Undersea Volcanoes May Be Impacting Climate Change


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And, according to this, they are screwing up all the models used to determine what's going on – to include human participation in the changes.

I'm certain we'll see at least five charts trying to refute this but read the story @ Undersea Volcanoes May Be Impacting Climate Change

And, according to this, they are screwing up all the models used to determine what's going on – to include human participation in the changes.

I'm certain we'll see at least five charts trying to refute this but read the story @ Undersea Volcanoes May Be Impacting Climate Change

Would that not be GOOD news for the algoreists crowd? It explains their erroneous forecasts. BUT it also explains why you can't mess with MOTHER NATURE which actually controls the climate. Not humans. IDIOTS...
Seafloor volcano pulses may alter climate Strikingly regular patterns from weeks to eons -- ScienceDaily

Volcanically active mid-ocean ridges crisscross earth's seafloors like stitching on a baseball, stretching some 37,000 miles. They are the growing edges of giant tectonic plates; as lavas push out, they form new areas of seafloor, which comprise some 80 percent of the planet's crust. Conventional wisdom holds that they erupt at a fairly constant rate--but Tolstoy finds that the ridges are actually now in a languid phase. Even at that, they produce maybe eight times more lava annually than land volcanoes. Due to the chemistry of their magmas, the carbon dioxide they are thought to emit is currently about the same as, or perhaps a little less than, from land volcanoes -- about 88 million metric tons a year. But were the undersea chains to stir even a little bit more, their CO2 output would shoot up, says Tolstoy.

Some scientists think volcanoes may act in concert with Milankovitch cycles--repeating changes in the shape of earth's solar orbit, and the tilt and direction of its axis -- to produce suddenly seesawing hot and cold periods. The major one is a 100,000-year cycle in which the planet's orbit around the sun changes from more or less an annual circle into an ellipse that annually brings it closer or farther from the sun. Recent ice ages seem to build up through most of the cycle; but then things suddenly warm back up near the orbit's peak eccentricity. The causes are not clear.

Enter volcanoes. Researchers have suggested that as icecaps build on land, pressure on underlying volcanoes also builds, and eruptions are suppressed. But when warming somehow starts and the ice begins melting, pressure lets up, and eruptions surge. They belch CO2 that produces more warming, which melts more ice, which creates a self-feeding effect that tips the planet suddenly into a warm period. A 2009 paper from Harvard University says that land volcanoes worldwide indeed surged six to eight times over background levels during the most recent deglaciation, 12,000 to 7,000 years ago. The corollary would be that undersea volcanoes do the opposite: as earth cools, sea levels may drop 100 meters, because so much water gets locked into ice. This relieves pressure on submarine volcanoes, and they erupt more. At some point, could the increased CO2 from undersea eruptions start the warming that melts the ice covering volcanoes on land?

So what this article is stating is that, by contributing CO2 when the sea levels are low, the rift volcanos may be part of the Milankovic Cycles, switching the Earth into and out of glaciations. In other words, CO2, the big control button.

And, according to this, they are screwing up all the models used to determine what's going on – to include human participation in the changes.

I'm certain we'll see at least five charts trying to refute this but read the story @ Undersea Volcanoes May Be Impacting Climate Change

Would that not be GOOD news for the algoreists crowd? It explains their erroneous forecasts. BUT it also explains why you can't mess with MOTHER NATURE which actually controls the climate. Not humans. IDIOTS...
Since you did not bother to read the article, and chose to make completely ignorant comments on it, why should anybody at all listen to your opinions?

And, according to this, they are screwing up all the models used to determine what's going on – to include human participation in the changes.

I'm certain we'll see at least five charts trying to refute this but read the story @ Undersea Volcanoes May Be Impacting Climate Change

Would that not be GOOD news for the algoreists crowd? It explains their erroneous forecasts. BUT it also explains why you can't mess with MOTHER NATURE which actually controls the climate. Not humans. IDIOTS...
Since you did not bother to read the article, and chose to make completely ignorant comments on it, why should anybody at all listen to your opinions?

There's always the Ignore option.

And, according to this, they are screwing up all the models used to determine what's going on – to include human participation in the changes.

I'm certain we'll see at least five charts trying to refute this but read the story @ Undersea Volcanoes May Be Impacting Climate Change
Sounds like a bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo. You volcano warming cultists hate America.

Old Fool is butt hurt that facts show his religon a cult.... Poor little moron..

Role of tectonic stress in seepage evolution along the gas hydrate-charged Vestnesa Ridge Fram Strait - Plaza-Faverola - 2015 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

"Methane expulsion from the world ocean floor is a broadly observed phenomenon known to be episodic. Yet the processes that modulate seepage remain elusive. In the Arctic offshore west Svalbard, for instance, seepage at 200–400 m water depth may be explained by ocean temperature-controlled gas hydrate instabilities at the shelf break, but additional processes are required to explain seepage in permanently cold waters at depths >1000 m. We discuss the influence of tectonic stress on seepage evolution along the ~100 km long hydrate-bearing Vestnesa Ridge in Fram Strait. High-resolution P-Cable 3-D seismic data revealed fine-scale (>10 m width) near-vertical faults and fractures controlling seepage distribution. Gas chimneys record multiple seepage events coinciding with glacial intensification and active faulting. The faults document the influence of nearby tectonic stress fields in seepage evolution along this deepwater gas hydrate system for at least the last ~2.7 Ma."

