UN Report on Extinction scare and Global Warming made up....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
UN Report on Extinction scare and Global Warming made up...

Why am I not surprised...

The UN scaremongers and liars say 1.3 million species becomes over 8 million and not one shred of physical evidence to back up their claims is presented. UN scientists lie to congress in an attempt to force their political whores agenda.

Patrick Moore (Co Founder of Greenpeace);
“It is clear that the highly exaggerated claims of the [U.N.] are not so much out of concern for endangered species as they are a front for a radical political, social, and economic ‘transformation’ of our entire civilization,” Moore will tell lawmakers Wednesday, according to written testimony The Daily Caller News Foundation obtained."

The meeting became heated earlier this week when they were exposed as charlatans and liars.

Greenpeace Co-Founder Tells Congress To Ignore UN’s Latest Extinction Warning
“Their recommendation for an end to economic growth alone condemns the developing world to increased poverty and suffering, and economic stagnation in the developed countries,” Moore wrote.

Experts on the U.N.’s biodiversity panel, called the IPBES, will likely present a different picture than Moore. Sir Robert Watson, a British chemist who led the most recent IPBES assessment, called the report an “ominous warning.”

And not one piece of verifiable, empirical evidence was presented. When challenged, the IPCC scientist's became upset and enraged they had been exposed.
Lying is OK if it is to further their agenda;

"The IUCN admits its assessments focus “on those species that are likely to be threatened” and that any extrapolation “would be heavily biased” — in other words, an overestimate.

When reached for comment, however, the IUCN said “it is wholly appropriate for scientific researchers such as the IPBES assessment authors to” extrapolate extinction threats based on their limited data. IUCN experts worked on the IPBES report, the group said."

Simply amazing.... no proof but you will do as we tell you... Nothing new from the socialist hacks..
Same old narrative;

-Man must die and be removed from the planet.
-Man must cease using fossil fuels.
-You must pay us to redistribute your ill gotten wealth.
-You must give up your rights and be subservient to the state.
-Only the Socialist IPCC has the truth and you should not question it.
-One world Government must come to pass....

Same Shit Different Day...
I just want to know is there any rightist people that write an OP that can stop getting so emotionally distraught we can actually understand what you are saying and actually being specific to the topic.??
I just want to know is there any rightist people that write an OP that can stop getting so emotionally distraught we can actually understand what you are saying and actually being specific to the topic.??
It's really very clear. The Klimate Kult lies.

You can ignore the thread now.
the words speak for themselves:
The UN scaremongers and liars say 1.3 million species becomes over 8 million and not one shred of physical evidence to back up their claims is presented


IPBES assessed that “an average of around 25 percent of species in assessed animal and plant groups are threatened, suggesting that around one million species already face extinction, many within decades, unless action is taken.” That’s based on highly uncertain estimates there are 8 million species on Earth.

“The IBPES claims there are 8 million species,” Moore says. “Yet only 1.8 million species have been identified and named. Thus the IBPES believes there are 6.2 million unidentified and unnamed species. Therefore one million of the unknown species could go extinct overnight and we would not notice it because we would not know they had existed.”

When reached for comment, however, the IUCN said “it is wholly appropriate for scientific researchers such as the IPBES assessment authors to” extrapolate extinction threats based on their limited data. IUCN experts worked on the IPBES report, the group said.
I just want to know is there any rightist people that write an OP that can stop getting so emotionally distraught we can actually understand what you are saying and actually being specific to the topic.??
It's really very clear. The Klimate Kult lies.

You can ignore the thread now.
the words speak for themselves:
The UN scaremongers and liars say 1.3 million species becomes over 8 million and not one shred of physical evidence to back up their claims is presented


IPBES assessed that “an average of around 25 percent of species in assessed animal and plant groups are threatened, suggesting that around one million species already face extinction, many within decades, unless action is taken.” That’s based on highly uncertain estimates there are 8 million species on Earth.

“The IBPES claims there are 8 million species,” Moore says. “Yet only 1.8 million species have been identified and named. Thus the IBPES believes there are 6.2 million unidentified and unnamed species. Therefore one million of the unknown species could go extinct overnight and we would not notice it because we would not know they had existed.”

When reached for comment, however, the IUCN said “it is wholly appropriate for scientific researchers such as the IPBES assessment authors to” extrapolate extinction threats based on their limited data. IUCN experts worked on the IPBES report, the group said.
See how easy that was? Now say, "The climate alarmists lied about the number of species facing extinction."
I just want to know is there any rightist people that write an OP that can stop getting so emotionally distraught we can actually understand what you are saying and actually being specific to the topic.??

"Rightest".....lol......said as if they are some fringe entity.

Most folks are "rightest" on climate change as evidenced by a pronounced lack of any climate change action.


Well doy....nobody is caring about the "science".:abgg2q.jpg:
I just want to know is there any rightist people that write an OP that can stop getting so emotionally distraught we can actually understand what you are saying and actually being specific to the topic.??
It's really very clear. The Klimate Kult lies.

