CDZ Two options...the European model of self defense, and the American model of Self defensse.

We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
In Britain and the rest of Europe, their citizens have no Right to protect themselves from violent attack...and the best tool for self defense, guns....has been taken away from most of them, in particular the low income groups.

In the U.S. in most places Americans can opt to use guns for at a minimum home defense, and in a vast majority of the country over 19.4 million Americans can legally carry guns for self defense.

In Britain, in particular.....rapes, brutal beatings, brutal knifings (that result in death or life changing injuries), robberies and murder, essentially have to be endured......and almost any attempt at self defense can land the actual victim in jail and prison.

In the U.S.......Americans can use their legal guns...which they do 1.1 million times a year, to stop rapes, brutal beatings, knifings, robberies and murder.

In our country we had 10,235 gun murders.....of those murders over 70-80% of the victims were criminals murdered by other criminals...they were not normal citizens. Of the rest of the victims, the vast majority are the friends, family and associates of the criminals hit by mistake as the actual criminal was the target.

Guns, again, are used in the U.S. 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery, beatings, knifings and murder.........over 170,000 lives saved by some research..........not to include the crimes stopped that also saved lives....

In the U.K.......victims of crime are majority innocent people......who are preyed upon by the British criminals...

Which model do you prefer?
I strongly prefer the Dutch model (i'm a Dutch citizen).
we have a population of over 17 million people, yet violent crime has decreased from +-9100 incidents in 20210 to +-3500 incidents in 2020.

only the police are allowed guns in this country, and guns hardly ever get abused. years between "school shootings" (the last one i can remember was over 8 years ago, and involved a crazy man walking into a supermarket and shooting people).

you people in the US however, have dozens of incidents per week where guns are used against random strangers.

and lastly, we have a rich history of martial arts schools in this country.
and it's perfectly possible to stop a robbery or rape attempt without a gun. it's just different training. which you can find on youtube for instance, i recommend a search for 'silat' and 'systema'.

Tell that to Sweden...they are experiencing violent gun crime at higher rates than the rest of Europe....

Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to stop brutal rapes, beatings, knifings, robberies and murders.....we have a political party that keeps releasing the most violent criminals back onto our streets....

As you live in a tiny country, with a homogenous population, you are don't have a political party releasing violent criminals, and you don't have 3rd world immigrants taking over your drug trade......
Statistics were debunked long ago.

There are nowhere near a million defensive gun uses per year.

That would be 2,740 a day, every day.

Put another way, that would be about 115 an hour, every hour, every day.

Visually....everyone you see in these 10 pictures of the stadium....would have had to have used a gun in self defense in a year.

Screen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-05 at 3.18.43 PM.png
The cartoonish figure has been debunked over and over again....

The figure is closer to about 80,000 and many of those are passive gun displays...not active gun uses.

Ask you know anyone who has had to have a shoot out with someone? No.
Do you know anyone who knows anyone who has had a shoot out with someone? No.

From actual professional researchers from both private and government research groups including the Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of a country of now over 320 million people, with 600 million guns in private hands, and over 19.4 million Americans legally carrying guns for self defense in public....

Do you know the difference in size between 320,000,000.....600,000,000.....19,400,000

And 80,000?

Keep in mind....the majority of those doing the following research...were anti-gunners...including Gary Kleck......

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 1.1 million averaged over those years.( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
Few people have used a gun in self defense
Few people know anyone who has used a gun in self defense.
Few people know anyone who knows anyone who has used a gun in self defense.

Your statistic is comedic and I'm being polite.

You say that without any backup.....the very first post a moderator told me since this is the CDZ I had to provide links to my numbers....I have not......

I provided a list of 17 studies by professional research groups, both private and government, most of them anti-gun, using modern research methods....including the vaunted Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Justice...

You just make claims......
How many gunfights have you been in personally?

Me? None......yet.

Well, you're a reasonably old man, right....probably between 18 and 60 somewhere. However old you are, according to you, there were over a million gun defenses ever year. I'm in my 50's. I have never been in a gun fight....I know nobody (outside of a few cops) who have seen hostile gunfire a few times--independent of military action. Thats is allegedly 50,000,000 defensive gun uses. And nobody I know and nobody whom they know....knows of anyone who was in a gunfight.

