U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot​

21 May 2021 ~~ By Andy Sullivan
U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, according to court filings.
Prosecutors also have filed additional criminal charges against the man, John Earle Sullivan, a self-described political activist who is accused of entering the Capitol building and participating in the riot, the filings unsealed on Thursday showed.
Sullivan now faces a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot. Sullivan's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
According to media reports, Sullivan participated in Black Lives Matter protests last year. Other Black Lives Matter activists in his home state have disavowed him.

Oh Hum...., The usual Quisling news media exaggerations aside, the well documented Antifa yerrorist. Urged on the crowd. But that's all for shyts and giggles hanging with BLM and trying to make a fast buck until the feds come a-knocking.
It was reported that there were no ANTIFA/BLM members at the “insurrection”. Yet, here we have a poster child for #BLM in the midst of the so called Insurrection on Jan 6th, 2021, shouting "Burn this shyt down...

When you lie down with dogs.....

U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot​

21 May 2021 ~~ By Andy Sullivan
U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, according to court filings.
Prosecutors also have filed additional criminal charges against the man, John Earle Sullivan, a self-described political activist who is accused of entering the Capitol building and participating in the riot, the filings unsealed on Thursday showed.
Sullivan now faces a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot. Sullivan's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
According to media reports, Sullivan participated in Black Lives Matter protests last year. Other Black Lives Matter activists in his home state have disavowed him.

Oh Hum...., The usual Quisling news media exaggerations aside, the well documented Antifa yerrorist. Urged on the crowd. But that's all for shyts and giggles hanging with BLM and trying to make a fast buck until the feds come a-knocking.
It was reported that there were no ANTIFA/BLM members at the “insurrection”. Yet, here we have a poster child for #BLM in the midst of the so called Insurrection on Jan 6th, 2021, shouting "Burn this shyt down...

When you lie down with dogs.....
U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by actors (antifa and black flies matter) paid for by PIG-lousi and the scum demonRATS....

U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot​

21 May 2021 ~~ By Andy Sullivan
U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, according to court filings.
Prosecutors also have filed additional criminal charges against the man, John Earle Sullivan, a self-described political activist who is accused of entering the Capitol building and participating in the riot, the filings unsealed on Thursday showed.
Sullivan now faces a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot. Sullivan's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
According to media reports, Sullivan participated in Black Lives Matter protests last year. Other Black Lives Matter activists in his home state have disavowed him.

Oh Hum...., The usual Quisling news media exaggerations aside, the well documented Antifa yerrorist. Urged on the crowd. But that's all for shyts and giggles hanging with BLM and trying to make a fast buck until the feds come a-knocking.
It was reported that there were no ANTIFA/BLM members at the “insurrection”. Yet, here we have a poster child for #BLM in the midst of the so called Insurrection on Jan 6th, 2021, shouting "Burn this shyt down...

When you lie down with dogs.....
That was before the income tax deadline. Tax evasion if he didn't include it on his 1040.

U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot​

21 May 2021 ~~ By Andy Sullivan
U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, according to court filings.
Prosecutors also have filed additional criminal charges against the man, John Earle Sullivan, a self-described political activist who is accused of entering the Capitol building and participating in the riot, the filings unsealed on Thursday showed.
Sullivan now faces a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot. Sullivan's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
According to media reports, Sullivan participated in Black Lives Matter protests last year. Other Black Lives Matter activists in his home state have disavowed him.

Oh Hum...., The usual Quisling news media exaggerations aside, the well documented Antifa yerrorist. Urged on the crowd. But that's all for shyts and giggles hanging with BLM and trying to make a fast buck until the feds come a-knocking.
It was reported that there were no ANTIFA/BLM members at the “insurrection”. Yet, here we have a poster child for #BLM in the midst of the so called Insurrection on Jan 6th, 2021, shouting "Burn this shyt down...

When you lie down with dogs.....
Over 400 have been arrested so far and none of them were from your bogeymen BLM/ antifa whatever the hell that`s supposed to be. Go sit in a corner and when we need another idiotic thread started we`ll ring a bell or something. This is John Sullivan.
It took income tax evasion to bring down Al Capone.. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot​

21 May 2021 ~~ By Andy Sullivan
U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, according to court filings.
Prosecutors also have filed additional criminal charges against the man, John Earle Sullivan, a self-described political activist who is accused of entering the Capitol building and participating in the riot, the filings unsealed on Thursday showed.
Sullivan now faces a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot. Sullivan's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
According to media reports, Sullivan participated in Black Lives Matter protests last year. Other Black Lives Matter activists in his home state have disavowed him.

