Unemployment falls to 7%


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Great news

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

Has the job market finally hit its stride? Hiring continued at a solid pace in November, and the unemployment rate fell for the right reasons.
The U.S. economy added 203,000 jobs in November. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted payroll gains of 183,000 jobs.

The unemployment rate fell to 7.0% -- the lowest level since November 2008, as more people said they got jobs and joined the labor force.

This is encouraging news for the 11 million Americans who remain unemployed. The job market has been improving for three years now, but at a frustratingly slow pace.
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This is as true as obama never having met his uncle. In 3-4 months the figures will be revised and we might get some semblance of what the real rate is. But, with a presidunce as desperate as obama is, and with all the lying he does, that's doubtful.
Seasonal hiring, nothing more. After New Years it'll be right back in the toilet.
Great news

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

Has the job market finally hit its stride? Hiring continued at a solid pace in November, and the unemployment rate fell for the right reasons.
The U.S. economy added 203,000 jobs in November. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted payroll gains of 183,000 jobs.

The unemployment rate fell to 7.0% -- the lowest level since November 2008, as more people said they got jobs and joined the labor force.

This is encouraging news for the 11 million Americans who remain unemployed. The job market has been improving for three years now, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you
Great news

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

Has the job market finally hit its stride? Hiring continued at a solid pace in November, and the unemployment rate fell for the right reasons.
The U.S. economy added 203,000 jobs in November. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted payroll gains of 183,000 jobs.

The unemployment rate fell to 7.0% -- the lowest level since November 2008, as more people said they got jobs and joined the labor force.

This is encouraging news for the 11 million Americans who remain unemployed. The job market has been improving for three years now, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you

Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail
Great news

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

Has the job market finally hit its stride? Hiring continued at a solid pace in November, and the unemployment rate fell for the right reasons.
The U.S. economy added 203,000 jobs in November. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted payroll gains of 183,000 jobs.

The unemployment rate fell to 7.0% -- the lowest level since November 2008, as more people said they got jobs and joined the labor force.

This is encouraging news for the 11 million Americans who remain unemployed. The job market has been improving for three years now, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you

Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

So you want to double down on stupid?
Seasonal hiring, nothing more. After New Years it'll be right back in the toilet.

Seasonal hiring?

Was the unemployment rate 7% in November 2012 also?
Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you

Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

So you want to double down on stupid?

Can we talk yesterdays quarterly GDP numbers now?


According to a release from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, third quarter real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at a rate of 3.6%, up from the BEA’s initial estimate of a 2.8% growth rate and higher than economist predictions of 3.1%. This is also an increase over second quarter GDP growth, which increased at a rate of 2.5%.

The economy must fail.......repeat......the economy must fail
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Seasonal hiring, nothing more. After New Years it'll be right back in the toilet.

Seasonal hiring?

Was the unemployment rate 7% in November 2012 also?

Was it? You're the one here pretending seasonal hiring is somehow a new, permanent employment boom.

See how many people are responding to this B.S.? They know the truth and know it's not worth it to argue with an idiot about it.

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Great news

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

Has the job market finally hit its stride? Hiring continued at a solid pace in November, and the unemployment rate fell for the right reasons.
The U.S. economy added 203,000 jobs in November. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted payroll gains of 183,000 jobs.

The unemployment rate fell to 7.0% -- the lowest level since November 2008, as more people said they got jobs and joined the labor force.

This is encouraging news for the 11 million Americans who remain unemployed. The job market has been improving for three years now, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you

Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

I am not saying it has not improved whatsoever...I also know - you know - I am not saying that. That is the problem when you are not an idiot. Idiots get dismissed easily, you are not one. You are just posting this to stir the pot.
It is not 7.2% and you know it.
And never mind unemployment. Underemployment is a bigger problem. It is at pandemic levels and no one even talks about it. Hell you make threads about it.
As well as the Part-Time to Full-Time ratio - horrible. As well as hour cuts across the entire service industry.
This unemployment number is almost meaningless.
Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you

Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

I am not saying it has not improved whatsoever...I also know - you know - I am not saying that. That is the problem when you are not an idiot. Idiots get dismissed easily, you are not one. You are just posting this to stir the pot.
It is not 7.2% and you know it.
And never mind unemployment. Underemployment is a bigger problem. It is at pandemic levels and no one even talks about it. Hell you make threads about it.
As well as the Part-Time to Full-Time ratio - horrible. As well as hour cuts across the entire service industry.
This unemployment number is almost meaningless.
You're giving that hack far too much credit.
Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you

Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

I am not saying it has not improved whatsoever...I also know - you know - I am not saying that. That is the problem when you are not an idiot. Idiots get dismissed easily, you are not one. You are just posting this to stir the pot.
It is not 7.2% and you know it.
And never mind unemployment. Underemployment is a bigger problem. It is at pandemic levels and no one even talks about it. Hell you make threads about it.
As well as the Part-Time to Full-Time ratio - horrible. As well as hour cuts across the entire service industry.
This unemployment number is almost meaningless.

I never said unemployment was at 7.2%, I said it was at 7.0% down almost a full percent in the last year.

As to your underemployment concern:

For example, professional and business services added 35,000 jobs; the transportation and warehousing sector added 30,500 jobs, and health care added 28,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, manufacturers hired 27,000 workers and construction companies hired 17,000.
"This year started off lopsided -- low quality jobs were growing, but only in the last few months, the high quality jobs are coming back too," said Rajeev Dhawan, director of the Economic Forecasting Center at Georgia State University.

Merry Christmas to all
I will give you these pieces of not-so-reported news that you may not be aware of. Why is the economy coming back? Last month the Mexican state oil company signed a several BILLION dollar deal with a company with the stock ticker symbol of LNG (look it up). This company has been building a Liquid Natural Gas EXPORT facility in Louisiana. The company will ship the gas from fields via pipeline to a plant in Louisiana where it will be transformed into a liquid. Then it will go from the US to Mexico via specially designed ships that are going to be built in Alabama. Where are we getting the natural gas? Fracking old fields ON PRIVATE LANDS (some in Pennsylvania) are making the US a net EXPORTER of energy despite attempts to stop it from Washington. Look at their share price over the last year and see what is quietly happening.

Another company with the stock ticker symbol of CBI (Chicago Bridge and Iron) just got a several BILLION dollar deal to build an export terminal on the gulf coast for LNG and Oil. Where is the oil coming from? PRIVATE LANDS that are in an oil field long thought to be dry in west Texas and the panhandle of Oklahoma are being opened up by oil companies using fracking. This oil is going to travel a pipeline constructed by the states of Texas and Oklahoma despite attempts to slow it down by Washington. But our two governors, Fallin and Perry told Washington to go stick it and built it anyway.

You know why the economy is coming back? Despite Washington doing their best impression of a roadblock, states are doing what they can to move ahead. If Barry and his cronies would get the hell out of the way and let the Keystone XL pipeline be built across the Canadian border, you'd see even more progression. But that wouldn't please the OWS crowd at all.

Middle class families making a living wage welding and doing other work is just not the 'progressive' dream, is it?
Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

I am not saying it has not improved whatsoever...I also know - you know - I am not saying that. That is the problem when you are not an idiot. Idiots get dismissed easily, you are not one. You are just posting this to stir the pot.
It is not 7.2% and you know it.
And never mind unemployment. Underemployment is a bigger problem. It is at pandemic levels and no one even talks about it. Hell you make threads about it.
As well as the Part-Time to Full-Time ratio - horrible. As well as hour cuts across the entire service industry.
This unemployment number is almost meaningless.
You're giving that hack far too much credit.

Just pisses me off to see smart people make dishonest threads.
We all expect it from the sheep on both sides...this would be a boring circle jerk forum without opinions from both sides. Honest opinions.
RWngr is not dumb. I use to give credit to Sallow, but he is such an obvious sock that I gave up on him.
We need honest debate...not empty rhetoric like this thread.
...7.0% down almost a full percent in the last year...
--and since last year the number of people aged 15-64 without jobs has fallen by 240,000.

That's almost a half-percent drop.
I am not saying it has not improved whatsoever...I also know - you know - I am not saying that. That is the problem when you are not an idiot. Idiots get dismissed easily, you are not one. You are just posting this to stir the pot.
It is not 7.2% and you know it.
And never mind unemployment. Underemployment is a bigger problem. It is at pandemic levels and no one even talks about it. Hell you make threads about it.
As well as the Part-Time to Full-Time ratio - horrible. As well as hour cuts across the entire service industry.
This unemployment number is almost meaningless.
You're giving that hack far too much credit.

