Two radical leftists who could help keep Democrats out of power for generations


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Two clown fighting over who leads the party of hate/snowflakes/crybabies.Sweet...
Perez Gains on Ellison in DNC Race
Two radical leftists who could help keep Democrats out of power for generations.
February 7, 2017
Matthew Vadum

Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez appears to be gaining on Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota in the increasingly fractious race for the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee.

That things are bad out there for Democrats is part of South Carolina party chairman Jaime Harrison’s stump speech. “We like to say, if Jesus Christ came back and ran in some of these districts as a Democrat, he couldn’t win.”

The jihad-friendly Ellison is still considered to be the frontrunner over Perez who joined the chaotic contest in December, the month after Ellison launched his own campaign to become the public face of the Democratic Party. Ellison is reportedly leading Perez and all the other DNC candidates in fundraising. The 447-member DNC is scheduled to choose its next chairman Feb. 23 in Atlanta.

The travelling freak show that is the DNC’s caravan of candidate forums is part of the ongoing meltdown among Democrats in deep denial that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. Democrats are doubling down on the rampant anti-white racism and identity politics that marked the past eight years of incessant race-baiting and guilt-tripping by former President Obama.

The DNC doesn’t support free speech. DNC chairman candidate Vincent Tolliver was kicked out of the race by interim DNC chairman Donna Brazile for speaking truth to power regarding Islam. He got into hot water at a candidates’ forum on Saturday for saying Ellison should not become DNC chief because he is “a Muslim” and “being gay is a direct violation” of Islamic law. “In some Muslim countries being gay is a crime punishable by death.” Brazile said the comments were “disgusting.” Tolliver told Breitbart News he intends to sue over this “violation of my First Amendment right.”

From conservatives’ point of view the race between the two leading candidates could be likened to Operation Barbarossa: both sides represent abhorrent ideologies that aim to strangle freedom. Both Ellison and Perez are proudly, fiercely radical, race-baiting, class-warfare-loving, community-organizing lawyers owned by the labor unions.

Both are onboard with the DNC, which officially endorses the racist, terroristic Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects. In 2015 the DNC, the party’s governing body, adopted a resolution accusing American police of "extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children." In a recent candidates’ forum, Ellison said would-be murderer Trayvon Martin had been “executed.”

Perez, the outspoken champion of illegal aliens, comes across in speeches as more sophisticated and articulate – and at least superficially reasonable – compared to Ellison. Ellison, with his ties to the Nation of Islam and other fringe groups, is significantly more abrasive, in-your-face, and arguably threatening in the eyes of the average voter. Both have close ties to the HAMAS front group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Endorsements have been stacking up for the two candidates.

Perez has been endorsed by Rep. Filemon Vela Jr. (Texas) along with four governors – former DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe (Virginia), John Hickenlooper (Colorado), Gina Raimondo (Rhode Island), and John Bel Edwards (Louisiana). The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, United Farm Workers, International Association of Fire Fighters, and the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry also support Perez.

Ellison has been endorsed by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (New York), Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Reps. John Lewis (Georgia) and Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii), and Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton. The AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Communications Workers of America, and UNITE HERE also back Ellison.


So the distinctions between Perez and Ellison on policy are miniscule but in terms of style they are vast.

It’s hard to say which man would hurt the Democrats’ already failing brand more.

But from conservatives’ perspective, what difference does it make?

Perez Gains on Ellison in DNC Race
I love this field, but I am a Republican.

I wish that Elitist Loon, Howard "Screech" Dean was still in the race...he is a White Boy Asshole from New England....he got in the race for a few days, you know....but the Blacks and Hispanics, who are taking over the Democratic Party, let it be known that they were sick to death of White Elitist Assholes from New is the rest of the country. So, he's a Scratch.

Its between a No-Borders Hispanic Liberal Socialist...and a Black Muslim Bigot Liberal Socialist, who used to call himself Keith Muhammad. (Does that help him or hurt him in today's really fucked up Democratic Party?)

The Heartland of America waits with baited breath on the outcome.

We Americans know we ought to look for avenues to Unity in these grievously divided times. Maybe we can agree that either---Loon Muhammed or Loon Perez---fucked up as they so obviously are....would be better than Debbie Wasserman-Shultz....who has dealt a deadly setback to the Goofy White Woman Grievance Section of the Democrat Party.


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