Ukraine's two biggest supporters are card carrying W 911 folks - Liz Cheney and William Brennan


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Got to hand it to MTG, she articulated this pretty well...

Greene tweeted, “Jake Teixeira is white, male, Christian, and antiwar. That makes him an enemy to the Biden regime. And he told the truth about troops being on the ground in Ukraine and a lot more. Ask yourself, who is the real enemy? A young, low-level national guardsmen? Or the administration that is waging war in Ukraine, a non-NATO nation, against nuclear Russia without war powers?”

And, not surprisingly, W's CIA Director and Liz Cheney rushed to condemn MTG....

Liz Cheney tweeted this, ‘Marjorie Taylor Greene makes clear yet again she cannot be trusted with America’s national security information and should not have a security clearance of any kind.’


Brennan said, “From my perspective, I think Marjorie Taylor Greene has demonstrated time and time again that she’s not fit to hold public office"

No, only Zionist Fascist Traitors from the 911 W crowd are "fit to hold office" according to the top of the 911 Zionist Fascist crowd....

Make no mistake, it isn't Ukraine that matters here, it is Zionist Fascism and the taxpayer funded laundromat for kickbacks to the Cheney and Brennan and Biden and McConnell crowd that matter...

Unfortunately for America and MTG, most of the GOP office holders on Capitol Hill fit that description and have had their pockets lined with American taxpayer $$$ washed clean by Zionist Fascists in Ukraine...
it is Zionist Fascism

That's interesting considering teutonic Europe seems much more invested in destroying their own energy nest egg to placate the climate crazies.

I don't see Netanyahu pitching the proverbial tent over war in an Eastern European theater.

But I knew you'd fit the Jewws in somewheres.

Fun fact: This website doesn't recognize "teutonic" as a word.
Neo-Cons never met a war they didn't like.


They love to send other people's children to go and fight and die in wars all over the world....

But not their children though....hypocrites to the bone. I hate that.
That's interesting considering teutonic Europe seems much more invested in destroying their own energy nest egg to placate the climate crazies.

I don't see Netanyahu pitching the proverbial tent over war in an Eastern European theater.

But I knew you'd fit the Jewws in somewheres.

Fun fact: This website doesn't recognize "teutonic" as a word.

All of the supporters of Ukraine are exactly who Einstein warned us about....


They love to send other people's children to go and fight and die in wars all over the world....

But not their children though....hypocrites to the bone. I hate that.

They HATE HOAX wars too.

LBJ tried to hate hoax a US war with Egypt by having Israel sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for it.

W hate hoaxed 911 and sent our troops to fight and die in Afghan and Iraq over 100% pure lies.

FASCISTS start wars by HATE HOAXING. Hitler HATE HOAXED a Polish invasion of Germany.
Neo-Cons never met a war they didn't like.

Neo Cons = Zionist Fascists

I refuse to taint the word "conservative" with someone like W who was 0.000000000000001% conservative

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