"Ultimate When Liberals Attack Super Cut 2019"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Here is a collection of Trump deranged liberals acting out in public....and you wonder why we call them Libtards and ABNORMALS!

Here is a collection of Trump deranged liberals acting out in public....and you wonder why we call them Libtards and ABNORMALS!

I just gotta say -- inforwars is INDEED mind-melting pollution... I tend to agree with your crazed lefties about that..

How so? All they do is ask questions.

The guy makes a living re-posting valid news from other sources. Like Drudge does.. Everything ELSE he does is hack tabloid.. Suggesting conspiracies where there are none. Like dead kids at a school shooting. Or selectively editing videos that simply promote polarization and division.. Anecdotal stupid people encounters are NOT very useful "journalism".. It's tabloid, like teenage gossip...
Here is a collection of Trump deranged liberals acting out in public....and you wonder why we call them Libtards and ABNORMALS!

I just gotta say -- inforwars is INDEED mind-melting pollution... I tend to agree with your crazed lefties about that..

How so? All they do is ask questions.

The guy makes a living re-posting valid news from other sources. Like Drudge does.. Everything ELSE he does is hack tabloid.. Suggesting conspiracies where there are none. Like dead kids at a school shooting. Or selectively editing videos that simply promote polarization and division.. Anecdotal stupid people encounters are NOT very useful "journalism".. It's tabloid, like teenage gossip...

That’s Alex Jones. Not the reporters going out with a microphone asking simple direct questions.
Here is a collection of Trump deranged liberals acting out in public....and you wonder why we call them Libtards and ABNORMALS!

I just gotta say -- inforwars is INDEED mind-melting pollution... I tend to agree with your crazed lefties about that..

How so? All they do is ask questions.

The guy makes a living re-posting valid news from other sources. Like Drudge does.. Everything ELSE he does is hack tabloid.. Suggesting conspiracies where there are none. Like dead kids at a school shooting. Or selectively editing videos that simply promote polarization and division.. Anecdotal stupid people encounters are NOT very useful "journalism".. It's tabloid, like teenage gossip...

That’s Alex Jones. Not the reporters going out with a microphone asking simple direct questions.

When Jay Leno used to do this or Jimmy Kimmel doing it NOW -- it's for late night comedy purposes.When Alex Jones does it -- it's to INCITE...

Easy to find mental midgets on the streets of Hollywood OR EVEN in Universities... But it says nothing about the TOTAL left in general..
Now I grant you that leftists DO target him BECAUSE they know there's a lot of bad behavior on their team lately. But increasingly, the noise has gotten SO loud and the stupidity SO monumental, that these extreme people on both sides are getting increasingly smaller as the "middle of the country" tunes out...

They SEEM larger than they are BECAUSE folks like Alex Jones amps everything up to get his page hits...
Awesome. Dims.....
Can someone please post Trump can’t win from YouTube? It’s almost as entertaining.

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Someone needs to show this stuff...if its infowars or whoever...it needs to be shown to the public...so the voting public can get the full picture...because they don't get it from the MSM...not even close...
Someone needs to show this stuff...if its infowars or whoever...it needs to be shown to the public...so the voting public can get the full picture...because they don't get it from the MSM...not even close...

I think the 28 members of the Clown Convention that are running for Prez do a pretty good job of that every day now without Alex Jones help... :auiqs.jpg: Not to mention The View and the hysterical posing from CNN.. It's all out there already..
Now I grant you that leftists DO target him BECAUSE they know there's a lot of bad behavior on their team lately. But increasingly, the noise has gotten SO loud and the stupidity SO monumental, that these extreme people on both sides are getting increasingly smaller as the "middle of the country" tunes out...

They SEEM larger than they are BECAUSE folks like Alex Jones amps everything up to get his page hits...
In the past I have attempted to watch an Alex Jones video and never once got much past a minute or so.

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