Even one of your high priests of Global warming Gavin Schmidt agrees that the methane scare is implausible and IS natural variation consistent with temperature spikes and vulcanism historically.
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And, according to this, they are screwing up all the models used to determine what's going on – to include human participation in the changes.

I'm certain we'll see at least five charts trying to refute this but read the story @ Undersea Volcanoes May Be Impacting Climate Change

Would that not be GOOD news for the algoreists crowd? It explains their erroneous forecasts. BUT it also explains why you can't mess with MOTHER NATURE which actually controls the climate. Not humans. IDIOTS...
Since you did not bother to read the article, and chose to make completely ignorant comments on it, why should anybody at all listen to your opinions?

Speaking of ignorant remarks, Yours takes the cake.
As soon as I saw those two studies, I knew some deniers would eventually look at a headline, fail to read any of the articles, fail to understand that the articles contradicted them and supported AGW science, and run off to the message boards with it. They didn't disappoint.

At a minimum, deniers need to get their conspiracy theories sorted out so they don't contradict each other. A week ago, they were all declaring it was impossible for climate to affect volcanic eruptions. Here, they suddenly do a complete about-face.
As soon as I saw those two studies, I knew some deniers would eventually look at a headline, fail to read any of the articles, fail to understand that the articles contradicted them and supported AGW science, and run off to the message boards with it. They didn't disappoint.

At a minimum, deniers need to get their conspiracy theories sorted out so they don't contradict each other. A week ago, they were all declaring it was impossible for climate to affect volcanic eruptions. Here, they suddenly do a complete about-face.
Poor little hairball fucktard... It fails to read and makes lies in an effort to discredit and make itself feel better about lying.....

The more you liars squeal the more science comes out showing that you lied...
Seafloor volcano pulses may alter climate Strikingly regular patterns from weeks to eons -- ScienceDaily

Volcanically active mid-ocean ridges crisscross earth's seafloors like stitching on a baseball, stretching some 37,000 miles. They are the growing edges of giant tectonic plates; as lavas push out, they form new areas of seafloor, which comprise some 80 percent of the planet's crust. Conventional wisdom holds that they erupt at a fairly constant rate--but Tolstoy finds that the ridges are actually now in a languid phase. Even at that, they produce maybe eight times more lava annually than land volcanoes. Due to the chemistry of their magmas, the carbon dioxide they are thought to emit is currently about the same as, or perhaps a little less than, from land volcanoes -- about 88 million metric tons a year. But were the undersea chains to stir even a little bit more, their CO2 output would shoot up, says Tolstoy.

Some scientists think volcanoes may act in concert with Milankovitch cycles--repeating changes in the shape of earth's solar orbit, and the tilt and direction of its axis -- to produce suddenly seesawing hot and cold periods. The major one is a 100,000-year cycle in which the planet's orbit around the sun changes from more or less an annual circle into an ellipse that annually brings it closer or farther from the sun. Recent ice ages seem to build up through most of the cycle; but then things suddenly warm back up near the orbit's peak eccentricity. The causes are not clear.

Enter volcanoes. Researchers have suggested that as icecaps build on land, pressure on underlying volcanoes also builds, and eruptions are suppressed. But when warming somehow starts and the ice begins melting, pressure lets up, and eruptions surge. They belch CO2 that produces more warming, which melts more ice, which creates a self-feeding effect that tips the planet suddenly into a warm period. A 2009 paper from Harvard University says that land volcanoes worldwide indeed surged six to eight times over background levels during the most recent deglaciation, 12,000 to 7,000 years ago. The corollary would be that undersea volcanoes do the opposite: as earth cools, sea levels may drop 100 meters, because so much water gets locked into ice. This relieves pressure on submarine volcanoes, and they erupt more. At some point, could the increased CO2 from undersea eruptions start the warming that melts the ice covering volcanoes on land?

So what this article is stating is that, by contributing CO2 when the sea levels are low, the rift volcanos may be part of the Milankovic Cycles, switching the Earth into and out of glaciations. In other words, CO2, the big control button.

CO2 isn't controlling anything you moronic stupid fucking Cultist
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As soon as I saw those two studies, I knew some deniers would eventually look at a headline, fail to read any of the articles, fail to understand that the articles contradicted them and supported AGW science, and run off to the message boards with it. They didn't disappoint.

At a minimum, deniers need to get their conspiracy theories sorted out so they don't contradict each other. A week ago, they were all declaring it was impossible for climate to affect volcanic eruptions. Here, they suddenly do a complete about-face.

Tell us again how CO2 is causing the undersea volcanoes to erupt

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