Two GOP Senators Block 9-11 First Responders Bill

A bill that has over 70 sponsors in the Senate is being blocked by just 2 senators. They being rand paul and mike lee.

It's interesting that there's very little or no debate about tax cuts and increased spending for the military but when it comes to the people who saved lives without any concern to their own on 9-11, that has to be debated according to rand paul. The subject has been debated many times.

Like Jon Stewart said, do your jobs. The first responders did theirs.

Two Republican senators emerge as opponents to 9/11 victims bill

I think we really need to resolve the problem of future terror IMHO. I can't see a problem with building a 700 foot wall along the Southern Border to help prevent other terrorists from entering our country, and adding this expenditure to this legislation.
Liberals want to give illegals free healthcare and wants us to pay for it. That should answer the question. Oh, and everyone of their presidential candidates want it.

Because the felon employers that hire them don't want to pay for healthcare insurance.

A lot of Illegals have Fake ID and Fake Social Security numbers. And in many places, Illegals are glorified as "great Americans" in their sanctuary cities.

Labeling someone who hires them as a "felon" is unfair, because of both the way they are lionized in the liberal media and the fact they aren't forthcoming about their Illegal status.
Just because you nor yours felt a patriotic duty and responded to the attack on America on 9/11doesn'r mean others should suffer for having done so.
Why should the feds be funding this? Are the States too good to use their workers compensation monies? Everything is not a federal problem.


Well we went to war over it. So its a federal problem. Not a state problem.

The feds helped with the clean up, the workers were private, city and State employees, not federal. The workers are the responsibility of the jurisdictions they worked for. This is no different than any other work place injury or death.

And they got paid union wages to do it. Why aren’t the unions footing the bill?
Why should the feds be funding this? Are the States too good to use their workers compensation monies? Everything is not a federal problem.


Well we went to war over it. So its a federal problem. Not a state problem.

The feds helped with the clean up, the workers were private, city and State employees, not federal. The workers are the responsibility of the jurisdictions they worked for. This is no different than any other work place injury or death.

And they got paid union wages to do it. Why aren’t the unions footing the bill?

You're complaining that American Workers are making a living wage? What kind of commie are you?
Why didn't the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief do it when he had a Dem House and Senate??

Same thing for equal soccer pay by gender.

Dems never do these things, because Dems prefer to BAIT over these things....
Hey retard. This fund has existed since it was created and passed in 2011.

This is a bill to increase funding because it is running out of money.

Why should the feds be funding this? Are the States too good to use their workers compensation monies? Everything is not a federal problem.

Worker's compensation is nothing more than a form of insurance providing SOME wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee's right to sue their employer for the tort of negligence. It DOES NOT replace all wages.

Wait, wait, if they're not working why would they need full wage replacement. Haven't these folks heard of AFLAC? Also all had insurance with no caps, your dear leader made sure of that. So I don't see why the feds have to subsidize these insurance companies, cities and States.

Seriously, we give the widows about 5 million each

I see. Its almost 20 years ago now, and Dem liars are still bilking it. It is what they do. They make taxpayer money VANISH.

Under tRump, my tax liability went from $7.5M to $3.75M. He made taxpayer liability fall more on YOU!
Send in the other four million. You seem to be worried about the government coming up short on cash. He’ll send in an extra ten million while you’re at it.

Or, and hear me out here. You could take that four million you think you owe the government and go buy stuff for first responders or pay their kids tuition fees, make house payments etc.

Why did this not dawn on you?
This is a bill to increase funding

What DEMOCRATS do....

1. Create a "cause" for government spending.
2. make that money VANISH
3. scream that more money is needed
4. if more money is allocated, that money VANISHES too
Liberals want to give illegals free healthcare and wants us to pay for it. That should answer the question. Oh, and everyone of their presidential candidates want it.

Because the felon employers that hire them don't want to pay for healthcare insurance.
Hey I'm with you on that one. I'm also willing to take it one step further. If you rent to an illegal. Your property gets seized and the money pays to the border wall.
9-11 (2001) happened how many years ago? You are going to criticize two republican senators for "stalling" because they refused to go along with a voice vote? Where were all those concerned senators for the last 18 years? Why not hold a regular vote?
Some perspective. For almost twenty years, an overwhelming number of elected officials have agreed and endorsed the policy and idea of giving financial support to 9/11 first responders. Again, this year an overwhelming majority have voted for approving a continuation of that support. Two (2) well-known showmen celebrity Senators have decided to politicize the issue.
A bill that has over 70 sponsors in the Senate is being blocked by just 2 senators. They being rand paul and mike lee.

It's interesting that there's very little or no debate about tax cuts and increased spending for the military but when it comes to the people who saved lives without any concern to their own on 9-11, that has to be debated according to rand paul. The subject has been debated many times.

Like Jon Stewart said, do your jobs. The first responders did theirs.

Two Republican senators emerge as opponents to 9/11 victims bill

As usual that’s not the whole story. They just want it to be funded since it’s going to last decades.

Are the Dems willing to make cuts in other programs to pay for it? Nope. So one can argue that the Dems are holding it up just as much as these two guys.
Why should the feds be funding this? Are the States too good to use their workers compensation monies? Everything is not a federal problem.


Well we went to war over it. So its a federal problem. Not a state problem.

The feds helped with the clean up, the workers were private, city and State employees, not federal. The workers are the responsibility of the jurisdictions they worked for. This is no different than any other work place injury or death.

And they got paid union wages to do it. Why aren’t the unions footing the bill?

You're complaining that American Workers are making a living wage? What kind of commie are you?
Unions only offer three things in exchange for a portion of your income. Higher wages, the best insurance you can get and retirement or disability benefits.

They should be footing this bill.
A bill that has over 70 sponsors in the Senate is being blocked by just 2 senators. They being rand paul and mike lee.

It's interesting that there's very little or no debate about tax cuts and increased spending for the military but when it comes to the people who saved lives without any concern to their own on 9-11, that has to be debated according to rand paul. The subject has been debated many times.

Like Jon Stewart said, do your jobs. The first responders did theirs.

Two Republican senators emerge as opponents to 9/11 victims bill

So where is the state of New York and the police and firemans unions? I don't live in new your, 9/11 really had no impact on me or anyone who doesn't live in New York so why should I be on the hook when these people have a state and a union to take care of them? Isn't that why they pay dues?

Two wars, more than a trillion dollars spent on those wars and region of the world twice as fucked up as before...
Two wars, more than a trillion dollars spent on those wars and region of the world twice as fucked up as before

all 100% supported by

Chuck Schumer
Dianne Feinstein
Henry Waxman
the ADL
Madeleine Albright
Rahm Emanuel

In 1998, the Dems and GOP agreed to a pact = fuck the US, use the US for the benefit of Israel and Zionist Jews

Maybe one day we will wake up and start voting out Zionists from office...

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