UK Sexual Perverts Host Drag Shows Starring Adult Men With Down's Syndrome

Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.
Well all fags are retarded so you have a point.

At least you have something in common.
I'm the furthest thing from both a fag and a retard. Your previous reply shows you are definitely a sick fuck. Hope you catch that bug youre chasing, bud.
And yet, you were the one here watching it and getting off.
Quit projecting.
Projecting what? I'm not the one here watching that shit and getting off on it. You are and you even come on here to brag about it. :ack-1:
If you get any kind of pleasure from watching bearded, wig-wearing Mongolian Idiots in leather jumpsuits with their faces caked in makeup twerking their flabby asses to the delight of bar crowds who are not mentally impaired but may have significant emotional problems, far be it from me to deny you that pleasure.

But on Saturday night as I watched the livestream from Grand Rapids, MI of the UK-based, all-Down syndrome group of transvestites known as Drag Syndrome strutting their low-status flesh around onstage, my guts violently tugged with the feeling that these poor souls were being exploited."

How depraved can people be? This depraved...
I think the word is mongoloid....not Mongolian, which refers to an Asian nation.
If you get any kind of pleasure from watching bearded, wig-wearing Mongolian Idiots in leather jumpsuits with their faces caked in makeup twerking their flabby asses to the delight of bar crowds who are not mentally impaired but may have significant emotional problems, far be it from me to deny you that pleasure.

But on Saturday night as I watched the livestream from Grand Rapids, MI of the UK-based, all-Down syndrome group of transvestites known as Drag Syndrome strutting their low-status flesh around onstage, my guts violently tugged with the feeling that these poor souls were being exploited."

How depraved can people be? This depraved...
I think the word is mongoloid....not Mongolian, which refers to an Asian nation.
Learn how to use the quotation marks function, *Mongoloid*. I didn't post that myself. It's a quote from the article. It could be referring to a Mongolian mongoloid for all you know... illiterate dip.
If you get any kind of pleasure from watching bearded, wig-wearing Mongolian Idiots in leather jumpsuits with their faces caked in makeup twerking their flabby asses to the delight of bar crowds who are not mentally impaired but may have significant emotional problems, far be it from me to deny you that pleasure.

But on Saturday night as I watched the livestream from Grand Rapids, MI of the UK-based, all-Down syndrome group of transvestites known as Drag Syndrome strutting their low-status flesh around onstage, my guts violently tugged with the feeling that these poor souls were being exploited."

How depraved can people be? This depraved...
I think the word is mongoloid....not Mongolian, which refers to an Asian nation.
Learn how to use the quotation marks function, *Mongoloid*. I didn't post that myself. It's a quote from the article. It could be referring to a Mongolian mongoloid for all you know... illiterate dip.
No, they're whites with Downs. Yes, it is the author using the term. He is using it incorrectly. It is an old, unused term, and he is using it incorrectly.
Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.

Retardo-Americans are people with less full developed cerebellums, and taking advantage of that fact to convince them to presented sexual performances is just plain wrong and demonstrates low ethics.
Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.

As a mentally ill neurotic deviant, of course you're a sociopath who is just fine with this sort of stuff, as is anybody who supports a 'Rights' movement founded by communists and pedophiles.
I'm witnessing the collapse of Western Civilization.

I hope your Muslim masters dont allow you perverts to suffer too long.

Many of the sickos are into sado-masocishm, which is why they don't have a problem with Muslims; Islam is the best of both worlds for homos, rampant raping of little boys and torture for kicks. That's why they started the whole Islam is more enlightened than Da Evul Xians' meme back in the 1980's. Of course now they deny they were the primary spreaders of all that 'Golden Age Of Islam' crap, same as they deny pedophile gangs like NAMBLA were key founders of the Faggot Rights hoax.
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Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.

Retardo-Americans are people with less full developed cerebellums, and taking advantage of that fact to convince them to presented sexual performances is just plain wrong and demonstrates low ethics.

What evidence do you have that these men were convinced or are being taking advantage of? You have none.
Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.

As a mentally ill neurotic deviant, of course you're a sociopath who is just fine with this sort of stuff, as is anybody who supports a 'Rights' movement founded by communists and pedophiles.

Here is the extensive list of things of you can do about this drag show in the UK:

1. Stomp feet
2. Whine on the net
3. Spew blood from your wherever
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Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.

Retardo-Americans are people with less full developed cerebellums, and taking advantage of that fact to convince them to presented sexual performances is just plain wrong and demonstrates low ethics.

What evidence do you have that these men were convinced or are being taking advantage of? You have none.
You have Progs who believe the Handmaids Tale is a true happening. So your response is logically a Saul Alynsky retort.
What evidence do you have that these men were convinced or are being taking advantage of? You have none.
:icon_rolleyes: Really? Is dancing in drag for the entertainment of others something mentally handicapped men would be likely to do on their own? You seemed smarter than that.
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Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.

Retardo-Americans are people with less full developed cerebellums, and taking advantage of that fact to convince them to presented sexual performances is just plain wrong and demonstrates low ethics.

What evidence do you have that these men were convinced or are being taking advantage of? You have none.
You have Progs who believe the Handmaids Tale is a true happening. So your response is logically a Saul Alynsky retort.

Claims logic while using a Tu quoque fallacy. Hilarious.
What evidence do you have that these men were convinced or are being taking advantage of? You have none.
:icon_rolleyes: Really? Is dancing in drag for the entertainment of others something mentally handicapped men would be likely to do on their own? You seem smarter than that.

Have you tried asking any of them if they are forced or being taking advantage?

The faggot haters just want to whine about the faggots. A common theme for this forum.
Have you tried asking any of them if they are forced or being taking advantage?

The faggot haters just want to whine about the faggots. A common theme for this forum.
I'm certain these literally mentally retarded people weren't being forced and I'm equally certain they wouldn't know if they were being taken advantage of or not.

They really don't have the ability to make those sorts of judgements...sort of the whole point.
Do you think any of these drag performers give a wet donkey shit about the feelz of the fag haters severs time zones away? :lol:
Do you think any of these drag performers give a wet donkey shit about the feelz of the fag haters severs time zones away?
Do you really think the feelings of mentally challenged people who don't have the ability to even understand what they are doing is important here or germane?

WE know better. WE understand how they are being exploited. WE can differentiate right from wrong.
What kind of sick person are you?
Were any of the drag queens forced to participate in the event? Nope, sure weren’t. Good luck making it to your fainting couch.

Retardo-Americans are people with less full developed cerebellums, and taking advantage of that fact to convince them to presented sexual performances is just plain wrong and demonstrates low ethics.

What evidence do you have that these men were convinced or are being taking advantage of? You have none.

Tardo-Americans don't have the mental acuity, or alertness to realize that there is something wrong with a man in a dress. Its the same as a man have relations with a broad on roofies. Roofies make a gal really not capable , and really fucked in the head.

Retards are fucked in the head, naturally. That's why society tries to protect them- doesn't parade them in public in a show of perversion.

If someone of age, and is of presumedly sound mind, like Bruce Jenner, wants to get in a dress, that's there choice.

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