UK Home Secretary approves extradition of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to the US where he would face a 175 year sentence

One of the Bush Iraq war gang John Bolton doesn't like Julian Assange what a surprise

And dumb Don brought the warmongering fool Bolton into his administration.

Truth from the great Chris Hedges on Assange
He didn't choose Bolton...
Deep state has people they want in place....
Yes he did. He had the power to prevent Bolton from joining his administration.

Bolton was just one establishment asshole dumb Don picked. He had many in his administration. So believing Don was working against the Deep State is foolish.
Yes he did. He had the power to prevent Bolton from joining his administration.

Bolton was just one establishment asshole dumb Don picked. He had many in his administration. So believing Don was working against the Deep State is foolish.
Do you think Obama picked his cabinet ?
All those idiots held over from the Bush Administration like Timothy Geithner the treasury secretary
Do you think Obama picked his cabinet ?
All those idiots held over from the Bush Administration like Timothy Geithner the treasury secretary
Fuck O. I don’t care about him. He was worst than Trump. Citigroup picked his cabinet.
The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

Don’t confuse me with a duopoly dupe.

You are the one making excuses for dumb Don picking swamp creatures for his cabinet. Christ the idiot picked Barr for his AG. A well known Bushie and a full swamp creature.
The Swedish sex was totally consensual.
Sex that isn't agreed to is not consensual.

There was no "rape" at all, in any way.
Non-consensual sex is rape.

The actual charge was that Assange did not use a condom.
That is because the women did not agree to sex without a condom.

That is impossible.
Assange was staying with these women AFTER the rape was supposed to have occurred.
So if it was actually a rape, then they would have filed charges immediately, and they did not.
What an absurd argument. Did you get that from Harvey Weinstein?

The Swedish charges also have been formally dropped.
Because Assange successfully remained a fugitive until the statute of limitations ran out.

Not only was the sex consensual, but Assange continued living with them for days.
It was not until months later they decided to make charges, and it was over the lack of condom, not the sex.
Sex that isn't agreed to is not consensual.
He should have never been imprisoned
Rapists should be imprisoned.

and should be considered a hero by all.
I don't consider people who intentionally expose democracy activists in dictatorships as heroes.

The media is supposed to exposed the wrongs committed by government. Assange did and lost his freedom.
That is incorrect. Assange never exposed any wrongdoing by the government.

He did however expose secret democracy advocates in dictatorships so that they could be purged from their governments.
Rapists should be imprisoned.

I don't consider people who intentionally expose democracy activists in dictatorships as heroes.

That is incorrect. Assange never exposed any wrongdoing by the government.

He did however expose secret democracy advocates in dictatorships so that they could be purged from their governments.
Uninformed or a propagandist for the criminal State.

Not sure what to think on this one.

In before:


Nobody has ever died after right wingers in this board predicted a nefarious death.
Bolton is scum, he once threatened the then head of the OPCW and his family because he wouldn't go along with the WMD bullshit in Iraq, we know where your family live he told the guy, as for Assange he hacked nothing, he exposed US war crimes in Iraq with the collateral murder vid, he did no more than the Guardian newspaper.

“The UK government just ordered the extradition of Assange to the U.S. Biden’s administration could drop the charges, but instead they’re choosing to prosecute a journalist for exposing U.S. war crimes so I don’t ever want to hear again that Democrats believe in a free press.”

So true and the R Party is exactly the same. If no one stands up for justice for Assange from our ruling class, who will?
Regurgitation of alleged war crimes at this point could start a world war that would result in a third of the world starving. I love the idea of Mr. Assange, but the idea that total truth is necessary has a dark side. I'd love Mr. Assange to come back, if he had a little permanent reminder bird on his shoulder telling him when enough is enough. Embarrassment isn't fun, but a world war caused by grievious reminders puts the world at risk for nuclear holocaust where nobody wins.

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