Unemployment down to 6.6%

Why is that year significant?

And ypu do realize the labor force participation rate has been going down for 14 years now?

78 well because it's the lowest it's been in 36 years going from your link the years on that go from 2004-January of this year and from 2004 through most of 2008 the numbers are fairly consistent some variations of course but not a huge drop.Then you get to the end of 2008 and the big meltdown from November of that year the drop really started to change and has not gotten really any better in the following years.

Of course you realize that the current 63% is higher than anytime before 1978, so unless you want to claim that we're better off now than anythime before 1978 you'll realize it's not a telling indicator.
Not a huge drop from 2000-2007, but a steady drop and a slight uptick, but generally down.

How well do remember the 70s? It would take very little to make now better than then both the economy back then and the current one are two of the worst in my lifetime. No matter how we see the 2000-2007 numbers the drop has grown greatly under Obama and some of that does come from the meltdown when he first took office but not the majority of it.
78 well because it's the lowest it's been in 36 years going from your link the years on that go from 2004-January of this year and from 2004 through most of 2008 the numbers are fairly consistent some variations of course but not a huge drop.Then you get to the end of 2008 and the big meltdown from November of that year the drop really started to change and has not gotten really any better in the following years.

Of course you realize that the current 63% is higher than anytime before 1978, so unless you want to claim that we're better off now than anythime before 1978 you'll realize it's not a telling indicator.
Not a huge drop from 2000-2007, but a steady drop and a slight uptick, but generally down.

How well do remember the 70s? It would take very little to make now better than then both the economy back then and the current one are two of the worst in my lifetime. No matter how we see the 2000-2007 numbers the drop has grown greatly under Obama and some of that does come from the meltdown when he first took office but not the majority of it.

Better than the late 40's, the 50's and the 60's? Demographics have more of a role in the LFPR than the labor market.
Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

This is what has been going on for years now. The labor force SHRINKS to a 40 year low while unemployment numbers drop.

Have a link for that claim? Even if that is accurate it still keeps the rate at or very near it's lowest number since 1978 I believe you can spin that unemployment number like a top if it makes you feel better the tens of millions who have dropped out of the workforce know the true reality of this economy all to well.

Pinqy gave a link. You can find it here: http://www.bls.gov/webapps/legacy/cpsatab16.htm

Thanks for the link the 80,000 was correct but I think my overall point about the economy is still valid.
You confirm that the 80,000 number is accurate and in the process you see that there are less than 1 million who have become discouraged and dropped out of the workforce and yet you claim your "TENS OF MILLIONS" bullshit is STILL valid. :cuckoo:
Only the Right still insist they are not wrong after they have seen just how wrong they are! :cuckoo:

Among the marginally attached, there were 837,000 discouraged workers in January, about unchanged from a year earlier. Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. The remaining 1.8 million persons marginally attached to the labor force in January had not searched for work for reasons such as school attendance or family responsibilities. (See table A-16.)
Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

Hardly anyone?

The US, now, enjoys one of the lowest UE rates in the world.

And the MAJORITY of Americans are working.

I saw the exact same thing happen during Clinton's time too.

You folks shot down ALL good news.

I don't really like to call you a moron, but you keep acting like one. 1994 ring a bell? That's when the Republicans took control of the House and the Senate, forced welfare reform and a balanced budget down Clinton's throat!

The percent of people working is smaller than it has been since 1978.

You're effing delusional!
Nah, delusional is believing that Republicans took control of the Congress in 1994. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

You only like the news that confirms your prejudices and hatred of the Black President.

i knew it....., you can not get thu a thread without pulling the race card. :up:

i despise the son-of-a-bitch for his hate for our Constitution and Bill of Rights and total disregard of his oath.

January 21st, the Wall Street adviser: Actual unemployment is 37.2%, 'misery index' worst in 40 years | WashingtonExaminer.com

poste this:

Don't believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

in just a little over two weeks how could UE go from 37.2% to 6.6% ??????
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The unemployment rate didn't go from 37.2% to 6.6%. It was never at 37.2%. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Even if that is accurate it still keeps the rate at or very near it's lowest number since 1978 .

