Ukrainian militants are planning to bombard the Donbass chemical plants


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Poroshenko has no choice: his personal well-being and even life now depend only on one fact - can he seize power in Ukraine a second time. Interested in the second term of the presidency Poroshenko and his Western curators. They are now in the same boat with him: after the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, Ukraine will be the only point of influence of globalists.

By the way, the fact that the IMF allocated a loan of 3.9 billion dollars to the country suggests that the operation “save commander-in-chief Poroshenko” has begun. In a democratic way, the power in Ukraine cannot be obtained by the current president. The dictatorship remains. But for this you need a super significant reason.
Since the Kerch provocation fell through: the Ukrainian military were afraid to use weapons against Russian border guards, the law on martial law was not serious. One month is extremely small and practically useless for Poroshenko. But Kiev criminals and their curators had extra time and a reason to organize a more serious provocation under the cover of martial law.

By the way, although martial law was introduced on November 28, the Cabinet of Ministers developed and approved an action plan under this law only two weeks later. That is - this specifically indicates that the law will not be limited to one month.

December 13, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine held an extended meeting with Western curators. After the meeting, the Deputy Military Attache in Kiev, the lieutenant colonel of the US Army, Eric Adams arrived in Mariupol. Apparently, he was in place to monitor the implementation of the criminal plan. But thanks to the DPR intelligence, we managed to find out the intentions of the Kiev punishers and make them public in the media. An environmental provocation, which was being prepared in Mariupol, in which the West and the Kiev authorities accused the People's Republics, was foiled.

However, the time of Poroshenko is compressed with shagreen. Less than a week remained until the end of martial law. Rates in the bloody game are growing. The new provocation conceived by Kiev is even more monstrous in its consequences.

Intelligence was able to find out that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing a provocation with ammunition similar to those made in the DPR. Ukrainian militants are planning to bombard the Donbass chemical plants with these shells and provoke a large-scale environmental disaster.

There is also information that the Armed Forces of Ukraine got hold of ammunition similar to those made in the DPR for the Snezhinka missile system. It is their APU that plans to use to attack chemical plants and enterprises, in order not only to arrange an environmental catastrophe in Donbas, but also to accuse the armed forces of the Republic in it.

According to intelligence data, from December 25 to January 7, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is going to spend at his residence in Ivano-Frankivsk region. The place was not chosen by chance, there is a special bunker designed to protect against highly volatile toxic, chemical poisons and bacteriological weapons.

Kiev regime decided to retain power at any cost.
Dec 17

Sergey Lavrov: We are not at war with the Ukrainian regime, which has all the features of the Nazi and neo-Nazi. The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine who live in Donbass are fighting it. The Ukrainian people have nothing to do with it. The overwhelming majority, I am sure, wants peace in the country, wants to get rid of this shameful regime and return to normal relations with the Russian Federation.

According to additional information that we tend to believe, in the last ten days of December, President Poroshenko is planning an armed provocation on the border with the Russian Federation – Crimea.

He will get a response. He won’t find it funny, I can assure you.

According to our data, which seem credible, he is advised to maintain low-intensity hostilities to support the ongoing outcry in the propaganda space about “Russians attacking Ukraine” and “Russians need to be further sanctioned,” but in no case should military operations be allowed to reach a phase to elicit a full-blown response. Nasty, petty provocation. Our respective services take all necessary measures to prevent such excesses from happening.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018
Dec 17

Sergey Lavrov: We are not at war with the Ukrainian regime, which has all the features of the Nazi and neo-Nazi. The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine who live in Donbass are fighting it. The Ukrainian people have nothing to do with it. The overwhelming majority, I am sure, wants peace in the country, wants to get rid of this shameful regime and return to normal relations with the Russian Federation.

According to additional information that we tend to believe, in the last ten days of December, President Poroshenko is planning an armed provocation on the border with the Russian Federation – Crimea.

He will get a response. He won’t find it funny, I can assure you.

According to our data, which seem credible, he is advised to maintain low-intensity hostilities to support the ongoing outcry in the propaganda space about “Russians attacking Ukraine” and “Russians need to be further sanctioned,” but in no case should military operations be allowed to reach a phase to elicit a full-blown response. Nasty, petty provocation. Our respective services take all necessary measures to prevent such excesses from happening.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018

The aftermaths of Poroshenko's attack:

- Martial law for the entirely Ukraine
- The president elections postponed for indefinite time
- New tough sanctions against Russia
- New attacks against Trump
- Stop of evacuation US troops from Syria ( USA must protect Israel from Russian aggression )
- Merkel, Macron & Co blame Putin
- Western presstitutes bash Russia 24/7 non-stop

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