UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures

UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.

For the empty skulls who would cheer this, guess which way the crime rate goes when people can't eat or feed their families. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

South Chicago or Baltimore? Who runs those shitholes?

Dallas or Nashville, who runs those shitholes?

They're not shitholes but thanks for playing, Newt
This is the road to ruins for the vast majority of Americans...

This is the model of Africa and central America. Is that what you wish for? All the wealth in the hands of 5-10% of the population and most everyone else being nothing more then serfs.

India is a good example of this also.
That nonsense looks like something ScienceRocks would post. lol

Me thinks she's a sock. Just can't figure out yet which one

After reading several of her posts, I’m confident she is actually a he.

Things get weird whenever we’re dealing with a left winger. Things get even weirder when they’re also a cross dresser.
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UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.
Hey United Nations we spend a shit load of $$$ on you..so...:finger3:

Maybe Germany and the rest of them kick us out. Its coming wait and see. Most countries are sick of us, thanks to Trump and his cronies.


I wouldn't be surprised if the elites are setting the US and Israel up as the bad guys for WWIII. We will be the ones to initiate it, the rest of the world will be the ones finishing it.
Welfare, food stamps, so, Medicaid, free phones, housing, whatever the source!
over 25% of the population HAS no official income. They live on the dole, on pensions, on disability or SSI, cash jobs and illegal activity. So you wont be getting any taxes out of them. A sales tax, tho, DOES derive income from this class of people.
UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.
Hey United Nations we spend a shit load of $$$ on you..so...:finger3:

Maybe Germany and the rest of them kick us out. Its coming wait and see. Most countries are sick of us, thanks to Trump and his cronies.


I wouldn't be surprised if the elites are setting the US and Israel up as the bad guys for WWIII. We will be the ones to initiate it, the rest of the world will be the ones finishing it.

what a laugh. if the US starts ww3, there wont BE any rest of the world left, an hour later.
You want equality? Everyone pay 20% of their income no matter the source in a fair flat tax. That’s equality.
A rich guy whose income is from an inheritance and a poor guy whose income is from actual work do not contribute equally to the economy. The poor guy contributes more.
This is the road to ruins for the vast majority of Americans...

This is the model of Africa and central America. Is that what you wish for? All the wealth in the hands of 5-10% of the population and most everyone else being nothing more then serfs.

India is a good example of this also.

Yeah,yeah.....and the economy will crash and negroes will be in chains.
Have you no shame?
Personally I'd shut my mouth if I was a democrat due to the embarrassment alone.
UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.
Welfare helps a lot of people, but it hurts more people than it helps. Welfare decimated the black community.
UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.

For the empty skulls who would cheer this, guess which way the crime rate goes when people can't eat or feed their families. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

First, the vast majority of crime is caused by people in broken families, where the parents are not taking care of their family anyway.
The father isn't even in the home, and doesn't care. The mother is on welfare and food stamps.

The idea that job loss, causes crime, is ridiculous. Crime causes job loss.

No one in American is dying in the streets. I've worked at the food pantry, and I've handed out food, and those people are not skinny.

In is a known fact, that obesity is higher among the poor.

The whole reason poor areas are so poor, is because no one is willing to invest in those areas. Why? Because of the crime.

This is why the BLM group, is the most damaging to the very people it claims to be supporting. The best way to help those poor people to get better jobs, higher paying jobs, is to have more investment in poor areas. The only way that you are going to get more investment into poor areas, is when stores don't have to worry about shoplifting, and stolen shopping carts, and businesses don't need to put up security cameras, and have rent-a-cops on patrol.

The BLM groups have done the exact opposite by fighting the police, which pull out of those areas, causing crime to go up.
No wonder so many Americans hate the UN.
I don`t know why. Without the UN where could Colin Powell have gone to warn the world about the non existent mobile weapons labs? We used the UN to sell our bullshit and kill a lot of people.
UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.

For the empty skulls who would cheer this, guess which way the crime rate goes when people can't eat or feed their families. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

South Chicago or Baltimore? Who runs those shitholes?

Dallas or Nashville, who runs those shitholes?

Huh? Dallas and Nashville are anything but. Dallas is #3, and Nashville is #7, on the list of fastest growing cities in the entire country.

What is with you left-wingers?
UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.

America, even the poor people are fat, maybe they won’t starve.
Maybe the UN could come and help our needy then, we need to get something for all the money we give them.

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This is the road to ruins for the vast majority of Americans...

This is the model of Africa and central America. Is that what you wish for? All the wealth in the hands of 5-10% of the population and most everyone else being nothing more then serfs.

India is a good example of this also.

If you know it’s coming, get your lazy ass to work and be one of the rich, ain’t nobody gonna give you rich, you gotta do that for yourself.
Or just sit there and say poor me, someone give me your stuff!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures
Source: The Guardian

Donald Trump is deliberately forcing millions of Americans into financial ruin, cruelly depriving them of food and other basic protections while lavishing vast riches on the super-wealthy, the United Nations monitor on poverty has warned.

Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.

“This is a systematic attack on America’s welfare program that is undermining the social safety net for those who can’t cope on their own. Once you start removing any sense of government commitment, you quickly move into cruelty,” Alston told the Guardian.

Millions of Americans already struggling to make ends meet faced “ruination”, he warned. “If food stamps and access to Medicaid are removed, and housing subsidies cut, then the effect on people living on the margins will be drastic.”

Read more: Trump's 'cruel' measures pushing US inequality to dangerous level, UN warns

Anyone that isn't rich should think twice before they ever vote republican again! I am dead serious.
Hey United Nations we spend a shit load of $$$ on you..so...:finger3:

Maybe Germany and the rest of them kick us out. Its coming wait and see. Most countries are sick of us, thanks to Trump and his cronies.

"kick" us out?

Not likely. More likely we'll just leave, since that is the mood of the country, that doesn't want troops stationed over seas.

Germany isn't getting rid of us because of Trump. That's ridiculous. Germany doesn't like that we want them to shoulder more of the burden of the cost of defense.

I personally don't see a problem.

Why not have the EU pay for more of it's own defense? Germany is saying, if they have to pay for the full cost of defense, why not use their own troops in their own bases? It's logical, it's cheaper, and it should be just as effective.

The EU may not be at the same level as America, but they are close enough to be a deterinent to Russia, if they were willing to pay the money for defense.

The one problem is, the same problem that wrecked the Ukraine. Mainly that their bloated socialist programs, are draining away the money they should be using for defense. The reason the Ukraine couldn't afford bullets for it's troops when Russia invaded, is because they were subsidizing everything.

I think in the end, this will be a good move, even if they have to cut back on their welfare in some parts of the EU.

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