Diamond Member
1. The supreme benefit of controlling the dissemination of informaton allows the Leftists/Democrats to define words to their benefit.
Such is the case with the proven attempt to alter the electorate to favor Democrats, by flooding the nation with unskilled, uneducated illegal aliens largely from corrupt and criminal societies.
2. But that's not how the Democrats explain 'Replacement Theory:'
And in the use of the Buffalo shooting, we see how cleverly the Democrats can use an event to erase a threatening argument against them.....even when the argument is true and accurate.
The catch phrase used by the demented shooter in Buffalo is "replEacement theory," and here is NPR's definition:
"...the "Great Replacement" is a conspiracy theory that states that non-white individuals are being brought into the United States and other Western countries to "replace" white voters to achieve a political agenda. It is often touted by anti-immigration groups, white supremacists and others, according to the National Immigration Forum."
3. Demorats have trained their voters to see everything through the prism of race.
This issue is more correctly seen as a welfare, or economics, issue.
“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
― Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
4. The claim is that the economy needs these illegals.
"...undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollar in taxes into state and local coffers, and that substantially more would be generated if President Obama prevails in imposing a new executive order protecting many of those workers from deportation."
Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes
But the facts aren't their friend... “The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy
[So much for that fable.]
15 Stats That Destroy Liberal Narratives
Immigrants, espeically illegal immigrants, are enticed in by the Democrats for one reason: to vote, and vote Democrat.
5. "Republican objections to the Democrat plan would be exactly the same if Democrats were importing blonde-haired blue-eyed yodeling Scandinavians to shift the US electorate to the Left. In medieval scholastic terminology, what Republicans object to is only per accidens, not per se (accidentally, not essentially) about race. Republicans object to the importation of a political persuasion, not a specific race, into the country in order to achieve political power. It is only the Democrat’s explicit racist plan to use “persons of color” to shift the demographics to secure their hold on power that brings race into the issue!"
Every word from the Democrats is a lie.
Such is the case with the proven attempt to alter the electorate to favor Democrats, by flooding the nation with unskilled, uneducated illegal aliens largely from corrupt and criminal societies.
2. But that's not how the Democrats explain 'Replacement Theory:'
And in the use of the Buffalo shooting, we see how cleverly the Democrats can use an event to erase a threatening argument against them.....even when the argument is true and accurate.
The catch phrase used by the demented shooter in Buffalo is "replEacement theory," and here is NPR's definition:
"...the "Great Replacement" is a conspiracy theory that states that non-white individuals are being brought into the United States and other Western countries to "replace" white voters to achieve a political agenda. It is often touted by anti-immigration groups, white supremacists and others, according to the National Immigration Forum."

What is the 'Great Replacement' and how is it tied to the Buffalo shooting suspect?
The suspect allegedly wrote a 180-page document filled with hateful rants about race and ties to the conspiracy theory, "Great Replacement".
3. Demorats have trained their voters to see everything through the prism of race.
This issue is more correctly seen as a welfare, or economics, issue.
“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
― Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
4. The claim is that the economy needs these illegals.
"...undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollar in taxes into state and local coffers, and that substantially more would be generated if President Obama prevails in imposing a new executive order protecting many of those workers from deportation."
Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes
But the facts aren't their friend... “The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy
[So much for that fable.]
15 Stats That Destroy Liberal Narratives
Immigrants, espeically illegal immigrants, are enticed in by the Democrats for one reason: to vote, and vote Democrat.
5. "Republican objections to the Democrat plan would be exactly the same if Democrats were importing blonde-haired blue-eyed yodeling Scandinavians to shift the US electorate to the Left. In medieval scholastic terminology, what Republicans object to is only per accidens, not per se (accidentally, not essentially) about race. Republicans object to the importation of a political persuasion, not a specific race, into the country in order to achieve political power. It is only the Democrat’s explicit racist plan to use “persons of color” to shift the demographics to secure their hold on power that brings race into the issue!"

The Latest Hoax By Democrats And Their Media... Great Replacement Theory
Democrats claim that they are not using mass immigration to shift the demographics of America while simultaneously doing exactly that.

Every word from the Democrats is a lie.