Typical Democrat Corrupt and Stupid


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Warning: democRats with any morals should be careful reading the following story as it could lead to you swallowing a gun barrel. Due to your low IQ make sure you do it right and do a Google search on the proper way so you don't choke.

All democRats are traitors but I will just focus on two of your favorts to prove without any doughtys just how stupid you are. We will start in the early 90's. About the time the Clintons were finishing up WhiteWater ripping off the elderly for their retirement homes, running drugs, and murdering anybody and everybody. Do any of you democRats recall any of these names? John Huang, Johnny Chung, Yah Lin, Monaca Lewinsky, Maria Hsia, Teddy Sioeng, Charlie Trie. One gave BJ's in the Oval Office the others are spies working for China.

China Shipping Company (COSCO) A Peoples Liberation Army(PLA) connected container shipping fleet wanted a home base. Bill made three trips to Long Beach, California to make sure they got that state of the art base at the Long Beach Naval Station he had just shut down. Bill then placed John Huang, a China agent to a sensitive Commerce Department post making Huang a valuable sorce to both military and economic intelligence. The next time China takes a rocket and knocks another rocket out of the sky thank Bill as before Bill China couldn't get a rocket off the ground.

Along with setting up Huang the PLA made large 'donations' to Bill' and Algore's campaign and $460,000 to Bill's legal fund. Let me refresh the denmocRats useless mind this is called treason. Please try to keep up. Soon after Bill had at the White House as honored guest General Chi Haotian and General Xu Huizi the two who carried out the massacre of Tiananmen Square. Then allowed them both to tour secret US Military Bases. Birds of a feather. Clinton then turned away from defending Taiwan from China and refused to impose sanctions on China of military technologies, breaking the law that had been written by Algore

Charlie Trie, according to Hillary "a close family friend"was used as a courier between Yah Lin and Bill laundered hundreds of thousands of dollars more into the Clinton Gore campaign and Bills legal defense fund. But being as dumb as a tree stump democRats cared about the only thing they could grip, a BJ and the stain on the blue dress I could go on but you democrats are so fucking stupid I think I made my point to everyone without a D after their name and Joe is no better. Matter of fact I can't recall a democRat since JFK that didn't sell out the country for personal gain. Now I realize some democRats aren't traitors but God knows they are just so damn stupid and there is no excuse for being that stupid. Remember a Google search.
Warning: democRats with any morals should be careful reading the following story as it could lead to you swallowing a gun barrel. Due to your low IQ make sure you do it right and do a Google search on the proper way so you don't choke.

All democRats are traitors but I will just focus on two of your favorts to prove without any doughtys just how stupid you are. We will start in the early 90's. About the time the Clintons were finishing up WhiteWater ripping off the elderly for their retirement homes, running drugs, and murdering anybody and everybody. Do any of you democRats recall any of these names? John Huang, Johnny Chung, Yah Lin, Monaca Lewinsky, Maria Hsia, Teddy Sioeng, Charlie Trie. One gave BJ's in the Oval Office the others are spies working for China.

China Shipping Company (COSCO) A Peoples Liberation Army(PLA) connected container shipping fleet wanted a home base. Bill made three trips to Long Beach, California to make sure they got that state of the art base at the Long Beach Naval Station he had just shut down. Bill then placed John Huang, a China agent to a sensitive Commerce Department post making Huang a valuable sorce to both military and economic intelligence. The next time China takes a rocket and knocks another rocket out of the sky thank Bill as before Bill China couldn't get a rocket off the ground.

Along with setting up Huang the PLA made large 'donations' to Bill' and Algore's campaign and $460,000 to Bill's legal fund. Let me refresh the denmocRats useless mind this is called treason. Please try to keep up. Soon after Bill had at the White House as honored guest General Chi Haotian and General Xu Huizi the two who carried out the massacre of Tiananmen Square. Then allowed them both to tour secret US Military Bases. Birds of a feather. Clinton then turned away from defending Taiwan from China and refused to impose sanctions on China of military technologies, breaking the law that had been written by Algore

Charlie Trie, according to Hillary "a close family friend"was used as a courier between Yah Lin and Bill laundered hundreds of thousands of dollars more into the Clinton Gore campaign and Bills legal defense fund. But being as dumb as a tree stump democRats cared about the only thing they could grip, a BJ and the stain on the blue dress I could go on but you democrats are so fucking stupid I think I made my point to everyone without a D after their name and Joe is no better. Matter of fact I can't recall a democRat since JFK that didn't sell out the country for personal gain. Now I realize some democRats aren't traitors but God knows they are just so damn stupid and there is no excuse for being that stupid. Remember a Google search.
Feeling a little.pressure to make Democrats look bad? I don't blame you, Republicans have fucked up so badly they need all the help you can give them.
Warning: democRats with any morals should be careful reading the following story as it could lead to you swallowing a gun barrel. Due to your low IQ make sure you do it right and do a Google search on the proper way so you don't choke.

All democRats are traitors but I will just focus on two of your favorts to prove without any doughtys just how stupid you are. We will start in the early 90's. About the time the Clintons were finishing up WhiteWater ripping off the elderly for their retirement homes, running drugs, and murdering anybody and everybody. Do any of you democRats recall any of these names? John Huang, Johnny Chung, Yah Lin, Monaca Lewinsky, Maria Hsia, Teddy Sioeng, Charlie Trie. One gave BJ's in the Oval Office the others are spies working for China.

China Shipping Company (COSCO) A Peoples Liberation Army(PLA) connected container shipping fleet wanted a home base. Bill made three trips to Long Beach, California to make sure they got that state of the art base at the Long Beach Naval Station he had just shut down. Bill then placed John Huang, a China agent to a sensitive Commerce Department post making Huang a valuable sorce to both military and economic intelligence. The next time China takes a rocket and knocks another rocket out of the sky thank Bill as before Bill China couldn't get a rocket off the ground.

Along with setting up Huang the PLA made large 'donations' to Bill' and Algore's campaign and $460,000 to Bill's legal fund. Let me refresh the denmocRats useless mind this is called treason. Please try to keep up. Soon after Bill had at the White House as honored guest General Chi Haotian and General Xu Huizi the two who carried out the massacre of Tiananmen Square. Then allowed them both to tour secret US Military Bases. Birds of a feather. Clinton then turned away from defending Taiwan from China and refused to impose sanctions on China of military technologies, breaking the law that had been written by Algore

Charlie Trie, according to Hillary "a close family friend"was used as a courier between Yah Lin and Bill laundered hundreds of thousands of dollars more into the Clinton Gore campaign and Bills legal defense fund. But being as dumb as a tree stump democRats cared about the only thing they could grip, a BJ and the stain on the blue dress I could go on but you democrats are so fucking stupid I think I made my point to everyone without a D after their name and Joe is no better. Matter of fact I can't recall a democRat since JFK that didn't sell out the country for personal gain. Now I realize some democRats aren't traitors but God knows they are just so damn stupid and there is no excuse for being that stupid. Remember a Google search.
Mcconnell’s wife who was in corrupt Donald’s cabinet has family who are Chinese shopping magnates.

nice try though, hack

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