So my question is now this...lets say you're 30. That means during your "life", there were supposedly 30M defensive gun uses if you believe your silly statistic. Keep in mind, 30M people--that is more than live in Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, El Paso, the Valley---the entire population of Texas.

How many people do you personally know (outside of cops) who have been in a gunfight? Just a number your silly mumbo jumbo for someone who cares. That ain't me.
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We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.

And what is your chance of being murdered by any means?

I see you conveniently left that out.

in 2019 10258 people were murdered by someone using a gun

that is .003% of the population

So in 2019 99.997% of people did not get murdered by a person using a gun.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.

And what is your chance of being murdered by any means?

I see you conveniently left that out.

in 2019 10258 people were murdered by someone using a gun

that is .003% of the population

So in 2019 99.997% of people did not get murdered by a person using a gun.
What is this, a math class? You have enough information in the posts to answer your own questions. Next time ask a 6th grader to help you with your math.

If 75.304% of all murders is 10258, then the remaining 24.696% is 3362. add those together, and you get 13,620.

If gun murders are 75%, of total murders and .003% of the population, total murdered is .004% of the population.

Are you trying to say murder is no big deal?
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.

And what is your chance of being murdered by any means?

I see you conveniently left that out.

in 2019 10258 people were murdered by someone using a gun

that is .003% of the population

So in 2019 99.997% of people did not get murdered by a person using a gun.
What is this, a math class? You have enough information in the posts to answer your own questions. Next time ask a 6th grader to help you with your math.

If 75.304% of all murders is 10258, then the remaining 24.696% is 3362. add those together, and you get 13,620.

If gun murders are 75%, of total murders and .003% of the population, total murdered is .004% of the population.

Are you trying to say murder is no big deal?

Since your chance of being murdered in any way is so low it doesn't matter how many are committed using guns.

you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a [person using a gun

If that still keeps you awake at night that's your problem
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.

And what is your chance of being murdered by any means?

I see you conveniently left that out.

in 2019 10258 people were murdered by someone using a gun

that is .003% of the population

So in 2019 99.997% of people did not get murdered by a person using a gun.
What is this, a math class? You have enough information in the posts to answer your own questions. Next time ask a 6th grader to help you with your math.

If 75.304% of all murders is 10258, then the remaining 24.696% is 3362. add those together, and you get 13,620.

If gun murders are 75%, of total murders and .003% of the population, total murdered is .004% of the population.

Are you trying to say murder is no big deal?

Since your chance of being murdered in any way is so low it doesn't matter how many are committed using guns.

you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a [person using a gun

If that still keeps you awake at night that's your problem
Got it. You think murder is not a problem we need to deal with. So what do you think about all those gun nuts who think they have to be armed 24/7 for self protection? Are they just nuts?
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person using a gun.

So we obviously are not a very violent society
Sounds about right until you actually look at the numbers.
If we are murdered, there is a 75.304% chance it will be with a gun.
331,002,651 people in US. 606,520 will die each year of cancer. You have a 99,82% chance of not dying of cancer, so obviously, cancer is not anything to worry about.

And what is your chance of being murdered by any means?

I see you conveniently left that out.

in 2019 10258 people were murdered by someone using a gun

that is .003% of the population

So in 2019 99.997% of people did not get murdered by a person using a gun.
What is this, a math class? You have enough information in the posts to answer your own questions. Next time ask a 6th grader to help you with your math.

If 75.304% of all murders is 10258, then the remaining 24.696% is 3362. add those together, and you get 13,620.

If gun murders are 75%, of total murders and .003% of the population, total murdered is .004% of the population.

Are you trying to say murder is no big deal?

Since your chance of being murdered in any way is so low it doesn't matter how many are committed using guns.

you have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a [person using a gun

If that still keeps you awake at night that's your problem
Got it. You think murder is not a problem we need to deal with. So what do you think about all those gun nuts who think they have to be armed 24/7 for self protection? Are they just nuts?

It's nothing to be afraid of.

