ukraine and russia …. which side are you on?

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ukraine or russia?
I never thought I would like a Russian leader more than an American leader (or, in our case, clown) but Putin is simply more likeable than Bumbling Biden the kid sniffer. And I despise that little faggot Khazar running Ukraine.
ukraine or russia?
Russia is the aggressor and therefore the villain in this and I cannot justify that even though they feared the Ukraine joining NATO and/or the EU. But the war is between the most two corrupt nations in Europe and is bleeding massive resources from the American people who are bearing the large lion's share of the costs of the war. That's hard to justify too.

I grieve over the innocent lives lost.

I grieve that we had a feckless weak President in office that allowed this to happen. If Trump was still in the White House there would be no war anywhere.
there may be some …. but no majority ….
In any so called democracy marches commemorating the SS and wartime collaborators just should not be allowed, the Ukrainian regime is infected with the Bandera credo it's that simple, what gets me about these Ukrainian SS tribute acts is the Germans look at them as untermench, they suffer from stockholm syndrome.
Russia is the aggressor and therefore the villain in this and I cannot justify that even though they feared the Ukraine joining NATO and/or the EU. But the war is between the most two corrupt nations in Europe and is bleeding massive resources from the American people who are bearing the large lion's share of the costs of the war. That's hard to justify too.

I grieve over the innocent lives lost.

I grieve that we had a feckless weak President in office that allowed this to happen. If Trump was still in the White House there would be no war anywhere.
The war is between Russia and Nato and the US Reich, the Ukrainians are just the idiots fighting and dying for Nato and the Reich.
Did you guys follow the situation as it developed at the end of 2021? Putin was building up troops near Ukraine for nearly a year, starting around March 2021. In December, putin gave an ultimatum (Vladimir Putin's December 2021 ultimatum - Wikipedia) to the US which had, as a requirement for removing troops from the border with Ukraine, the 'withdrawal of NATO capabilities from the territories of the former USSR'. This is, as far as I can tell, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.

The point is, for putin this is not just about Ukraine, but about NATO and the former USSR. I think the ultimatum and subsequent invasion of Ukraine (after the rejection of the ultimatum) make it clear how far putin is willing to go, and that he wants to be the dominant power in the former USSR territories. So, unless the US is willing to abandon 3 NATO members, cede all influence in eastern Europe to Russia, and face the larger geopolitical consequences that might come from that, it will eventually have to face Russian forces in some way. Be it by proxy (in Ukraine) or possibly with NATO troops, since putin (or whatever successor) will probably demand Estonia/Lithuania and Latvia again.

That is just a 'geopolitical' perspective, but I think it drives the decisions in the end. Personally, I think peace (even with some territorial concessions to Russia) should be made, and Ukraine should be given some credible guarantee that Russia won't invade again, so that there can be stability for Ukraine to grow and rebuild. But I don't know what that guarantee could look like, other than NATO membership...
Did you guys follow the situation as it developed at the end of 2021? Putin was building up troops near Ukraine for nearly a year, starting around March 2021. In December, putin gave an ultimatum (Vladimir Putin's December 2021 ultimatum - Wikipedia) to the US which had, as a requirement for removing troops from the border with Ukraine, the 'withdrawal of NATO capabilities from the territories of the former USSR'. This is, as far as I can tell, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.

The point is, for putin this is not just about Ukraine, but about NATO and the former USSR. I think the ultimatum and subsequent invasion of Ukraine (after the rejection of the ultimatum) make it clear how far putin is willing to go, and that he wants to be the dominant power in the former USSR territories. So, unless the US is willing to abandon 3 NATO members, cede all influence in eastern Europe to Russia, and face the larger geopolitical consequences that might come from that, it will eventually have to face Russian forces in some way. Be it by proxy (in Ukraine) or possibly with NATO troops, since putin (or whatever successor) will probably demand Estonia/Lithuania and Latvia again.

That is just a 'geopolitical' perspective, but I think it drives the decisions in the end. Personally, I think peace (even with some territorial concessions to Russia) should be made, and Ukraine should be given some credible guarantee that Russia won't invade again, so that there can be stability for Ukraine to grow and rebuild. But I don't know what that guarantee could look like, other than NATO membership...
Nato is the problem, it shouldn't even exist there is no reason for it to exist, after the USSR went the US and it's puppets had to find a reason for Nato to exist, they decided that was Russia and to a lesser extent Islamists, it's a money making scam and just a foreign legion for US global hegemony, that hegemony is being challenged, Putin didn't wake up one morning and say today is a good day to invade Ukraine, there is a back story that some people ignore, if i had been Russia i would have gone into Ukraine after the Western instigated Coup and the Nazi thugs were turned loose on the people in Donbass, if they had many more people would be alive today if they had but they waited for 8 years and thousands dead.
The war is between Russia and Nato and the US Reich, the Ukrainians are just the idiots fighting and dying for Nato and the Reich.
This is correct, and the "revolution" in 2014 was a color revolution engineered by the US through it's proxy the UN to start a proxy war with Russia. The same situation as the US proxy war with Iran using Israel as the catalyst. I don't know why more people can't see through the bullshit to understand this, but it seems to always work here. Want to start shit with China? Taiwan is your ticket.
Not true:

Attitudes in Ukraine towards Bandera

Bandera continues to be a divisive figure in Ukraine. Although Bandera is venerated in certain parts of western Ukraine, he, along with Joseph Stalin and Mikhail Gorbachev, is considered in surveys of Ukraine as a whole among the three historical figures who produce the most negative attitudes.[133]
Of course it's true, i am not talking about Stalin or Gorbachev i am talking about a Wartime Nazi collaborator, there are monunents to the thug in Ukraine, they have a national holiday to remember him.

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