Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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Most Lefties believe EVERYTHING the liberal media tells them?

Can't they see the liberal media is duping them?

Yyyyyeah umm..... it's on video. And it's been acknowledged.
Your issue isn't with "media", liberal or otherwise. Your issue is with "acknowledging reality".

Seems to be a lot of that going around though. Ignorance is Strength.
You missed my point entirely.

The MSM likes to blow up non-stories in an effort to discredit R, cons, and anyone who is not a LWNJ. The media doesn't do this to LWNJs, Ds and progs. Sadly, millions of Americans are duped just like you.

Obama didn't get outed for stealing from Patrick?
Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.


Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.

Plagerism is really no crime in politics ... unless you deny it, which the Trumps initially tried to do, but essentially they came clean, and really who should be surprised that Melania admires Michelle Obama? Partisan Naysayers aside, there's a lot to be admired. She certainly didn't enter the WH as polished as a Laura or Barbara Bush ... not to mention Nancy Reagan. I think Melania's admiration is understandable. Melania seems to be pretty unsavy media-wise, as was Michelle.

But what's funny is Donald made himself relevant in politics by pushing the Birther bs. Even as late as the Orlando shooting, he was insinuating that Obama had some foreign terrorist ties. And, of course, we all knew Donald was not this stupid, but merely lying in despicable way to fan the flames of idiots. The plagerism proves it.

But what's interesting is how the Trumps will walk away unscathed. Howard Dean's campaign crashed over less. Honestly, I don't understand how Trump survives ... except his base honestly wouldn't care if he shot someone.

I have no idea how the general election will play out. Even dems should admit Hillary's as much a Potemkin village candidate as the Donald.

Well put.\

I will just add that if Dean had become the nominee, he would have the same cloak of invincibility that Drumpf has about right now.

I just dogsled on Ms. Trump to shut up koshergrl . You bust her in the chops rhetorically and she backs off. This is a non factor and won’t be brought up much by HRC.


#1. I didn't say they were all first ladies. They all were the wives of presidential candidates who spoke during campaigns.
#2. You've never shut me up, and you've never successfully busted my chops. I have you on ignore, as do half or more of the regular posters on this site, because your posts contribute zero to the dialogue. I put you on ignore, and the conversation carries on just as it does when I don't have you on ignore, because you never post a salient point.

Funny how you continue to quote someone you have on “ignore”. That would be impossible.

Don’t you get tired of lying? Ever?

Er..no, it's not "impossible" to quote someone on ignore. I do it all the time, you yahoo.

Also, my ignore list is constantly evolving and people fall off it inexplicably and I am subjected to their drivel until I ignore them again. I get sucked into responding to twats like Ringel and Bode that way before I even realize what's going on.
Most Lefties believe EVERYTHING the liberal media tells them?

Can't they see the liberal media is duping them?

Yyyyyeah umm..... it's on video. And it's been acknowledged.
Your issue isn't with "media", liberal or otherwise. Your issue is with "acknowledging reality".

Seems to be a lot of that going around though. Ignorance is Strength.
You missed my point entirely.

The MSM likes to blow up non-stories in an effort to discredit R, cons, and anyone who is not a LWNJ. The media doesn't do this to LWNJs, Ds and progs. Sadly, millions of Americans are duped just like you.

No actually you missed mine.

Read your above --- "believing media". It's not a question of "believing media". It happened. It happened, it's documented, it's acknowledged. When a fact is established not believing it is not an option.
The Trump camp has ADMITTED the plagiarism you fucking shit for brains! Try to catch up with reality!

They have? Link?

I only ask because I'm pretty sure you're lying.

You're such an idiot.

So hack, you were entirely ready to vote for Donald Trump, until that paragon of virtue and honesty, Brian Williams came on MSDNC, hair ablaze shrieking "PLAGIARISM" because Melania used "Good evening ladies and gentlemen," clearly lifted from the beloved Michelle Obama's (Allah is enthralled with joy over her) 2008 speech.

Then you said, "if the wife of a politician spewing mindless platitudes uses well worn platitudes that have been used by other wives of politicians, why I must just have the vapors over the outrage.."


You're such a fucking retard, Fondle....
Imo it's more delight in laughing at Trump's fake outrage about Obama. Trump cynically ramped up the "he's muslim" hysteria about Obama, and as a result he will get less of the black vote since .... ever, but he figures he doesn't need it. It's be a delight if it bites him in his fat ass.

Ah, so attacking his wife is well justified.

democrat values at work.
Imo it's more delight in laughing at Trump's fake outrage about Obama. Trump cynically ramped up the "he's muslim" hysteria about Obama, and as a result he will get less of the black vote since .... ever, but he figures he doesn't need it. It's be a delight if it bites him in his fat ass.

Ah, so attacking his wife is well justified.

democrat values at work.

She lied.....
She was called on it
The Trump camp has ADMITTED the plagiarism you fucking shit for brains! Try to catch up with reality!

They have? Link?

I only ask because I'm pretty sure you're lying.

You're such an idiot.

So hack, you were entirely ready to vote for Donald Trump, until that paragon of virtue and honesty, Brian Williams came on MSDNC, hair ablaze shrieking "PLAGIARISM" because Melania used "Good evening ladies and gentlemen," clearly lifted from the beloved Michelle Obama's (Allah is enthralled with joy over her) 2008 speech.