Why is that year significant?

And ypu do realize the labor force participation rate has been going down for 14 years now?

78 well because it's the lowest it's been in 36 years going from your link the years on that go from 2004-January of this year and from 2004 through most of 2008 the numbers are fairly consistent some variations of course but not a huge drop.Then you get to the end of 2008 and the big meltdown from November of that year the drop really started to change and has not gotten really any better in the following years.

And what is significant about the year, 2008?

It's the year the baby boomer generation began turning the age of retirement.
Even if that is accurate it still keeps the rate at or very near it's lowest number since 1978 .

Why is that year significant?

And ypu do realize the labor force participation rate has been going down for 14 years now?

78 well because it's the lowest it's been in 36 years going from your link the years on that go from 2004-January of this year and from 2004 through most of 2008 the numbers are fairly consistent some variations of course but not a huge drop.Then you get to the end of 2008 and the big meltdown from November of that year the drop really started to change and has not gotten really any better in the following years.
The rate peaked in 2000 unbder Clinton and has been going down ever since. The pause you mention is due to Bush's War of choice which reduced the the denominator, the non-institutional population.

Remember 2004 when employment was much better than it is now? Even the state senator from Illinois who was hoping to win a seat in the U.S. Senate took to the air to talk down the economy. What was that guy's name? I know I should remember.

And then the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007, and what happened? Oh yeah, that's right ......

Democrats called 2004 a "jobless recovery" and their sheeple took them seriously.

The numbers State Senator Obama was trashing were 5.6% unemployment and 310,000 new jobs the month before.
How can you "talk down" a robust economy??? The GOP have been trying to talk down the economy for the last 5 years and yet the economy is growing. The most the GOP have been able to do is slow down the recovery, but all their doom and gloom talk has failed to cause a crash like the Bush Regime accomplished. The Bush economy crashed because it was a house of cards, the GOP have failed to crash the Obama economy with their doom and gloom talk because it is founded on solid economic principles.

So obviously the 5.6% was a fake number because Bush never counted his 80,000,000 not in labor force. Bush's real UE was 42% :eusa_whistle:
50 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

Pretty neat accomplishment for President Obama since Republicans have done exactly nothing to help the unemployed that whole time.
Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

Isn't amazing how the "Gubmit" works in Joseph Gobbels mode?

Hell, I'm surprised, frankly, that Barry's minions haven't announced that there is 100% employment right now. Why wait? Hell, his bootlickers would be on trumpeting their great leaders "success".

We are more propagandized in America right now that the USSR ever was…...
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Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

Hardly anyone?

The US, now, enjoys one of the lowest UE rates in the world.

And the MAJORITY of Americans are working.

I saw the exact same thing happen during Clinton's time too.

You folks shot down ALL good news.

I'm curious, whose boots will you lick once Papa Doc Obama is gone? Hillary's?

You might want to consider wiping your chin occasionally there Monica…….
Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

Isn't amazing how the "Gubmit" works in Joseph Gobbels mode?

Hell, I'm surprised, frankly, that Barry's minions haven't announced that there is 100% employment right now. Why wait" Hell, his bootlickers would be on trumpeting their great leaders "success".

We are more propagandized in America right now that the USSR ever was…...

That last line about propaganda is correct, and it accounts for why so many of our weakminded citizens believe that climate change is a hoax, that the President is not American, that the deficits are going up when in fact they're shrinking, that the President is anti-capitalism even though no big bankers went to prison and the stock market keeps breaking records, and so on and so on...
Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

Isn't amazing how the "Gubmit" works in Joseph Gobbels mode?

Hell, I'm surprised, frankly, that Barry's minions haven't announced that there is 100% employment right now. Why wait" Hell, his bootlickers would be on trumpeting their great leaders "success".

We are more propagandized in America right now that the USSR ever was…...

