Unemployment Funding: Which Is The Party of No?

Bunning does want it funded.
The democrats don't want it funded, they want to put it on credit. Can you differentiate the difference?

Didn't Bunning vote against PAYGO?

What does it matter? It's the law now. And didn't Reid vote FOR PAYGO?

It matters because when you rail against something not being done that you didn't want done in the first place you look like a fucking moron.
I liked Reid's answer though.

When addressing the issue of Bunning, he said, "Where was Senator Bunning when the Republicans were running up the debt and voting no to PayGo?"

That was a WTF moment if ever I heard one. So, now Dirty Harry stands on his principle of supporting PayGo only when Republicans stop being hypocrites. Until then, he'll be one too?
Hooray for Bunning. May he continue to pull these kinds of tricks. The more the better. Shut down the whole government the way Gingrinch tried to do. Yessirreee........ go, Bunning, go!

some of you libbies are such emotional faggots.......
Didn't Bunning vote against PAYGO?

What does it matter? It's the law now. And didn't Reid vote FOR PAYGO?

It matters because when you rail against something not being done that you didn't want done in the first place you look like a fucking moron.

Isn't Bunning holding them to the letter of the law that they passed, regardless?
I think he's showing them why he voted no on the bill, and holding them accountable for their actions in voting for the bill. It does make sense to me, how about you?
The only ones that look like morons, are the ones voting for it

The libs are actually complaining that it should be paid for rather than added to the Uncle Sam credit card.

May G-D help this country.
I liked Reid's answer though.

When addressing the issue of Bunning, he said, "Where was Senator Bunning when the Republicans were running up the debt and voting no to PayGo?"

That was a WTF moment if ever I heard one. So, now Dirty Harry stands on his principle of supporting PayGo only when Republicans stop being hypocrites. Until then, he'll be one too?

I'm amazed at how many of you continue to believe that there is one party that is less hypocritical than the other.
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Hooray for Bunning. May he continue to pull these kinds of tricks. The more the better. Shut down the whole government the way Gingrinch tried to do. Yessirreee........ go, Bunning, go!

So you are ok with Congress ignoring the Paygo bill that was just signed?
This Senator Bunning should resign for his own good. People are hurting, and he wants to block funding, talk about political suicide for the Republican party.!!

Wrong, he wants the money to come from a place where there is actually money such as the stimulus. The left just can't tell the whole story simply because it would prove how inept the politicians truly are. Bunning was only asking for them to follow the Paygo bill they just signed. I guess we can always keep printing money and raising taxes.
This is all a non - issue.

The legislation is to extend unemployment benefits by one month.

The bigger question is permanent unemployment insurance.
Didn't Bunning vote against PAYGO?

What does it matter? It's the law now. And didn't Reid vote FOR PAYGO?

It matters because when you rail against something not being done that you didn't want done in the first place you look like a fucking moron.

I can't imagine how you guys thought you were going to get any mileage out of the fact that Bunning didn't vote for PayGo. It's ridiculous.

Dingy Harry stood on the floor yesterday, hurling an under-handed accusation of hypocrisy at Bunning for supporting a rule that had been established... BY DINGY HARRY. :eusa_shhh:

So.. what's worse really? Upholding a rule, even though you didn't want it? Or ignoring a rule that you insisted upon establishing?

PayGo was nothing but a political stunt, where Democrats attempted to steal some street-cred on fiscal responsibility that they had no intention of actually EARNING.
bunning just caved...so the headline said...

If that's true then Bunning is a tool-bag bitch now in my book.
If your not willing to stand for whats right regardless of the political fallout then your a useless politican who should not be re-elected.


I think Bunning had stated he isn't going for re-election.
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So Bunning, knowing his political career is over, finally found his conscience? This is just the most startling and recent example of the gross dysfunction in Washington.

It's too little, too late.

Reelect no one, kick them all to the curb.
bunning just caved...so the headline said...

If that's true then Bunning is a tool-bag bitch now in my book.
If your not willing to stand for whats right regardless of the political fallout then your a useless politican who should not be re-elected.


Bunning Backs Off; Senate Passes Unemployment Extension - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville

i hope he doesn't get re-elected after reading that.

thanks care.
You right wing scum bags are like dogs chasing their tails. No matter how you spin, it's always the same story...punishment for the people that can least afford to be cut off or sent home from WORK without pay...it's never big defense contractors that have been caught numerous times defraud the government out of $billions or people like the almighty Senator from Kentucky who runs a scam operation to steal a hundred thousands of dollars a year with a phony corporation paying himself to signing his OWN autograph.

Suddenly the almighty Senator found a conscience...something he never found before in all his years in Washington, when he voted all of Bush's unfunded spending or Bush's tax cuts that cost Americans TWICE as much as the proposed health care reform.

A representative government relies on informed citizenry... as Albert Camus said, "It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners."

And a large segment of our population JUMP in line to put their mouth over the gas pipe.

Try not get over emotional about it, Bf. Some of us would just like them to do what they are supposed to to..... find the fucking money before they spend it! Not hard. They've increased the fucking debt enough.

And, since the taxpayer don't pay private sector pay, your stupid rant about big defense companies just makes you look dumb.

REALLY? Who do you think pays for defense contracts...the tooth fairy?

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