Two Years On, Tax Cuts Continue Boosting the United States Economy


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Two Years On, Tax Cuts Continue Boosting the United States Economy
Dec 20, 2019

December 22 marks 2 years since President Donald J. Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). TCJA’s pro-growth reforms of individual and corporate taxes were the largest tax cut in United States history. Additionally, since TCJA’s passage, United States multinational enterprises have repatriated $1 trillion in past overseas earnings that were previously invested abroad.

Prior to TCJA’s passage, CEA made a number of predictions about the legislation’s long-term effects on economic growth, business investment, wages, and the labor market. Though TCJA’s full economic benefits will require additional time to materialize, CEA’s projections have been largely borne out.

A major TCJA provision allows businesses to immediately and fully deduct the cost of new capital investments, enabling them to invest more in their operations. CEA predicted an initial increase in the investment growth rate during the transition to an elevated steady state.

Investment levels have been notably higher in the post-TCJA period than Blue Chip’s pre-TCJA projections from October 2016. In 2018, investment was 4.5 percent higher than the projections. In 2019, investment was 3.3 percent higher than the projections and the capital stock is on track to expand across each major asset class (equipment, structures, and intellectual property products).


Additionally, TCJA provided much needed tax relief for America’s small businesses by letting certain pass-through entities deduct 20 percent of their qualified business income. As a result, over 80 percent of small firms believe that TCJA had a significant impact on the economy and over 50 percent believe it had a positive effect on their business, according to the National Federation of Independent Business.

CEA estimated that a drop in the corporate tax rate would increase average United States household income by $4,000 over 5 or so years. The individual tax cuts, which were not included in CEA’s $4,000 forecast, also boosted disposable income for most households. For example, this year, TCJA’s doubling of the child tax credit will benefit 40 million American families, each receiving an average of over $2,200 dollars.

Altogether, real disposable personal income per household has risen by about $6,000 since TCJA was signed into law. Of that, our best estimate is that $1,500 to $2,900 (in real 2019 dollars) is due to the combination of TCJA’s individual and corporate tax reforms, meaning that a substantial portion of our estimated five-year income gains of $4,000 have already been realize

ME: Jobs, Economy, and now the Space Force. Trump is the greatest POTUS in decades.
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Pro-Growth Economic Policies Benefit Previously Left Behind Americans the Most
Dec 16, 2019

Since the 2016 election, the economy has added more than 7 million jobs, far exceeding the 1.9 million predicted by the Congressional Budget Office in its final pre-election forecast. These gains have brought Americans off the sidelines into employment, as shown in the figure below. The prime-age labor force has grown by 2.1 million people since the election, reversing losses under the prior administration’s expansion period, which totaled approximately 1.5 million people. This evidence suggests that the labor market’s revival over the past three years is not a continuation of past trends, but instead a result of President Trump’s pro-growth policies.


The Trump Administration’s policies are not only leading to more jobs, but also to higher pay. For 16 straight months, annual nominal wage growth has been at or above 3 percent, a level not reached since the Great Recession, and continues to outpace inflation. Importantly, wage growth for many disadvantaged groups is now higher than wage growth for more advantaged groups, as is the case for lower-income workers compared to higher-income workers, workers compared to managers, and African Americans compared to whites. These income gains mark a fundamental change compared to those opposite trends observed over the expansion before President Trump’s inauguration, contributing to reduced income inequality. When measured as the share of income earned by the top 20 percent, income inequality fell in 2018 by the largest amount in over a decade. The Gini coefficient, an overall measure of inequality in the population, also fell in 2018.


Employment and earnings gains continue to pull people out of poverty and means-tested welfare programs, increasing self-reliance through economic activity while decreasing reliance on government programs that incentivize people to limit their hours or stop working to qualify. The number of people in poverty decreased by 1.4 million from 2017 to 2018, and the poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics reached record lows last year. Food insecurity has fallen and, as of August 2019, there are nearly 7 million fewer people participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) than at the time of the 2016 election. Additionally, the caseload for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) fell by almost 700,000 individuals and the number of individuals on Social Security Disability Insurance has fallen by almost 380,000 since the 2016 election. Similarly, Medicaid rolls are decreasing even as the U.S. population increases. Our analysis shows that this decrease is predominantly due to a reduction in the number of Medicaid-eligible individuals because of income growth, not eligibility restrictions.
This is totally unacceptable to a socialist democrat. a self-providing person is a lot harder to control than a pig on the democrat tit.
The same libtards who loved JFK's tax cuts now hate Trump for doing the same thing (only better).
Two Years On, Tax Cuts Continue Boosting the United States Economy
Dec 20, 2019

December 22 marks 2 years since President Donald J. Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). TCJA’s pro-growth reforms of individual and corporate taxes were the largest tax cut in United States history. Additionally, since TCJA’s passage, United States multinational enterprises have repatriated $1 trillion in past overseas earnings that were previously invested abroad.

Prior to TCJA’s passage, CEA made a number of predictions about the legislation’s long-term effects on economic growth, business investment, wages, and the labor market. Though TCJA’s full economic benefits will require additional time to materialize, CEA’s projections have been largely borne out.

A major TCJA provision allows businesses to immediately and fully deduct the cost of new capital investments, enabling them to invest more in their operations. CEA predicted an initial increase in the investment growth rate during the transition to an elevated steady state.

