Unemployment down to 6.6%

What's most awesome about stats like this is that the entire media machine shows their patriotism by never questioning how the numbers are actually calculated. Top of the hour news, from radio to tv to yahoo will all carry the same headline.

It's so awesome to live in these times.

But the numbers have always been calculated this way, or at least since the 1980's, when Ronnie Ray-Gun tried to create a false drop in Unemployment by counting military people in the number, which hadn't been done before.

Incidently, the "Real" number that includes discouraged and underemployed number also went down. And the labor participation rate went up. All this DESPITE cold weather supressing new hiring.

All that said, yeah, we have real employment problems, but somehow, I don't think the GOP suddenly cares about working people, given their policies of the last 30 years.

Weak minded (two words, not one) involves thinking that a 6.6% unemployment rate is a good thing despite so many people beginning to give up on searching for work. I gave up a long time ago. Climate change is real, the man-made aspect is a hoax. It is impossible to believe we as a human race have more impact on our planet than oh say, the planet itself does. On another note, our yearly budget deficits are indeed going down, but our overall debt is increasing! To say we are reducing the deficit but not the debt is like pouring a bucket of water into the sea! Another thing is that it's funny you tout the man as pro-capitalism, when you and he go about bandying your "99%" nonsense.

You're kidding, right?

Wait a minute, because YOU gave up, that's a condemnation on the whole system?


In other posts, you claimed that you gave up working because your untreated bi-polar disorder made it impossible for you to hold down a job.

So which is it?
So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?

How many of those people are dropping out of the workforce because of retirement?
So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?

How many of those people are dropping out of the workforce because of retirement?

If its due to retirement the conclusion is clear....

Business are not backfilling because they can't afford to as they assume the tremendous burden of the ACA behemoth

So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?

How many of those people are dropping out of the workforce because of retirement?

If its due to retirement the conclusion is clear....

Business are not backfilling because they can't afford to as they assume the tremendous burden of the ACA behemoth


There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that business is NOT investing in it's workers. It is NOT because they choose not to. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Business is TERRIFIED of OBarry and his marxist philosophies' so; they are hoarding hundreds of billions of dollars - just waiting for the end of this clown's term.

Look for the employer mandate to kick in in 2014 and millions being dropped from their employers insurance. It's going to happen and Obarry will make excuse after excuse and point all of his fingers in the wrong direction. Just as he always does.

The "Marxist-In-Chief" has made it crystal clear, from the day he took office, that he despises the business community and would love to see government "take over" in this country. I fail to understand how the left can "blame" the business community for "hunkering down" when their savior has made no bones about his hatred for all things "capitalist" and his desire to destroy them.
So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?

discouraged workers (number)

in dec 2013: 917.000
in jan 2014: 837.000

interpretation by templedork:

in the last 2 months 1.754.000 workers leave the workforce.

at an alarming rate :eek:
So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?

How many of those people are dropping out of the workforce because of retirement?

If its due to retirement the conclusion is clear....

Business are not backfilling because they can't afford to as they assume the tremendous burden of the ACA behemoth


Or they are just assholes trying to squeeze the last bit of profitability out of their overworked employees.

Seriously, conservatism has morphed into Stockholm Syndrome. YOu are all sympathizing with your abusers.
There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that business is NOT investing in it's workers. It is NOT because they choose not to. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Business is TERRIFIED of OBarry and his marxist philosophies' so; they are hoarding hundreds of billions of dollars - just waiting for the end of this clown's term.

Look for the employer mandate to kick in in 2014 and millions being dropped from their employers insurance. It's going to happen and Obarry will make excuse after excuse and point all of his fingers in the wrong direction. Just as he always does.

The "Marxist-In-Chief" has made it crystal clear, from the day he took office, that he despises the business community and would love to see government "take over" in this country. I fail to understand how the left can "blame" the business community for "hunkering down" when their savior has made no bones about his hatred for all things "capitalist" and his desire to destroy them.