Oh Hum...., The usual Quisling news media exaggerations aside, the well documented Antifa yerrorist. Urged on the crowd. But that's all for shyts and giggles hanging with BLM and trying to make a fast buck until the feds come a-knocking.
It was reported that there were no ANTIFA/BLM members at the “insurrection”. Yet, here we have a poster child for #BLM in the midst of the so called Insurrection on Jan 6th, 2021, shouting "Burn this shyt down...

When you lie down with dogs.....

He is just like

Andy Ngo​

The pot calling the kettle black. Oh the hypocrisy.

U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot​

Why doesn't the useless POS Reuters say one word about WHY this guy had $90K seized from him by the Fed?

WHAT CRIME DID HE COMMIT selling footage he took to the news media?

Whatever happened to freedom of the Press in Bidum's America?

In general you can't profit from committing a crime. I'm not sure how all this will shake out but we need people to record what is happening because the authorities are so many time reluctant to release any video they have.

If not for this video the headlines would likely be "The investigation into who shot the intruder is still ongoing".

We've seen it for decades.

Fake-News Reuters Reports on Feds Seizing $90,000 from Antifa-BLM Organizer John Sullivan — Neglect to Report Most Important Facts​

According to our earlier reports — with video– John Sullivan bragged about posing as a Trump supporter, broke a window in the US Capitol and organized two Antifa-BLM events near the US Capitol just hours before the US Capitol was breached.
Clearly, Reuters had access to this information we previously published but refused to report the truth.
So, what else are they hiding?

Why is it that a know Antifa/BLM terrorist was released when caught instigating riot on Jan 6th in Washington D.C. and nearly 300 American citizens re still incarcerated for tresspass.
Meanwhile, we continue to find more evidence that Jan 6th was a 'False Flag' operation...
"According to this American patriot, who is a US Marine veteran who worked overseas at a US Embassy, the doors on the US Capitol are electronically controlled magnetic locked doors. And someone inside the security booth at the US Capitol opened the doors!"

A setup, a false flag, provocateurs. All to CRIMINALIZE any questioning of the election results. You all saw how quickly Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats (and the trolls here) jumped on "Questioning the election results is a federal crime".
Please note, the magnetic mechanism to open and secure the locks is not available just to anyone and is not readily accessible even from the inside. You can't break a window and release it from the inside.
The whole thing was staged. That's why they had all those photographers stationed inside ahead of time and Capitol Police escorting the protesters through the halls. "insurrectionists" calmly walked in and stayed inside the guide ropes like they were on a museum tour. If it was a real bloodthirsty mob then the entire place would have been completely ransacked. It wasn't.

U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot​

Why doesn't the useless POS Reuters say one word about WHY this guy had $90K seized from him by the Fed?

WHAT CRIME DID HE COMMIT selling footage he took to the news media?

Whatever happened to freedom of the Press in Bidum's America?
Instigating a riot to set people up to get shot by racist capital whatever in order to SELL the footage for a profit?
If the the filthy government had gone after the BLM terrorists that spent six months looting, burning, murdering and destroying like the government is going after the Patriots then there would be thousands of Insurrectionist in jail now.
John Earle Sullivan is a key figure and someone who was a leftist BLM-Antifa figure and also an FBI informant
and someone that urged and exhorted protestors to set the Capital on fire and damage it.

There can only be one reason he is walking around free and that is if details of his government
alliances got out it would destroy the whole phony narrative of Trump causing the 1/6 riots.
Why doesn't the useless POS Reuters say one word about WHY this guy had $90K seized from him by the Fed?

WHAT CRIME DID HE COMMIT selling footage he took to the news media?

Whatever happened to freedom of the Press in Bidum's America?
Breaking and entering and trespassing are crimes and anything of value taken in the commission of a crime is subject to confiscation.

U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot​

21 May 2021 ~~ By Andy Sullivan
U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, according to court filings.
Prosecutors also have filed additional criminal charges against the man, John Earle Sullivan, a self-described political activist who is accused of entering the Capitol building and participating in the riot, the filings unsealed on Thursday showed.
Sullivan now faces a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot. Sullivan's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
According to media reports, Sullivan participated in Black Lives Matter protests last year. Other Black Lives Matter activists in his home state have disavowed him.

Oh Hum...., The usual Quisling news media exaggerations aside, the well documented Antifa yerrorist. Urged on the crowd. But that's all for shyts and giggles hanging with BLM and trying to make a fast buck until the feds come a-knocking.
It was reported that there were no ANTIFA/BLM members at the “insurrection”. Yet, here we have a poster child for #BLM in the midst of the so called Insurrection on Jan 6th, 2021, shouting "Burn this shyt down...

When you lie down with dogs.....
You get Ghetto fleas.

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