion then repeat it endlessly, so convinced they are of how "brilliant" it is. And now this thread seems poised to descend into conspiracy theory pointlessness. Same pattern, different topic.
Somehwat OT but as you are living in the education environment, what suggestions would you make? (this is not a criticism).

The nearby elementary, Jr. and High school have many of the recommendations for hardening already. One primary entrance. The others are one way crash doors. There is a secure primary entrance with hardened bullet resistant entryway, where after start, visitors have to be let in (else they are stuck outside the secured way). Police response is extremely fast (as the wife's ex husband found out), as there is a police unit either on campus or fluttering between them (all exist within one mile of each other). That unit responds immediately while the nearby station rolls more units to a problem.
Here is how a leftist democrat thinks of America wish them disaster and fling hate onto elected officials who has nothing to do with it.

You are disgusting.
Apparently Cruz and all GOP Senators are required to be licensed to operate and repair power plants as well as be able to crawl up and down repairing downed power lines and stuff, at least according to that moron. Meanwhile all that is required of Democrat Senators is that they be doped up faggots and criminals.
The officers should have CONTINUED to keep the killer occupied that would have allow the victims a better change to flee the place but noooo they move away allowing the killer to concentrate on shooting people in the building.

They should be FIRED!

WEll, they had him barricaded in a room, and they had no means of forcing entry without as far as the they knew killing more kids in the process. Uvalde has about 16,000 residents, is out in the middle of nowhere, nd is not a rich town, so the tax base doesn't allow for 500 armored tac and SWAT teams hanging around ready to parachute in at a moment's notice, and the shooting had stopped after a few minutes, so they waited on the nearest tac trained officers to arrive, which happened to be border patrol officers who were some distance away.

I think you should sober up and stay away from the cheap booze for a while.
WEll, they had him barricaded in a room, and they had no means of forcing entry without as far as the they knew killing more kids in the process. Uvalde has about 16,000 residents, is out in the middle of nowhere, nd is not a rich town, so the tax base doesn't allow for 500 armored tac and SWAT teams hanging around ready to parachute in at a moment's notice, and the shooting had stopped after a few minutes, so they waited on the nearest tac trained officers to arrive, which happened to be border patrol officers who were some distance away.

I think you should sober up and stay away from the cheap booze for a while.

They don't have tear gas or other simple distractions such as rocks when they can shoot through the classroom windows?

I don't drink alcohol fella not even a drop.
They don't have tear gas or other simple distractions such as rocks when they can shoot through the classroom windows?

I don't drink alcohol fella not even a drop.

They have very little, and they pay very little as well. Most officers in that entire region probably have to buy their own gear. It ain't New York or Dallas, it's a small agricultural town with a small tax base.

And if they had done that stuff that works for movie and TV cops they might have just scared the loon into shooting even more kids. Once he was barricaded in it was going to be a matter of blowing open rushing the door; that's why those tac guys wear that armor and they run in line behind the lead guy with a shield.
They have very little, and they pay very little as well. Most officers in that entire region probably have to buy their own gear. It ain't New York or Dallas, it's a small agricultural town with a small tax base.

And if they had done that stuff that works for movie and TV cops they might have just scared the loon into shooting even more kids.
If they can afford a 90 + dollar Belt Buckle and a 185. 00 Hat they can purchase a 375.00 Level IIIA vest

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