And no murder is not a problem for most people in most places. It is a problem for the poor people in inner city neighborhoods but like I said that'sa problem the powers that be don't seem to want to solve.

And i don't care if law abiding people legally own and carry guns and neither should you
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
Murder isn't a concern for most people.

I never said I wanted to prevent murders more than anyone else if you think I did then quote it.

What I said was that everyone, even you, know where most murders take place but most people, even you, don't seem to want to do anything about it.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
Murder isn't a concern for most people.

I never said I wanted to prevent murders more than anyone else if you think I did then quote it.

What I said was that everyone, even you, know where most murders take place but most people, even you, don't seem to want to do anything about it.
Higher crime rates, including murder rates around the world are tied to the same thing. Poverty and inequality. Studies have shown this to be true whether it be a town or entire country, the higher the poverty and inequality rates, the higher the crime rates. What exactly do you think should be done to reduce crime in the inner cities? We've tried the get tough strategy, and it just made things worse. What do you think should be done?
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
Murder isn't a concern for most people.

I never said I wanted to prevent murders more than anyone else if you think I did then quote it.

What I said was that everyone, even you, know where most murders take place but most people, even you, don't seem to want to do anything about it.
Higher crime rates, including murder rates around the world are tied to the same thing. Poverty and inequality. Studies have shown this to be true whether it be a town or entire country, the higher the poverty and inequality rates, the higher the crime rates. What exactly do you think should be done to reduce crime in the inner cities? We've tried the get tough strategy, and it just made things worse. What do you think should be done?
Ask a sociologist.

I do know that making it harder for law abiding people to own guns won't do anything
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
Murder isn't a concern for most people.

I never said I wanted to prevent murders more than anyone else if you think I did then quote it.

What I said was that everyone, even you, know where most murders take place but most people, even you, don't seem to want to do anything about it.
Higher crime rates, including murder rates around the world are tied to the same thing. Poverty and inequality. Studies have shown this to be true whether it be a town or entire country, the higher the poverty and inequality rates, the higher the crime rates. What exactly do you think should be done to reduce crime in the inner cities? We've tried the get tough strategy, and it just made things worse. What do you think should be done?
Ask a sociologist.

I do know that making it harder for law abiding people to own guns won't do anything
Sociologists have already answered that question. Relieve the poverty and inequality in those areas.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
Murder isn't a concern for most people.

I never said I wanted to prevent murders more than anyone else if you think I did then quote it.

What I said was that everyone, even you, know where most murders take place but most people, even you, don't seem to want to do anything about it.
Higher crime rates, including murder rates around the world are tied to the same thing. Poverty and inequality. Studies have shown this to be true whether it be a town or entire country, the higher the poverty and inequality rates, the higher the crime rates. What exactly do you think should be done to reduce crime in the inner cities? We've tried the get tough strategy, and it just made things worse. What do you think should be done?
Ask a sociologist.

I do know that making it harder for law abiding people to own guns won't do anything
Sociologists have already answered that question. Relieve the poverty and inequality in those areas.
So does that mean you will stop trying to say gun control will be the answer to our murder rate?
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
Murder isn't a concern for most people.

I never said I wanted to prevent murders more than anyone else if you think I did then quote it.

What I said was that everyone, even you, know where most murders take place but most people, even you, don't seem to want to do anything about it.
Higher crime rates, including murder rates around the world are tied to the same thing. Poverty and inequality. Studies have shown this to be true whether it be a town or entire country, the higher the poverty and inequality rates, the higher the crime rates. What exactly do you think should be done to reduce crime in the inner cities? We've tried the get tough strategy, and it just made things worse. What do you think should be done?
Ask a sociologist.

I do know that making it harder for law abiding people to own guns won't do anything
Sociologists have already answered that question. Relieve the poverty and inequality in those areas.
So does that mean you will stop trying to say gun control will be the answer to our murder rate?
I never said gun control is THE answer to our murder rate. I don't think there is one all encompassing answer. Reasonable gun control would help.
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
Murder isn't a concern for most people.

I never said I wanted to prevent murders more than anyone else if you think I did then quote it.

