U.S. automakers dramatically outpaced projections



June 2014 U.S. Sales Thread: WardsAuto U.S. Light Vehicle Sales Day | Counting Cars

FINAL UPDATE - 2:45 PM: For the second consecutive month, U.S. automakers outpaced expectations, delivering sales at a higher seasonally adjusted annual rate of sales (SAAR) than called for by consensus forecasts.

With all automakers reporting, the U.S. LV SAAR for June climbed to 16.9 million units - the highest monthly LV SAAR since July 2006. Industry forecasts, including WardsAuto's, had called for the June SAAR to near, but not reach, May's 94-month-high 16.71 million-unit SAAR.


Record North American Q3 Output Edges Up | Plants & Production

Strong sales expectations have prompted auto makers to adjust their record-level third-quarter North American output plans upward slightly. That action comes a month after they reported unexpectedly strong production in the month of May


Every day, I thank Obama for not letting the car industry die in this country. What were Republicans thinking?
Looks like people can see the recalls for the nonsense that they are. A dozen or so deaths out of ten million cars plus with the "defective" ignition switch.


More people have died from untimely flatulence than from these switches.
Looks like people can see the recalls for the nonsense that they are. A dozen or so deaths out of ten million cars plus with the "defective" ignition switch.


More people have died from untimely flatulence than from these switches.

Perhaps they should have waited on the recalls until.........you put the number of deaths to where the recalls would be warranted, moron.

I will tell you want is moronic: the idiotic conceit that "If it can save even one life..." then no cost is too great, because the value of a life is [it is supposed] infinite.

We live in a world of compromises. How many people die in auto accidents in Mini's? In SmartCars? In COBALTS? Motor-fucking-cycles? How many of them would have SURVIVED if they had been driving an Escalade or an F250? Thousands, I would wager.

And yet those "morons" chose to place the saving of a few dollars a week in gasoline cost ABOVE THE INCREASED RISK OF DEATH in an auto accident.

You know, if we reduced the national speed limit to 35mph, and actually enforced it, then we could save the lives of at least ten of thousand U.S. residents every year. And yet we foolishly drive around at 65, 70 and higher rates of speed, JUST TO GET WHERE WE ARE GOING A FEW MINUTES EARLIER!

We must all be "morons," eh?

The "defect" in question is an ignition switch that, if badly abused over a period of years, might fail in an unsafe way, and result in a risk - far less than one in a million - that the driver and passengers might be injured or killed.

We take risks much greater than this, for no measurable benefit, ALL THE TIME. Did you ever go for a ride? Risking your life. Ever cross the street? Risking your life. And on, and on.

The ONLY THING DIFFERENT with GM recalls is that there is a large army of personal-injury lawyers who are determined to mine this potential goldmine, and infect the gullible public with the fatuous idea that this ignition switch was "defective and inherently dangerous." Because one in a million of them failed.

Shit for brains.
Who said that?

When did you nuts begin calling GM "Government Motors"? These recalls predate that.

You know me well enough that if I thought Obama was to blame, I would have put that label on him.

I will always label GM, Government Motors, we should have not bought it....but thata's for another thread.

Oh! My bad! I thought you were countering the OP's praise of the president. I don't know where I got that idea.

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