UFO/Extraterrestrial Chat Sites

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
I've been trying to find some chat sites, like this one, that deal specifically in UFO's, Extraterrestrials, Big Foot, etc.... Not having much luck. Don't know if I'm not using the correct search terms or what.

Are there any good chat sites out there that deal with those things?
I imagine they like to keep it on the downlow. True paranormal believers are the most trolled people on the internet. Their beliefs and their zeal make them such easy targets for ridicule.
I've been trying to find some chat sites, like this one, that deal specifically in UFO's, Extraterrestrials, Big Foot, etc.... Not having much luck. Don't know if I'm not using the correct search terms or what.

Are there any good chat sites out there that deal with those things?

I know of some, but they all speak Alien. ;)

I;m not sure about it all, but James loves it so for his birthday I'm getting tickets to do the ghost tour at the prison in Jefferson city. He'll love it.

Watch it be me that experiences something and has to come home as a withered, white haired gnome.
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Not that I believe in this stuff, but I have always been interested in it.
I have tons of questions I'd like to post to people who have studied this stuff and know about it more than I do.

I've been watching the UFO and Extraterrestrial docu-series on Netflix, and it just brought up more questions.
I went to an extraterrestrial chat room once ... but I don't speak Klingon...

It is an interesting topic but I don't imagine there is all that much UFO/Extraterrestrial news to stimulate ongoing discussion day-after-day.

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