The business community was fucking over working people long before Obama got there.

It's why Obama got there to start with.

It's why someone like myself who voted Republican every election since 1980 finally said "enough" and voted for a Democrat last time.

The employers and the private sector were the ones who insisted up and down we shouldn't have a Canadian style system of single payer, and now they are whining because we gave them what they wanted?

So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?
You should check your math.
Labor force:
November 155,264,000
December 154,937,000
January 155,460,000
So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?


When I look at the BLS stats, I see a decrease of 80,000 discouraged folks. Where on Earth are you looking that you see an increase of 1,754,000???
This is now...

Weak minded (two words, not one) involves thinking that a 6.6% unemployment rate is a good thing despite so many people beginning to give up on searching for work. I gave up a long time ago.

That was then...

I would get a job, but I have a higher charge to fill. Taking care of my sickly grandmother. She isn't well and I must be at her side constantly. You all want to know why I'm unemployed? That's why.

So despite your attempt to paint the job market as one in dire straits where it's so hard to find a job that many, such as yourself, simply give up looking -- the truth is that you are choosing not to work. You are not alone. The vast majority of those who have fallen into thd BLS's category of not in the labor force , such as yourself, choose not to work. Of the 92 million who are not in the labor force, only 6 million want a job now. Yet it's the 92 million number which is driving down the labor force participation rate.

How fucking hypocritical are you to contribute to the drop in the labor force participation rate because you choose not to work -- but then whine about how the labor force participation rate is dropping under Obama?
So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?

discouraged workers (number)

in dec 2013: 917.000
in jan 2014: 837.000

interpretation by templedork:

in the last 2 months 1.754.000 workers leave the workforce.

at an alarming rate :eek:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That's how he derived that figure?? He thinks that number is cumulative???

Do you really believe that unemployment is only 6.6%? If you do, you're nuts. With all of the people who have dropped out of even looking for a job unemployment is actually over 10%. More Democratic cooking of the books...
Do you really believe that unemployment is only 6.6%? If you do, you're nuts. With all of the people who have dropped out of even looking for a job unemployment is actually over 10%. More Democratic cooking of the books...
The Right just makes this shit up!

The U-4 rate, which includes discouraged workers who have dropped out of the labor force is 7.1%
So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?

discouraged workers (number)

in dec 2013: 917.000
in jan 2014: 837.000

interpretation by templedork:

in the last 2 months 1.754.000 workers leave the workforce.

at an alarming rate :eek:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That's how he derived that figure?? He thinks that number is cumulative???

On another board with a name very similar to this one, the moderator made that same claim and I tried to show him it was the total of all discouraged and not just for that month, he banned me for not admitting I was wrong.
Hardly anyone?

The US, now, enjoys one of the lowest UE rates in the world.

And the MAJORITY of Americans are working.

I saw the exact same thing happen during Clinton's time too.

You folks shot down ALL good news.

I don't really like to call you a moron, but you keep acting like one. 1994 ring a bell? That's when the Republicans took control of the House and the Senate, forced welfare reform and a balanced budget down Clinton's throat!

The percent of people working is smaller than it has been since 1978.

You're effing delusional!
Nah, delusional is believing that Republicans took control of the Congress in 1994. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Ha! Ha! I'm right and you're wrong:
Congress runs into 'Republican Revolution' Nov. 8, 1994 - Andrew Glass - POLITICO.com

Now, that proves you're either delusional or just another Liberal moron!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yeah, that's how distorted markets are now. Bad economic news means the higher likelihood that the Fed won't taper out too soon. Which is, actually, bad news.

Things are really, really fucked up right now.


Things are fucked up now?

Ace, I've been working in the financial sector for 15 years.

Bad news for the average joe is great news for the investment class.

We know. Obama has been wonderful for the investment class.

That kind of shoots down the "Marxist" meme rather nicely.

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