Investment levels have been notably higher in the post-TCJA period than Blue Chip’s pre-TCJA projections from October 2016. In 2018, investment was 4.5 percent higher than the projections. In 2019, investment was 3.3 percent higher than the projections and the capital stock is on track to expand across each major asset class (equipment, structures, and intellectual property products).


Additionally, TCJA provided much needed tax relief for America’s small businesses by letting certain pass-through entities deduct 20 percent of their qualified business income. As a result, over 80 percent of small firms believe that TCJA had a significant impact on the economy and over 50 percent believe it had a positive effect on their business, according to the National Federation of Independent Business.

CEA estimated that a drop in the corporate tax rate would increase average United States household income by $4,000 over 5 or so years. The individual tax cuts, which were not included in CEA’s $4,000 forecast, also boosted disposable income for most households. For example, this year, TCJA’s doubling of the child tax credit will benefit 40 million American families, each receiving an average of over $2,200 dollars.

Altogether, real disposable personal income per household has risen by about $6,000 since TCJA was signed into law. Of that, our best estimate is that $1,500 to $2,900 (in real 2019 dollars) is due to the combination of TCJA’s individual and corporate tax reforms, meaning that a substantial portion of our estimated five-year income gains of $4,000 have already been realize

ME: Jobs, Economy, and now the Space Force. Trump is the greatest POTUS in decades.
Ya you are a winner in this economy if you are making $6000 per year more for each member of your family to break even on it though. Our great president is racking up the debt on every man women and chidl at the rate of $6,000 per year. Yep I am so imkpressed.
Two Years On, Tax Cuts Continue Boosting the United States Economy
Dec 20, 2019

December 22 marks 2 years since President Donald J. Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). TCJA’s pro-growth reforms of individual and corporate taxes were the largest tax cut in United States history. Additionally, since TCJA’s passage, United States multinational enterprises have repatriated $1 trillion in past overseas earnings that were previously invested abroad.

Prior to TCJA’s passage, CEA made a number of predictions about the legislation’s long-term effects on economic growth, business investment, wages, and the labor market. Though TCJA’s full economic benefits will require additional time to materialize, CEA’s projections have been largely borne out.

A major TCJA provision allows businesses to immediately and fully deduct the cost of new capital investments, enabling them to invest more in their operations. CEA predicted an initial increase in the investment growth rate during the transition to an elevated steady state.

Investment levels have been notably higher in the post-TCJA period than Blue Chip’s pre-TCJA projections from October 2016. In 2018, investment was 4.5 percent higher than the projections. In 2019, investment was 3.3 percent higher than the projections and the capital stock is on track to expand across each major asset class (equipment, structures, and intellectual property products).


Additionally, TCJA provided much needed tax relief for America’s small businesses by letting certain pass-through entities deduct 20 percent of their qualified business income. As a result, over 80 percent of small firms believe that TCJA had a significant impact on the economy and over 50 percent believe it had a positive effect on their business, according to the National Federation of Independent Business.

CEA estimated that a drop in the corporate tax rate would increase average United States household income by $4,000 over 5 or so years. The individual tax cuts, which were not included in CEA’s $4,000 forecast, also boosted disposable income for most households. For example, this year, TCJA’s doubling of the child tax credit will benefit 40 million American families, each receiving an average of over $2,200 dollars.

Altogether, real disposable personal income per household has risen by about $6,000 since TCJA was signed into law. Of that, our best estimate is that $1,500 to $2,900 (in real 2019 dollars) is due to the combination of TCJA’s individual and corporate tax reforms, meaning that a substantial portion of our estimated five-year income gains of $4,000 have already been realize

ME: Jobs, Economy, and now the Space Force. Trump is the greatest POTUS in decades.
But there is an issue, here
American households are taking on more debt -- and especially, credit card debt -- than ever before.

This is a problem.
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Ya you are a winner in this economy if you are making $6000 per year more for each member of your family to break even on it though. Our great president is racking up the debt on every man women and chidl at the rate of $6,000 per year. Yep I am so imkpressed.

Debt is caused by SPENDING, and spending is done by Congress. Try again dope
Ya you are a winner in this economy if you are making $6000 per year more for each member of your family to break even on it though. Our great president is racking up the debt on every man women and chidl at the rate of $6,000 per year. Yep I am so imkpressed.

Debt is caused by SPENDING, and spending is done by Congress. Try again dope
You can not go out and get a loan for 300k and call it earnings dumb fuck. You still owe the money. But hey great economy. At the end of the day you still owe more than gained under dumb fucks watch. Blame who you want Trumps spending bills passed and it was the GOP tax break that caused it. So have fun paying back all that money. Your children thank you for it.

Hence labeling president Trump's tax cut and reform bill "historic". Good job Trump :eusa_clap:
Yep and every amn women and child racks up $6,000 per year debt during this wonderfull ride. So is it good for you? Take the number of peoplke in your family multiply by $6,000. If your income has increased this much you either stay even or win other wise at the end of the year you owe! Actually in reality yo win you need to also save that much.

Hence labeling president Trump's tax cut and reform bill "historic". Good job Trump :eusa_clap:
Yep and every amn women and child racks up $6,000 per year debt during this wonderfull ride. So is it good for you? Take the number of peoplke in your family multiply by $6,000. If your income has increased this much you either stay even or win other wise at the end of the year you owe! Actually in reality yo win you need to also save that much.

Tissue? Its not our fault you Dem's tax and fee and toll the fuck out of people in Dem states. Lower them and stop crying and bellyaching.

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