Then you said, "if the wife of a politician spewing mindless platitudes uses well worn platitudes that have been used by other wives of politicians, why I must just have the vapors over the outrage.."


You're such a fucking retard, Fondle....

Actually, there were several PARAGRAPHS that were almost exactly verbatim save one or two words.

It wasn't just a line or two.
Most Lefties believe EVERYTHING the liberal media tells them?

Can't they see the liberal media is duping them?

Yyyyyeah umm..... it's on video. And it's been acknowledged.
Your issue isn't with "media", liberal or otherwise. Your issue is with "acknowledging reality".

Seems to be a lot of that going around though. Ignorance is Strength.
You missed my point entirely.

The MSM likes to blow up non-stories in an effort to discredit R, cons, and anyone who is not a LWNJ. The media doesn't do this to LWNJs, Ds and progs. Sadly, millions of Americans are duped just like you.

You mean like Benghazi - a sad event which Fox News blew up all out of proportion, made all sorts of false claims about, had 7 Congressional investigations over, and still found no wrong doing or cover up, on Clinton's part, and yet they're still telling the same discredited lies about it?

Or the IRS scandal, or Fast and Furious? How about White Water, Travelgate, Vince Foster's death, and all the other made up Clinton scandals that Republicans have spent millions of tax payer dollars investigating without a single charge ever been filed against the Clintons.

When will Republicans stop lying about the Clintons? It's been 25 years and still, you got nothing, except millions upon millions of wasted taxpayer dollars and time wasted.
Uh Oh! The Dems are freaking out at what Trump will say about hiLIARy up until election day.

It's going to be great!
Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.

Plagerism is really no crime in politics ... unless you deny it, which the Trumps initially tried to do, but essentially they came clean, and really who should be surprised that Melania admires Michelle Obama? Partisan Naysayers aside, there's a lot to be admired. She certainly didn't enter the WH as polished as a Laura or Barbara Bush ... not to mention Nancy Reagan. I think Melania's admiration is understandable. Melania seems to be pretty unsavy media-wise, as was Michelle.

But what's funny is Donald made himself relevant in politics by pushing the Birther bs. Even as late as the Orlando shooting, he was insinuating that Obama had some foreign terrorist ties. And, of course, we all knew Donald was not this stupid, but merely lying in despicable way to fan the flames of idiots. The plagerism proves it.

But what's interesting is how the Trumps will walk away unscathed. Howard Dean's campaign crashed over less. Honestly, I don't understand how Trump survives ... except his base honestly wouldn't care if he shot someone.

I have no idea how the general election will play out. Even dems should admit Hillary's as much a Potemkin village candidate as the Donald.

Well put.\

I will just add that if Dean had become the nominee, he would have the same cloak of invincibility that Drumpf has about right now.

I just dogsled on Ms. Trump to shut up koshergrl . You bust her in the chops rhetorically and she backs off. This is a non factor and won’t be brought up much by HRC.


#1. I didn't say they were all first ladies. They all were the wives of presidential candidates who spoke during campaigns.
#2. You've never shut me up, and you've never successfully busted my chops. I have you on ignore, as do half or more of the regular posters on this site, because your posts contribute zero to the dialogue. I put you on ignore, and the conversation carries on just as it does when I don't have you on ignore, because you never post a salient point.

Funny how you continue to quote someone you have on “ignore”. That would be impossible.

Don’t you get tired of lying? Ever?

Er..no, it's not "impossible" to quote someone on ignore. I do it all the time, you yahoo.

Also, my ignore list is constantly evolving and people fall off it inexplicably and I am subjected to their drivel until I ignore them again. I get sucked into responding to twats like Ringel and Bode that way before I even realize what's going on.

You're lying once more. I think you lie so often that you're no longer aware of the truth. It happens to folks like you and Drumpf.

But since your bitch ass is back here; answer the questions:

Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.
Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Where are such clips? Admit it bitch, you just made it up...like everything else that comes out of that grotesque decaying trap of yours.
Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….
Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.
Uh Oh! The Dems are freaking out at what Trump will say about hiLIARy up until election day.

It's going to be great!

I am just curious if Trump is capable of multi syllable words

Yep, we did that back here a while back.... see the video for dissection of syllables...


The Trump camp has ADMITTED the plagiarism you fucking shit for brains! Try to catch up with reality!

They have? Link?

I only ask because I'm pretty sure you're lying.

You're such an idiot.

So hack, you were entirely ready to vote for Donald Trump, until that paragon of virtue and honesty, Brian Williams came on MSDNC, hair ablaze shrieking "PLAGIARISM" because Melania used "Good evening ladies and gentlemen," clearly lifted from the beloved Michelle Obama's (Allah is enthralled with joy over her) 2008 speech.

Then you said, "if the wife of a politician spewing mindless platitudes uses well worn platitudes that have been used by other wives of politicians, why I must just have the vapors over the outrage.."


You're such a fucking retard, Fondle....
You can't get anymore rightarded. I don't know who said that quote -- but it wasn't me. :eusa_doh:

Nice fail, loser. :mm:
Imo it's more delight in laughing at Trump's fake outrage about Obama. Trump cynically ramped up the "he's muslim" hysteria about Obama, and as a result he will get less of the black vote since .... ever, but he figures he doesn't need it. It's be a delight if it bites him in his fat ass.

Ah, so attacking his wife is well justified.

democrat values at work.
Yeah.... you NEVER see tightie whitie righties attacking the wives. They're off-limits, right?
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