U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

Your attempted flip to another issue is noted.

If they are not citizens, they are foreign entities. To say otherwise is the height of willful ignorance.

They are here. They are staying. They should be counted just like the Constitution requires.
ok 3/5th how's that?
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

The Census does more than apportion political representation.

Illegals shouldn't be counted in the census.
Feel free to amend the Constitution....

The constitution only applies to US citizens. Please show me in the constitution where it states that non-citizens have the right to vote, to be represented by electors, or to be counted in the census.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,
all jobs unemployed America citizens should be doing

Irrelevant. They have to be paid a legal wage and have taxes paid. Many employers and Wall Street isn't interested in that so it's not going to happen.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

Your attempted flip to another issue is noted.

If they are not citizens, they are foreign entities. To say otherwise is the height of willful ignorance.

They are here. They are staying. They should be counted just like the Constitution requires.
ok 3/5th how's that?

Argue that and it can be discussed but the Constitution clearly states that everyone gets counted.

All the same you then have to argue how that gets done. Are we to hire tens of thousands of Federal immigration officials to determine the status of everyone they count? And how do you propose this be done?
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

The Census does more than apportion political representation.

Illegals shouldn't be counted in the census.
Feel free to amend the Constitution....

Not necessary. Enforce existing law.
The current constitution says count persons....
If you're talking about deporting people...you blob has had 4 years...he's not done shit on that front either.

Remember how you guys were beating your chests about federal agents driving around scooping up illegals by the bus load?

It never happened.....

This is quite current -

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

Yeah...go with that. LOL
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

The Census does more than apportion political representation.
you are correct it gives tax money to states for the upkeep of those illegal immigrants
Actually it doesn't do that either. Keep swinging Blart..you're bound to hit a foul ball some day.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

They are criminals. They broke the law and entered this country illegally.

That's why we call them "illegals."
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

The Census does more than apportion political representation.

Illegals shouldn't be counted in the census.
Feel free to amend the Constitution....

The constitution only applies to US citizens. Please show me in the constitution where it states that non-citizens have the right to vote, to be represented by electors, or to be counted in the census.

Does The Constitution Protect Non-Citizens? Judges Say Yes

The Constitution applies to everyone here.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

The Census does more than apportion political representation.

Illegals shouldn't be counted in the census.
Feel free to amend the Constitution....

The constitution only applies to US citizens. Please show me in the constitution where it states that non-citizens have the right to vote, to be represented by electors, or to be counted in the census.

It says count all persons. If you want it to say "citizens" you'd have to change it. Get busy.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

They are criminals. They broke the law and entered this country illegally.

That's why we call them "illegals."

So? Those employing them are breaking the law also. Should we exclude them also? And if so, how do we go about doing this?
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

They are criminals. They broke the law and entered this country illegally.

That's why we call them "illegals."

So? Those employing them are breaking the law also. Should we exclude them also?

Not if they are American citizens.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

They are criminals. They broke the law and entered this country illegally.

That's why we call them "illegals."

So? Those employing them are breaking the law also. Should we exclude them also?

Not if they are American citizens.

Irrelevant and the court will see it the same way. The Constitution is clear.
Anyone here without official permission needs to be removed. Forget about counting them except for maybe giving an award to the ice agent who removes the most. No vote, no license, no government assistence of any kind.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

They are criminals. They broke the law and entered this country illegally.

That's why we call them "illegals."

So? Those employing them are breaking the law also. Should we exclude them also? And if so, how do we go about doing this?

No, those hiring them are American citizens who can vote, and therefore should be counted in the census.

But illegals are criminals, and are not entitled to the full benefits the US Constitution bequeaths on real American citizens.

If illegals weren't criminals and truly were dindu nuffins, they wouldn't be arrested for being criminals, as ICE did yesterday. ICE arrested more than 170 of the criminals in several "sanctuary cities" yesterday.

ICE sweeps through D.C., other sanctuary cities; more than 170 arrests

That's 170 criminals who won't be illegally voting for Joe Biden.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

They are criminals. They broke the law and entered this country illegally.

That's why we call them "illegals."

So? Those employing them are breaking the law also. Should we exclude them also?

Not if they are American citizens.

Irrelevant and the court will see it the same way. The Constitution is clear.
It is very clear that the constitution says that birth right citizenship was never meant for illegal aliens
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

The Census does more than apportion political representation.

Illegals shouldn't be counted in the census.
Feel free to amend the Constitution....

Not necessary. Enforce existing law.
The current constitution says count persons....
If you're talking about deporting people...you blob has had 4 years...he's not done shit on that front either.

Remember how you guys were beating your chests about federal agents driving around scooping up illegals by the bus load?

It never happened.....
you're a genius
..the DUMBASS states like Cali are stopping it...not only do they assist the illegals, they even PAY illegals for -----------------------being illegal!!!!!!!!!! very very stupid
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

The Census does more than apportion political representation.

Illegals shouldn't be counted in the census.
Feel free to amend the Constitution....

Not necessary. Enforce existing law.
The current constitution says count persons....
If you're talking about deporting people...you blob has had 4 years...he's not done shit on that front either.

Remember how you guys were beating your chests about federal agents driving around scooping up illegals by the bus load?

It never happened.....
you're a genius
..the DUMBASS states like Cali are stopping it...not only do they assist the illegals, they even PAY illegals for -----------------------being illegal!!!!!!!!!! very very stupid

Your blob just can't get the job done. Time for a change.
Why should illegals have political representation?

No clue how the court will respond, but it's an easy enough question.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump bid to exclude illegal immigrants from representation

Why? Because that's what the Constitution call for.

The U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to carry out the census in "such manner as they shall by Law direct" (Article I, Section 2). The Founders of our fledgling nation had a bold and ambitious plan to empower the people over their new government. The plan was to count every person living in the newly created United States of America, and to use that count to determine representation in the Congress.

Census in the Constitution.

A census counter is completely unable to determine who is here legally or not at that. This is just another case where the government tries to blame others for it's failures.

Technically, it calls for the enumeration of "the whole Number of free Persons". At that time of writing there was no immigration law as there was no reason to have any.

Illegal aliens are not "free" but only "free-roaming", no different than a burglar who enters your house.

There is no logic in giving Congressional representation to foreign entities.

People will argue that there were no semi-automatic weapons back then either so banning them is OK.

None of it is OK. Besides, they are not foreign entities. They are people here processing our food. Caring for our children. Taking care of our lawns,

They are criminals. They broke the law and entered this country illegally.

That's why we call them "illegals."

So? Those employing them are breaking the law also. Should we exclude them also? And if so, how do we go about doing this?

No, those hiring them are American citizens who can vote, and therefore should be counted in the census.

But illegals are criminals, and are not entitled to the full benefits the US Constitution bequeaths on real American citizens.

If illegals weren't criminals and truly were dindu nuffins, they wouldn't be arrested for being criminals, as ICE did yesterday. ICE arrested more than 170 of the criminals in several "sanctuary cities" yesterday.

ICE sweeps through D.C., other sanctuary cities; more than 170 arrests

That's 170 criminals who won't be illegally voting for Joe Biden.

They never were going to, to start with.

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