Twitter should be declared a terrorist organization.

It is NOT the only popular program from China (CCP) that is collecting information. It's actually the least information grabbing. Temu, COSTCO, and others are much much worse....but they single out TicTok.....WHY?
The melodrama, the US has the best spy satellites and continually scrutinizes other countries including China.
If he tries that he’d be indicted federally.

Asshole libturds really loathe our first amendment protected freedom of speech.
You're a joker, we don't have free speech in the US, do you really believe people can say anything they want and never be stopped? are you actually that stupid?
My good friend X is not the problem. The left through the radical left like the BLM have been the most violent group in recent American history.
I don't know if that's true or even relevant, one can group people using many attributes and their registered political party is just one of them.
They caused absolute chaos throughout the country in 2020. We all remember 30 people killed thousands injured , billions of dollars worth of damage …multiple cities Went into chaos. Buildings were burned down and numerous government institutions attacked . There is nothing nothing at all that the right wing has done that comes close to that.
Banning abortion, reducing taxes for the wealthy, rolling back climate change initiatives, spread fear and panic of vaccines during the pandemic costing hundreds of thousands of lives. The US had above average mortality during Covid and is purportedly the "most advanced country" in the world.
Cancel culture and conservative speakers being violently attacked on college campuses. It’s 100% unique to the left.
The propaganda terms "cancel culture" and "woke" are used to disguise the underlying nature of things, it's all part of the trumpanzee lying machine.
The right wing does not do that. The right actually has robust discussions on politics now. It’s almost like we’ve seen a flip-flop from the 1950s and 60s to today. The modern left has pretty much become the neoconservative.
The right wing are now the far right wing, they embrace not democracy but oligarchy, they actually applaud it because they've been led by the ring in their nose which Trump put there.
That’s the truth. I’m a John F Kennedy Democrat. The party is a far cry from what it used to be. Today’s Democrats toss the word racism around like it means nothing.
If you want to know about racism then ask black people, white trumpanzees really aren't a good source of information.
Which is really appalling because African refugees and immigrants want to come to America more than any other country.
Yes I heard they want to eat our pets.
The melodrama, the US has the best spy satellites and continually scrutinizes other countries including China.
Yeah? So what. If you don’t do anything with the intel, what use is it?
So, don't complain about being spied on when your spying on people.

Who's gathering intelligence and not using it?
I will complain if I want to. Especially when our do called "leaders" allow it to happen.
Yes but its hypocrisy, but feel free.

They can't stop it.
No, it isn't hypocritical, if we spend money on spying that is our business. If our "leaders" allow them to spy on us, that is treason, and they need to be punished.

They could stop the Chinese spying quite easily.

They CHOOSE not to.
No, it isn't hypocritical, if we spend money on spying that is our business.
The hypocrisy is the implication that "China" is a big threat to the United States while remaining silent over the threat we pose to China.
If our "leaders" allow them to spy on us, that is treason, and they need to be punished.
They did try to punish Trump for retaining classified information, unfortunately that criminal act went unpunished.
The hypocrisy is the implication that "China" is a big threat to the United States while remaining silent over the threat we pose to China.

They did try to punish Trump for retaining classified information, unfortunately that criminal act went unpunished.
China is the only threat to the US. Anyone who thinks they aren't is a sub moron.

Trump was president.

He's ALLOWED to keep any fucking thing he wants! He can classify or declassify at will! You blithering idiot.
You're a joker, we don't have free speech in the US, do you really believe people can say anything they want and never be stopped? are you actually that stupid?
You remain retarded.

Idiots like you can’t distinguish between our freedom of speech and very slight restraints on that freedom for safety and security reasons.

Go away. You add nothing intelligent in any of your posts. Ever. Fuck off.
Newsom should consider that and then raid and shutdown the company's California terrorist cells. The platform is being used to advance child abusers and domestic terror agendas, it has to stop, Musk has to be stopped.

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Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of violence against non-combatants to achieve political or ideological aims.The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants.

Where did Twitter/X commit violence, with what, and on which targets?
Is Newsom claiming the people involved in looting are doing so based on comments made on X?
And there are countless videos from store owners who has there business looted who were told by LE nothing can be done. Many business closed because the looting was allowed to become out of control.
I saw pictures of the Looters. Looked like they came from Watts. Go figure.

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