You can ignore the thread now.
the words speak for themselves:
The UN scaremongers and liars say 1.3 million species becomes over 8 million and not one shred of physical evidence to back up their claims is presented


IPBES assessed that “an average of around 25 percent of species in assessed animal and plant groups are threatened, suggesting that around one million species already face extinction, many within decades, unless action is taken.” That’s based on highly uncertain estimates there are 8 million species on Earth.

“The IBPES claims there are 8 million species,” Moore says. “Yet only 1.8 million species have been identified and named. Thus the IBPES believes there are 6.2 million unidentified and unnamed species. Therefore one million of the unknown species could go extinct overnight and we would not notice it because we would not know they had existed.”

When reached for comment, however, the IUCN said “it is wholly appropriate for scientific researchers such as the IPBES assessment authors to” extrapolate extinction threats based on their limited data. IUCN experts worked on the IPBES report, the group said.
See how easy that was? Now say, "The climate alarmists lied about the number of species facing extinction."

Moonglow is a deep matrix guy so......
I just want to know is there any rightist people that write an OP that can stop getting so emotionally distraught we can actually understand what you are saying and actually being specific to the topic.??

The bad news is that ou seem to have a reading and comprehension deficit....the good news is it appears to be highly selective...it appears to only manifest itself when you attempt to read material that runs afoul of your juvenile political sensibilities...Grow up...learn to look at the larger picture, take two aspirins and your disability should clear itself up in short order.
Here is a pretty good direction and demolition of the mass extinction lie.

Gregory Wrightstone: exposing the mass extinction lie
The base data were derived from the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List, which catalogues every known species that has gone the way of the dodo and the carrier pigeon. Review of the full data set reveals a much different view of extinction and what has been happening recently.

Below, all 529 species available from the Red List with a known extinction date are shown below in Figure 2 by decade of extinction. This chart reveals quite a different story than that advanced by the new report. Instead of a steady increase in the number and rate of extinctions we find that extinctions peaked in the late 1800s and the early 20th century, followed by a significant decline that continues today. It is thought that this extinction peak coincides with introduction of non-native species, primarily on islands (including Australia).

A closer review of the most recent information dating back to 1870 reveals that, instead of a frightening increase, extinctions are actually in a significant decline.

What is apparent is that the trend of extinctions is declining rather than increasing, just the opposite of what the new report claims. Also, according to the IPBES report, we can expect 25,000 to 30,000 extinctions per year, yet the average over the last 40 years is about 2 species annually. That means the rate would have to multiply by 12,500 to 15,000 to reach the dizzying heights predicted. Nothing on the horizon is likely to achieve even a small fraction of that.

This new extinction study is just the latest example of misuse and abuse of the scientific process designed to sow fear of an impending climate apocalypse. The fear and alarm over purported man-made catastrophes are needed to frighten the population into gladly accepting harmful and economically crippling proposals such as the Green New Deal.

Rather than an Earth spiraling into a series of climate catastrophes that threaten the planet’s life, we find that our planet and its estimated 8 million species are doing just fine, thank you.

Postscript: In an incredibly ironic twist that poses a difficult conundrum for those who are intent on saving the planet from our carbon dioxide excesses, the new study reports that the number one cause of predicted extinctions is habitat loss. Yet their solution is to pave over vast stretches of land for industrial scale solar factories and to construct immense wind factories that will cover forests and grasslands, killing the endangered birds and other species they claim to want to save.
I just want to know is there any rightist people that write an OP that can stop getting so emotionally distraught we can actually understand what you are saying and actually being specific to the topic.??
It's really very clear. The Klimate Kult lies.

You can ignore the thread now.
the words speak for themselves:
The UN scaremongers and liars say 1.3 million species becomes over 8 million and not one shred of physical evidence to back up their claims is presented


IPBES assessed that “an average of around 25 percent of species in assessed animal and plant groups are threatened, suggesting that around one million species already face extinction, many within decades, unless action is taken.” That’s based on highly uncertain estimates there are 8 million species on Earth.

“The IBPES claims there are 8 million species,” Moore says. “Yet only 1.8 million species have been identified and named. Thus the IBPES believes there are 6.2 million unidentified and unnamed species. Therefore one million of the unknown species could go extinct overnight and we would not notice it because we would not know they had existed.”

When reached for comment, however, the IUCN said “it is wholly appropriate for scientific researchers such as the IPBES assessment authors to” extrapolate extinction threats based on their limited data. IUCN experts worked on the IPBES report, the group said.
See Posts 12 & 13.
I just want to know is there any rightist people that write an OP that can stop getting so emotionally distraught we can actually understand what you are saying and actually being specific to the topic.??
what part is emotionally distraught? from the looks of the OP, he pasted a quote from a link. too funny.

One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Wow this thread got pretty heated really quick.

Not really, this tame compared to other threads, but the huge reduction of idiotic warmists postings has dropped dramatically in recent weeks. Could be they got tired of getting creamed in what you could call a "debate", which was actually utter destruction of their absurd AGW is going to doom us baloney.

Go read this THREAD and see how silly warmists can be:

The Sound of Settled Science

The second post of the thread was this garbage from a noted warmist dumbass:

"Yes, I'm sure the oil companies are telling you the truth. "

Now go see what Post ONE was about...… :auiqs.jpg:

What it ended up was the sound of warmist stupidity in every page...

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