Just pisses me off to see smart people make dishonest threads.
We all expect it from the sheep on both sides...this would be a boring circle jerk forum without opinions from both sides. Honest opinions.
RWngr is not dumb. I use to give credit to Sallow, but he is such an obvious sock that I gave up on him.
We need honest debate...not empty rhetoric like this thread.

What is dishonest about posting recently released unemployment numbers?

The fact that you don't like them?
I am not saying it has not improved whatsoever...I also know - you know - I am not saying that. That is the problem when you are not an idiot. Idiots get dismissed easily, you are not one. You are just posting this to stir the pot.
It is not 7.2% and you know it.
And never mind unemployment. Underemployment is a bigger problem. It is at pandemic levels and no one even talks about it. Hell you make threads about it.
As well as the Part-Time to Full-Time ratio - horrible. As well as hour cuts across the entire service industry.
This unemployment number is almost meaningless.
You're giving that hack far too much credit.

Just pisses me off to see smart people make dishonest threads.
We all expect it from the sheep on both sides...this would be a boring circle jerk forum without opinions from both sides. Honest opinions.
RWngr is not dumb. I use to give credit to Sallow, but he is such an obvious sock that I gave up on him.
We need honest debate...not empty rhetoric like this thread.
So, let me understand this. You say the ue rate is not valid because it misses various non working folks, etc. Are you suggesting that prior ue numbers, over the past 50 years, for instance, are different to some great degree??

They were not. The number is the number, and it is relative to prior ue numbers provided over the years. It is a good comparitive number. If the ue rate is lower today than it was two years ago, then unemployment is lower by very very close to that amount.

Relative to part time work, you need to provide a source. I have looked and find that authoritative sources say that part time work is not that much different than it has been over the years. Greater, yes, but not by a great deal.

I rather suspect that you are just hoping for bad numbers. Because the numbers we now have are simply GOOD. It does not project what will happen in the future. But it is better than we thought.

And, had you not noticed, the dow is hitting new all time highs. I have never seen a time when that has happened and the ue rate has not improved. It is simply taking longer this time than ever before.

There are problems with our employment picture. But it has to do with issues that are not being talked about here. Things such as moving production offshore. And such as automation. So, we should be glad to see lower ue numbers, and discussing how to make the jobs better and the ue rate lower.
You're giving that hack far too much credit.

Just pisses me off to see smart people make dishonest threads.
We all expect it from the sheep on both sides...this would be a boring circle jerk forum without opinions from both sides. Honest opinions.
RWngr is not dumb. I use to give credit to Sallow, but he is such an obvious sock that I gave up on him.
We need honest debate...not empty rhetoric like this thread.
So, let me understand this. You say the ue rate is not valid because it misses various non working folks, etc. Are you suggesting that prior ue numbers, over the past 50 years, for instance, are different to some great degree??

They were not. The number is the number, and it is relative to prior ue numbers provided over the years. It is a good comparitive number. If the ue rate is lower today than it was two years ago, then unemployment is lower by very very close to that amount.

Relative to part time work, you need to provide a source. I have looked and find that authoritative sources say that part time work is not that much different than it has been over the years. Greater, yes, but not by a great deal.

I rather suspect that you are just hoping for bad numbers. Because the numbers we now have are simply GOOD. It does not project what will happen in the future. But it is better than we thought.

And, had you not noticed, the dow is hitting new all time highs. I have never seen a time when that has happened and the ue rate has not improved. It is simply taking longer this time than ever before.

There are problems with our employment picture. But it has to do with issues that are not being talked about here. Things such as moving production offshore. And such as automation. So, we should be glad to see lower ue numbers, and discussing how to make the jobs better and the ue rate lower.

My point is the ue # is a small indicator of the current economic conditions. It does not project the true image.
Full time to Part time ratio.
Look at the chart expat just posted above...it has been 5 YEARS. At this rate it will take 15 more just to get to pre-recession levels.
Declining hours among part-time jobs.
Companies giving reduced/no wage increases.
Top 7% earners have seen a 28% increase in earnings...the rest...-5%.
The slowly but surely complete corporate takeover of all industries.
Off shoring labor
Technology replacing employees.
On and on...no one is addressing these issues. Instead, we buy up bonds to the tune of $85 bn a month to help Wall Street maintain their ludicrous charade.

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