Ukraine/ Russia Questions

For all day argument . But up to 70000 killed is what I understand from the "best" investigators .And almost any figure you care to guess when you assess the "injured and gone missing" figures . That is why the Russians simply sat tight and employed the Meat Grinder strategy so happily. Carnage .
The world wonders....

You know how the media is not free in Russia? So Putin told them 5000 soldiers have died in the war. They are not free to report that he lied but secret media inside Russia has ways of verifying how many Russians have died. The families post on facebook and Russians file for inheritances when soldiers die. The number of Russians killed in Ukraine is closer to 50,000. 10 Times what Putin is saying.

See why a free media is not the enemy? Authoritarian leaders tell you their the enemy but only because they are that president's watch dog. No one likes a tattle tale especially a corrupt president

18 percent of Americans are highly disposed to authoritarianism

This group isn’t a monolith, and these findings don’t mean that 4 in 10 Americans prefer dictatorship to democracy.


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