What I said was that everyone, even you, know where most murders take place but most people, even you, don't seem to want to do anything about it.
Higher crime rates, including murder rates around the world are tied to the same thing. Poverty and inequality. Studies have shown this to be true whether it be a town or entire country, the higher the poverty and inequality rates, the higher the crime rates. What exactly do you think should be done to reduce crime in the inner cities? We've tried the get tough strategy, and it just made things worse. What do you think should be done?
Ask a sociologist.

I do know that making it harder for law abiding people to own guns won't do anything
Sociologists have already answered that question. Relieve the poverty and inequality in those areas.
So does that mean you will stop trying to say gun control will be the answer to our murder rate?
I never said gun control is THE answer to our murder rate. I don't think there is one all encompassing answer. Reasonable gun control would help.
We already have reasonable gun control laws we just don't enforce them.

And you certainly seem to think gun control will lower our murder rate since you constantly compare the US to the UK and say we should do what they do which is basically ban guns
We kill lots of people. They don't kill nearly a many. We should do what they are doing.
London does not have a drug-gang industry fueled by Fatherless poor Black communities like the US does. Replicate our inner cities in London and their statistics would be in line with ours.
So you think Americans are just inherently violent people? You might think having so many guns might have something to do with that.
No what i think is that the violence in the inner cities that is the main contributor to our murder rate is at best not seen as important by the governments of those cities and at worst it is actually accepted as some means to an end.

The fact is that the murder rates of just a handful of cities is skewing the rate of the entire country and what's more these pockets of violence with very high murder rates are so small and isolated that an area of just a few square city blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 or 15 times the national average while an adjacent similar sized area in the same city will have a murder rate far less than the national average.

We all know this, the cops know this, the city and state governments know this but for some reason they all choose to ignore it because it's mostly young poor minority males killing other young poor minority males

Exactly......and the problem for Europe? They think that crime is static....that their culture, values and justice system will always keep the monsters at bay.........they are starting to see that this isn't the case.........World War 1 and 2 slowed down Europe when it came to crime.........they are now reaching the point that the U.S. found itself in in the criminals transitioned from knives to guns..........and more and more violence......
We kill 55 people with guns for every 1 person they kill with guns. We should be doing what they are doing.
We have an inner city murder problem because we want to have an inner city murder problem
I suppose it is easy to make that claim, but I've never seen anyone be able to prove it.

The proof is in the statistics.

Inner city murders aren't solved because the powers that be don't want them to be solved

If you really were concerned about the murder rate you would want to find out where most murders occur and why they occur in those places and it isn't because of guns. In fact there are actually fewer guns per capita in urban areas than rural areas yet murder rates are the highest in cities and most of those murders are concentrated in very small geographic areas.

Like I said we all know where the most murders take place and the cops and city officials sure as hell know it too but nothing ever seems to be done about it
Didn't you just say murders weren't worth concerning ourselves with? Again, you make the accusation that nobody wants to prevent murders any more than you do, but don't present any proof that is true. Just like always.
Murder isn't a concern for most people.

I never said I wanted to prevent murders more than anyone else if you think I did then quote it.

What I said was that everyone, even you, know where most murders take place but most people, even you, don't seem to want to do anything about it.
Higher crime rates, including murder rates around the world are tied to the same thing. Poverty and inequality. Studies have shown this to be true whether it be a town or entire country, the higher the poverty and inequality rates, the higher the crime rates. What exactly do you think should be done to reduce crime in the inner cities? We've tried the get tough strategy, and it just made things worse. What do you think should be done?
Ask a sociologist.

I do know that making it harder for law abiding people to own guns won't do anything
Sociologists have already answered that question. Relieve the poverty and inequality in those areas.
So does that mean you will stop trying to say gun control will be the answer to our murder rate?
I never said gun control is THE answer to our murder rate. I don't think there is one all encompassing answer. Reasonable gun control would help.
We already have reasonable gun control laws we just don't enforce them.

And you certainly seem to think gun control will lower our murder rate since you constantly compare the US to the UK and say we should do what they do which is basically ban guns
Can't argue with success. What they do works.

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