U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.
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Availability of firearms is not why we have a violence problem. It's parenting (or more precisely the lack of good parenting,) general destruction of the respect for authority figures we had not too long ago in the country, increasing marginalization of faith (admittedly I don't have a huge problem with this one but conceed it has downsides,) and the increasing villification of sex and pleasure in general.

As we see with internet 'nutshot' videos and self-harming stunts and behaviours, youth in this country have been conditioned not to have sex. So if their sexual organs aren't needed let's get ourselves on the net and tv by harming ourselves.

Want less violence? Encourage sex, encourage kids to date and touch (consensually,) and quit repressing healthy sexuality. When you do that that desire and energy doesn't go away. It stagnates until it explodes in some negative behaviour like rape, assault, murder, etc.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!
The police chiefs and their supporters are correct. Background checks need to be complete, thorough and encompass all the US, in addition no one should be exempt -include gun show sales and sales and transfers between individuals. This will cost money, this will make some people mad but so be it if this is what it takes to get a handle on gun purchases, registrations and licensing.
As far as your comment about "NRA Gun-nutters" you are wrong. The membership supports efficient and effective registration with the intent of keeping weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them. If there is any wrongness being done here it is YOU and the Congress for not seeing what is right and having the 'moral courage' to act without grandstanding.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

The Dangers of Universal Background Checks


August 17, 2015

Universal Background Check legislation poses a very real threat to our right to keep and bear arms and, ultimately, to our liberty itself. Your ability to sell your guns will become cumbersome and more expensive. Worse, UBC laws will lead to gun registration schemes as a means of enforcement, home “compliance inspections” to ensure that those registration schemes have been followed, and, finally, confiscation(which has already occurred in other states)."
Citing the popularity of an idea is not the same as showing it will be effective in reducing crime. It will not. Oregon has UBC and we see how that turned out a couple of weeks ago.
Such measures are nothing more than an attempt to stick it to lawful gun owners. It will not reduce crime one bit.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

I don't oppose it for one. Just don't think it's gonna do anything.
The police chiefs and their supporters are correct. Background checks need to be complete, thorough and encompass all the US, in addition no one should be exempt -include gun show sales and sales and transfers between individuals. This will cost money, this will make some people mad but so be it if this is what it takes to get a handle on gun purchases, registrations and licensing.
As far as your comment about "NRA Gun-nutters" you are wrong. The membership supports efficient and effective registration with the intent of keeping weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them. If there is any wrongness being done here it is YOU and the Congress for not seeing what is right and having the 'moral courage' to act without grandstanding.

As a former longtime NRA member, I am well aware of the NRA gun nutter mentality. The NRA was once a good outfit - until the radicals hijacked it in 1977.

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

because we know you twats won't stop there. It's telling that these pleas come from police chiefs in cities that do every single thing they can to make sure law abiding people have as difficult of a time as possible getting a gun.

He can go pound sand.
The job of the unelected Police Chiefs is to enforce the law nor recommend changes in the law. If you asked the International Chiefs of Police if they would rather interrogate suspects without informing them of their rights you can bet your ass(ets) that they would support it. If you asked them if burglars should be registered as well as any other felon you can bet that they would support any new law that makes their jobs easier.

This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.

You know that criminals will avoid whatever this type of background check is the same way the avoid current federally mandated background checks…they will steal their guns or use someone who has a clean record buy the gun for them…..

This is another stupid and overt way to get the feds in control of our guns……

McCarthy is overseeing an increased murder rate in Chicago because the democrats won't spend any money on enough police…they spend it on everything else, just not police….

If you go to any of the democrat murder cities….you find the same thing…they under fund their police. They undermine their police by backing police hating groups like black lives matter, and they won't hire enough police to protect minority neighborhoods…where all of the gun murder actually happens….

they do however have more than enough police to protect the rich, mostly white, democrat areas of the city…..
Background checks for purchases is like erecting an 8 foot high chainlink fence to keep birds enclosed. :)

At least 2 of the recent mass shooters used weapons parents bought for them.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

The 40% number is a lie…and that he repeated that lie shows he is an asshole gun grabber…...
The police chiefs and their supporters are correct. Background checks need to be complete, thorough and encompass all the US, in addition no one should be exempt -include gun show sales and sales and transfers between individuals. This will cost money, this will make some people mad but so be it if this is what it takes to get a handle on gun purchases, registrations and licensing.
As far as your comment about "NRA Gun-nutters" you are wrong. The membership supports efficient and effective registration with the intent of keeping weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them. If there is any wrongness being done here it is YOU and the Congress for not seeing what is right and having the 'moral courage' to act without grandstanding.

