Ultra MAGA Hello

Hello. I am a Gulf War Vet, Ultra MAGA mom, conservative, and Catholic. Thanks.

As a matter of fact, smartass, Iraq had been a very close ally of the Soviets since 1958 and in 1972, the USSR and Iraq had signed a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in which both countries promised to help each other under threat and to avoid entering hostile alliances against one another.

When Bush the Elder went into Kuwait there was much speculation about how the Russians would react. Where do you think Sadam got all the SCUDs anyway? They were all provided by the Soviet Union.

You are an idiot and you talk like a queer.
Homophobic much?

Sorry buddy
You sure did. And Magnus' post brings to mind an important question -- When was the last time I called someone a "retard"? I thought long and hard and asked those who know me best, and consensus was...... second grade.
I can believe that. I can also believe that you've been called a retard all your life. :auiqs.jpg:
Better get the nurse to change your Depends, then.
Orange kool-aid turned the cat orange, and rotted his brain.

The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any president in American history.

The most well-known and politically damaging of the scandals came to light since Watergate was in 1986, when Ronald Reagan conceded that the United States had sold weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Then lied about it.

The orange grifters regime, will double the number of criminals Reagan had.

President Donald Trump again described his warm relationship with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un at a rally in Wheeling, West Virginia, Saturday, saying: "We fell in love."

"That was a big big problem," Trump said of North Korea in front of a typically raucous pro-Trump crowd. "And, you know, when I did it, and I was really being tough, and so was he. And we were going back and forth, and then we fell in love, OK. No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters, and they're great letters. And then we fell in love."

A popular revolution in 2014 ousted the pro-Russia regime in Kyiv, which was led by President Viktor Yanukovych, and replaced it with a Western-leaning government. Russian troops soon invaded the Ukrainian territory of Crimea, initiating the armed conflict that escalated this year.

Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that "the rest of Ukraine will fall ... fairly quickly." Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people "would rather be with Russia," a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that "Russia did not seize Crimea."
"Trump said that Crimea is Russian, because people speak Russian,"

As Russia began its full-scale invasion later Wednesday, Trump told Fox News that "This all happened because of a rigged election." At a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser Wednesday evening, he continued his praise of Putin, calling him "pretty smart" in "taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions."

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