Understanding woke terms


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

As we watch the Left declare that CRT does not really exist, as if Merrick Garland's son-in-law is not making millions selling CRT material he is selling schools, it is important to be able to see when it is being pushed in society because it will not be presented as CRT. The reason is, CRT is racist, and as such, indefensible ,so they merely shrug their shoulders and say it does not really exist.

But when we hear the dog whistle terms, we should be able to recognize it, and should share this with your children at school as well

Terms like "equity", "diversity", and "inclusion" should be better understood.

Terms like “inclusion,” “diversity,” and “equity” are not about expanding individual rights, but rather aim to determine who is deserving of rights and recognition based on characteristics fixed at birth.

This approach is also accompanied by the invalidation of western civilization and our very rights by claiming that everything is foundational to our way of life is racist. They say that America was not founded in the name of liberty, but rather to protect slavery with the 1619 project (a falsehood even liberal historians rejected before the project was published). They say that “property is whiteness,”

So this will mean that your children at school may be given or denied special rights based only on the color of their skin. In fact, academia is openly segregating children as we speak based on the color of their skin

Even someone like Bill Maher gets it

Here are some of his quotes

“When people say to me sometimes, like, ‘Boy, you really go after the left these days. Why?’ Because you’re embarrassing me,” Maher said.

“That’s why I’m going after the left in a way you never did before. Because you’re inverting things that I’m not going to give up on being liberal.

“This is what these teachers are talking about. You’re taking children and making them hyper-aware of race in a way they wouldn’t otherwise be.”[….]

“Now, maybe we should get rid of our national anthem, but I think we should have one national anthem,” Maher told his viewers during Friday’s show.

“I think when you go down a road where you’re having two different national anthems, colleges sometimes now have… many of them have different graduation ceremonies for black and white, separate dorms — this is what I mean.

“Segregation. You’ve inverted the idea. We’re going back to that under a different name.”

So as we can see, CRT is not about teaching children the evils of the racism of the past, but rather manufacturing it as if things have not changed at all during our present day. It is a poison that has been injected into society to permanently divide it.

As we watch the Left declare that CRT does not really exist, as if Merrick Garland's son-in-law is not making millions selling CRT material he is selling schools, it is important to be able to see when it is being pushed in society because it will not be presented as CRT. The reason is, CRT is racist, and as such, indefensible ,so they merely shrug their shoulders and say it does not really exist.

But when we hear the dog whistle terms, we should be able to recognize it, and should share this with your children at school as well

Terms like "equity", "diversity", and "inclusion" should be better understood.

Terms like “inclusion,” “diversity,” and “equity” are not about expanding individual rights, but rather aim to determine who is deserving of rights and recognition based on characteristics fixed at birth.

This approach is also accompanied by the invalidation of western civilization and our very rights by claiming that everything is foundational to our way of life is racist. They say that America was not founded in the name of liberty, but rather to protect slavery with the 1619 project (a falsehood even liberal historians rejected before the project was published). They say that “property is whiteness,”

So this will mean that your children at school may be given or denied special rights based only on the color of their skin. In fact, academia is openly segregating children as we speak based on the color of their skin

Even someone like Bill Maher gets it

Here are some of his quotes

“When people say to me sometimes, like, ‘Boy, you really go after the left these days. Why?’ Because you’re embarrassing me,” Maher said.

“That’s why I’m going after the left in a way you never did before. Because you’re inverting things that I’m not going to give up on being liberal.

“This is what these teachers are talking about. You’re taking children and making them hyper-aware of race in a way they wouldn’t otherwise be.”[….]

“Now, maybe we should get rid of our national anthem, but I think we should have one national anthem,” Maher told his viewers during Friday’s show.

“I think when you go down a road where you’re having two different national anthems, colleges sometimes now have… many of them have different graduation ceremonies for black and white, separate dorms — this is what I mean.

“Segregation. You’ve inverted the idea. We’re going back to that under a different name.”

So as we can see, CRT is not about teaching children the evils of the racism of the past, but rather manufacturing it as if things have not changed at all during our present day. It is a poison that has been injected into society to permanently divide it.

"Terms like “inclusion,” “diversity,” and “equity” are not about expanding individual rights, but rather aim to determine who is deserving of rights and recognition based on characteristics fixed at birth."

Like "white supremacy?"

You're born white.
"Terms like “inclusion,” “diversity,” and “equity” are not about expanding individual rights, but rather aim to determine who is deserving of rights and recognition based on characteristics fixed at birth."

Like "white supremacy?"

You're born white.
The one trait that is truly fixed in all too many is utter stupidity, evidently.

People are born white. That does not define them, and only an extremely tiny percentage of white people are white supremacists.

"White supremacy", as used by utterly stupid wokesters, is merely a term used to describe any white people that resist all the woke bull shit that targets them because of their color.
"Terms like “inclusion,” “diversity,” and “equity” are not about expanding individual rights, but rather aim to determine who is deserving of rights and recognition based on characteristics fixed at birth."

Like "white supremacy?"

You're born white.
Again, I only hear Leftists use that word

They are consumed with race

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