Ukraine rebels celebrate DPR with large fireworks display


Nov 14, 2012

138.000 tons of arms and ammunition exploded in Ukraine´s largest arms depot


"Ukraine's military said unknown saboteurs blew up the arsenal in the eastern city of Balaklia in the early hours of Thursday morning.

"According to preliminary data ... as a result of sabotage…fire and explosions caused the detonation of ammunition at several sites storing rockets and artillery weapons," chief military prosecutor Anatoly Matios wrote on Facebook.

The 368-hectare site, one of Ukraine's largest military depots, contained some 138,000 tons of ammunition, he added."

Ukraine: Arms depot explodes in act of 'sabotage' | News | DW.COM | 23.03.2017
Ukraine's military said unknown saboteurs blew up the arsenal in the eastern city of Balaklia in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Looks like those pesky Kremlin-supported Russian nationalists are being disruptive in Ukraine again, and again.
What is Putin worried about?
That Ukraine will be Westernized like Poland and leave "its big brother" Russia behind economically & culturally?
Or, does Putin only need Ukraine's Donbas (major military equipment/parts supplier to Russia) for military reasons, like Crimea?
Ukraine's military said unknown saboteurs blew up the arsenal in the eastern city of Balaklia in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Looks like those pesky Kremlin-supported Russian nationalists are being disruptive in Ukraine again, and again.
What is Putin worried about?
That Ukraine will be Westernized like Poland and leave "its big brother" Russia behind economically & culturally?
Or, does Putin only need Ukraine's Donbas (major military equipment/parts supplier to Russia) for military reasons, like Crimea?
Are your little Nato ISIS Nazis running out of ammo? Will there finally be peace?

Ukraine's military said unknown saboteurs blew up the arsenal in the eastern city of Balaklia in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Looks like those pesky Kremlin-supported Russian nationalists are being disruptive in Ukraine again, and again.
What is Putin worried about?
That Ukraine will be Westernized like Poland and leave "its big brother" Russia behind economically & culturally?
Or, does Putin only need Ukraine's Donbas (major military equipment/parts supplier to Russia) for military reasons, like Crimea?
Are your little Nato ISIS Nazis running out of ammo? Will there finally be peace?
"Your"? "Nato"? "ISIS" ??
What have you been smoking?
Or, were you on LSD?
You seem to be completely confused. I am American, those few Azov soldiers are not ISIS or from Nato, and many are neo-Nazi like those from your German Pegida movement.
You should get off those drugs!
Ukraine's military said unknown saboteurs blew up the arsenal in the eastern city of Balaklia in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Looks like those pesky Kremlin-supported Russian nationalists are being disruptive in Ukraine again, and again.
What is Putin worried about?
That Ukraine will be Westernized like Poland and leave "its big brother" Russia behind economically & culturally?
Or, does Putin only need Ukraine's Donbas (major military equipment/parts supplier to Russia) for military reasons, like Crimea?
Are your little Nato ISIS Nazis running out of ammo? Will there finally be peace?
"Your"? "Nato"? "ISIS" ??
What have you been smoking?
Or, were you on LSD?
You seem to be completely confused. I am American, those few Azov soldiers are not ISIS or from Nato, and many are neo-Nazi like those from your German Pegida movement.
You should get off those drugs!
Those "few" Azovs and others are the Republican Guard. And listen to tat nazi hunter who is suddenly busy to play down the nazi presence. Hypocrites, whose democracy is proudly presented by al-Qaeda and the Swastika.
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Ukraine's military said unknown saboteurs blew up the arsenal in the eastern city of Balaklia in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Looks like those pesky Kremlin-supported Russian nationalists are being disruptive in Ukraine again, and again.
What is Putin worried about?
That Ukraine will be Westernized like Poland and leave "its big brother" Russia behind economically & culturally?
Or, does Putin only need Ukraine's Donbas (major military equipment/parts supplier to Russia) for military reasons, like Crimea?
Are your little Nato ISIS Nazis running out of ammo? Will there finally be peace?
"Your"? "Nato"? "ISIS" ??
What have you been smoking?
Or, were you on LSD?
You seem to be completely confused. I am American, those few Azov soldiers are not ISIS or from Nato, and many are neo-Nazi like those from your German Pegida movement.
You should get off those drugs!
Those "few" Azovs and others and the Republican Guard. And listen to tat nazi hunter who is suddenly busy to play down the nazi presence. Hypocrites, whose democracy is proudly presented by al-Qaeda and the Swastika.
Those "few" Uki nationalists comprise less than 2% of the Uki ground forces, whereas most of the Russian separatists are Russian nationalists.
You an idiot? Al-Qaeda has nothing to do with them.
Or, are the German Pegida nationalists siding w/ the al-Qaeda terrorists?
Ukraine's military said unknown saboteurs blew up the arsenal in the eastern city of Balaklia in the early hours of Thursday morning.
Looks like those pesky Kremlin-supported Russian nationalists are being disruptive in Ukraine again, and again.
What is Putin worried about?
That Ukraine will be Westernized like Poland and leave "its big brother" Russia behind economically & culturally?
Or, does Putin only need Ukraine's Donbas (major military equipment/parts supplier to Russia) for military reasons, like Crimea?
Are your little Nato ISIS Nazis running out of ammo? Will there finally be peace?
"Your"? "Nato"? "ISIS" ??
What have you been smoking?
Or, were you on LSD?
You seem to be completely confused. I am American, those few Azov soldiers are not ISIS or from Nato, and many are neo-Nazi like those from your German Pegida movement.
You should get off those drugs!
Those "few" Azovs and others and the Republican Guard. And listen to tat nazi hunter who is suddenly busy to play down the nazi presence. Hypocrites, whose democracy is proudly presented by al-Qaeda and the Swastika.
Those "few" Uki nationalists comprise less than 2% of the Uki ground forces, whereas most of the Russian separatists are Russian nationalists.
You an idiot? Al-Qaeda has nothing to do with them.
Or, are the German Pegida nationalists siding w/ the al-Qaeda terrorists?
There is a big difference between raping and beheading ISIS Nazis and right-wingers. And why are the Ukrainian separatists Russian and nationalists and not socialists?

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