NO sane person who believes in gun rights supports registration, i.e. every gun you own being cataloged by whatever government agencies feel like keeping a list.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

The 40% number was before we had any background checks……then the NRA helped pass the current background check law and that number is less than 1% now……

The stale claim that 40 percent of gun sales lack background checks

The Facts
The White House says the figure comes from a 1997 Institute of Justice report, written by Philip Cook of Duke University and Jens Ludwig of the University of Chicago.

This study is based on data collected from a survey in 1994, just the Brady law requirements for background checks was coming into effect. (In fact, the questions concerned purchases in 1993 and 1994, while Brady law went into effect in early 1994.) In other words, this is a really old figure.

The data is available for researchers to explore at the Interuniversity consortium on political and social research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. Digging deeper, we find that the survey sample was just 251 people. (The survey was done by telephone, using a random-digit-dial method, with a response rate of 50 percent.) With this sample size, the 95 percent confidence interval will be plus or minus 6 percentage points.

Moreover, when asked if he or she bought from a licensed firearms dealer, the possible answers included “probably was/think so” and “probably not,” leaving open the possibility the purchaser was mistaken. (The “probably not” answers were counted as “no.”)

When all of the “yes” and “probably was” answers were added together, that left 35.7 percent of respondents indicating they did not receive the gun from a licensed firearms dealer. Rounding up gets you to 40 percent, though as we noted the survey sample is so small it could also be rounded down to 30 percent.

Moreover, when gifts, inheritances and prizes are added in, then the number shrinks to 26.4 percent. (The survey showed that nearly 23.8 percent of the people surveyed obtained their gun either as a gift or inherited it, and about half of them believed a licensed firearms dealer was the source.)

Cook and Ludwig, in a lengthier 1996 study of the data for the Police Foundation, acknowledge the ambiguity in the answers, but gave their best estimate as a range of 30 to 40 percent for transactions in the “off-the-books” secondary market. (The shorter 1997 study cited by the White House does not give a range, but instead says “approximately 60 percent of gun acquisitions” involved a licensed dealer.)

Interestingly, while people often speak of the “gun show loophole,” the data in this 1994 survey shows that only 3.9 percent of firearm purchases were made at gun shows.
It's sadly funny when gun nutters try to act smarter than nationwide police officials. If gun nutters simply allowed "universal background checks" - this debate could end. What's the problem?
The police chiefs and their supporters are correct. Background checks need to be complete, thorough and encompass all the US, in addition no one should be exempt -include gun show sales and sales and transfers between individuals. This will cost money, this will make some people mad but so be it if this is what it takes to get a handle on gun purchases, registrations and licensing.
As far as your comment about "NRA Gun-nutters" you are wrong. The membership supports efficient and effective registration with the intent of keeping weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them. If there is any wrongness being done here it is YOU and the Congress for not seeing what is right and having the 'moral courage' to act without grandstanding.

As a former longtime NRA member, I am well aware of the NRA gun nutter mentality. The NRA was once a good outfit - until the radicals hijacked it in 1977.

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

Through out our Country's History our government fucks up and WE THE PEOPLE must pay the consequences.

The Warmongers fuck around the middle east , they retaliated and now we have the TSA to contend with,

The sons of bitches created GUN FREE ZONES , people die as a consequence thereof , so now
the fascist sons of bitches want free people to subject themselves to background checks in order to exercise a constitutional right.

I wonder how many Jews would have passed nazi Germany background checks?

The police chiefs and their supporters are correct. Background checks need to be complete, thorough and encompass all the US, in addition no one should be exempt -include gun show sales and sales and transfers between individuals. This will cost money, this will make some people mad but so be it if this is what it takes to get a handle on gun purchases, registrations and licensing.
As far as your comment about "NRA Gun-nutters" you are wrong. The membership supports efficient and effective registration with the intent of keeping weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them. If there is any wrongness being done here it is YOU and the Congress for not seeing what is right and having the 'moral courage' to act without grandstanding.

Background checks do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns…..not the current federally mandated background checks and not any future "universal" background checks.

Criminals don't go through background checks…at all….they steal their guns or use someone with a clean record to buy their guns….

The push for universal background checks is only to go to the next requirement which will be universal registration of guns……that is the only reason they want universal background checks so badly……universal background checks cannot work if you don't know who has the gun now…and when they had it…other wise people can just claim they had the gun the whole time and bought it before the checks went into effect……

Also….it sets up a felony trap for unkowledgeable gun owners and sellers..the people who may sell Dad's guns after he dies but aren't part of the gun culture….then they have just become felons……having done nothing wrong but missed the paper work…...
It's sadly funny when gun nutters try to act smarter than nationwide police officials. If gun nutters simply allowed "universal background checks" - this debate could end. What's the problem?
LOL. BEcause they know everything, right?

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