U.S. Senate's $430 billion climate bill to add tax on stock buybacks


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I hate stock buybacks

I think they’re one of the most self-serving things that corporate America does. Instead of investing in workers and in training and in research and in equipment, they simply don’t do a thing to make their company better and they artificially raise the stock price by just reducing the number of shares. TERRIBLE!

I hate stock buybacks

I think they’re one of the most self-serving things that corporate America does. Instead of investing in workers and in training and in research and in equipment, they simply don’t do a thing to make their company better and they artificially raise the stock price by just reducing the number of shares. TERRIBLE!

I think it's better when my stock goes up in price.

Besides, when a company reinvests in workers and in training and in research and in equipment, stupid twats like Sanders, Warren and AOC whine that they don't pay any taxes.
Try again.
    • Repurchases return cash to shareholders who want to exit the investment.
    • With a buyback, the company can increase earnings per share, all else equal. The same earnings pie cut into fewer slices is worth a greater share of the earnings.

  • By reducing share count, buybacks increase the stock’s potential upside for shareholders who want to remain owners. If the company is worth $1 billion, but is split fewer ways, each share is worth more.
  • Stock Buybacks: Why Do Companies Repurchase Their Own Shares And Is It Good For Investors? | Bankrate.
The thing is if they had something better to invest in, the shareholders would want that. Largely this is an age of mergers and acquisitions, not expanding one's footprint, at least not in the US market.

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