That last line about propaganda is correct, and it accounts for why so many of our weakminded citizens believe that climate change is a hoax, that the President is not American, that the deficits are going up when in fact they're shrinking, that the President is anti-capitalism even though no big bankers went to prison and the stock market keeps breaking records, and so on and so on...

(1) Climate change is BS

(2) I don't give a damn what rock that piece of excrement crawled out from under.

(3) 17 TRILLION in Debt.

(4) Papa Doc Obama has done NOTHING to stimulate business in this country - only "Gubmit".

(5) Why aren't Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in prison? They started this in the early 2000s - or did you conveniently forget that little fact?

You're probably right, though. Wall Street should just turn their profits over to you, right? When you gonna ask for Bill Gates to give his cash to you? or George Clooney? Or Steven Spielberg? Or the Universities (They make 100% profit now)?

Naw - it only applies to Wall Street.

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So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! It's that many more people who won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?
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So, what do you liberals define as a success? The status quo? When 1,754,000 people leave the workforce or are discouraged from work in the past two months combined, who gives a damn if it was the same amount last year? It means people are dropping out of the workforce at an alarming rate! That that many more people that won't be available to fill important jobs!

How do you not see this?

In a word.. Democrats
Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

Isn't amazing how the "Gubmit" works in Joseph Gobbels mode?

Hell, I'm surprised, frankly, that Barry's minions haven't announced that there is 100% employment right now. Why wait" Hell, his bootlickers would be on trumpeting their great leaders "success".

We are more propagandized in America right now that the USSR ever was…...

That last line about propaganda is correct, and it accounts for why so many of our weakminded citizens believe that climate change is a hoax, that the President is not American, that the deficits are going up when in fact they're shrinking, that the President is anti-capitalism even though no big bankers went to prison and the stock market keeps breaking records, and so on and so on...

Weak minded (two words, not one) involves thinking that a 6.6% unemployment rate is a good thing despite so many people beginning to give up on searching for work. I gave up a long time ago. Climate change is real, the man-made aspect is a hoax. It is impossible to believe we as a human race have more impact on our planet than oh say, the planet itself does. On another note, our yearly budget deficits are indeed going down, but our overall debt is increasing! To say we are reducing the deficit but not the debt is like pouring a bucket of water into the sea! Another thing is that it's funny you tout the man as pro-capitalism, when you and he go about bandying your "99%" nonsense.

You're kidding, right?
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Isn't amazing how the "Gubmit" works in Joseph Gobbels mode?

Hell, I'm surprised, frankly, that Barry's minions haven't announced that there is 100% employment right now. Why wait" Hell, his bootlickers would be on trumpeting their great leaders "success".

We are more propagandized in America right now that the USSR ever was…...

That last line about propaganda is correct, and it accounts for why so many of our weakminded citizens believe that climate change is a hoax, that the President is not American, that the deficits are going up when in fact they're shrinking, that the President is anti-capitalism even though no big bankers went to prison and the stock market keeps breaking records, and so on and so on...

Weak minded (two words, not one) involves thinking that a 6.6% unemployment rate is a good thing despite so many people beginning to give up on searching for work. I gave up a long time ago. Climate change is real, the man made aspect is a hoax. Our yearly budget deficits are indeed going down, but our overall debt is increasing! It's funny you tout the man as pro-capitalism, when you go about bandying your "99%" nonsense.

You're kidding, right?

Indeed Templar - indeed. They forget those people that have just said "to hell with it" and either live off the taxpayer - or live off their families (but we'll just pretend that those folks are actually "working"). 115,000 jobs added. and 85% of them are part-time positions. Whoop tee do.

They tell us over and over that Papa Doc Obama has done "wonders" for the business community (absolute BS) while they bitch and moan the idea that business is making money in overseas markets IN SPITE of Barry. Business in this country is, indeed, hoarding their cash. Why?

Hell, any idiot knows the answer to that. They're waiting for a sensible business-minded president to be elected. They don't dare do anything now - they are terrified of a Bolshevik- style takeover by this marxist-in-chief.

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