Turns out Biden's family not the only one to benefit from Ukrainian fossil fuels


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Turns out Biden's family not the only one to benefit from Ukrainian fossil fuels

10/12/2019 ~ By Howard J. Warner
On Sept. 24, 2019, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the official impeachment inquiry that would be led by the Intelligence Committee and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). At first, this was a curious decision to objective persons, since the Judiciary Committee has the authority over this type of procedure. At the time, Pelosi indicated a threat by President Donald Trump to our national security during the July 25 conversation between him and President Zelensky of Ukraine. She did this without the benefit of the transcript, but she doubtless already knew much of the CIA "whistleblower's" complaint. Further, the Ukrainian president disputes her version. But this is not the rationale for her haste to convene the investigation. It appears that the D.C. swamp benefits another powerful family. The Biden family has gotten special treatment from Ukrainian oil interests, and the Pelosi family has a similar advantage. Paul Pelosi, Jr. was a board member of Viscoil and an executive at its related company NRGLab, which was involved in energy business in Ukraine. Perhaps the use of the Intelligence Committee has given the Democrats the opportunity to limit Republican questioning and maintain secrecy over the responses from subpoenaed witnesses. This would prevent any official record implicating Pelosi's son. This also explains her reluctance to take a vote authorizing the investigation, since the minority party would gain some rights.
This is interesting also since much of the Democratic Party rejects carbon-based energy sources. Biden has made this a part of his campaign. The Green New Deal proposals will eventually end dependency on oil and gas as an energy source. But this does not stop these politicos from benefiting financially from this sector of the economy. This reminds one of the financial benefits that Al Gore's father had from Occidental Petroleum, which was one of the great polluters (remember Love Canal?).
The Ukrainian oil company Burisma used many well connected members of the D.C. establishment connected to the Obama administration. This interlocking swamp is a threat to the USA. But the media have managed to convince a vast number of Americans that Trump is the threat. This also helps explain the constant discussion in public about Biden's son Hunter, in addition to the political advantage he might gain. No wonder the establishment (including many Republicans) wants to impeach Trump. Family security always "trumps" national security in the D.C. swamp.

Remember the melting face of the German guy who opens the lid of the Ark of the Covenant in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and the swirl of energy that consumes all of the evil and selected people in attendance. That is Pelosi and the democrats as Barr does his job and they know it is coming. They must discredit the Trump administration to make what is coming look like a Banana Republic and salvage what they can form the crater that is about to happen to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Communist Democrat Left. They know there is no stopping Barr and Trump now short of assassination. Barr just went to Italy and Italy is the bottom of the well for this massive coup and scandal. If they try Trump can declassify anything he wants to any time he wants to and that has Pelosi in a panic.
Most of us don’t believe there will be any true justice to come of all this. The two-tier legal system of justice will continue to allow the most brazen, the highest-up criminals will to continue to run free.
I suppose it is not a surprise that DJT has turned to using the Deep State Democrat corruption to get re-elected. In any presidential cycle, you have maybe 2-1/2 years to do something, then spend the next 1-1/2 years getting re-elected. If he can push the deeply embedded Democrat corruption as a campaign issue, more power to him. Maybe people will come out of this election cycle with a better understanding of how deep the Democrat corruption runs.
The 'despotic corruption' that has taken over the PMS/DSA Democrat Party and Washington D. C. is deep enough to threaten the National Security of our entire country.
The 'ever growing' exposures of the scandal shows the 'incest like' co-mingling of political family members like the 'Biden's and the Pelosi's' et al, benefiting from the corruption, and all scrambling to engage their 'political allies' in their 'cover up' activities.
The Ukraine turns out to be the PMS/DSA Democrats' PIGGY BANK!! WHO KNEW!!
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Politicians are convinced they are underpaid and so they feel entitled to scam and extort money to line their own pockets.
Politicians are convinced they are underpaid and so they feel entitled to scam and extort money to line their own pockets.

Sad but true. All you have to do is check on the number of Congress persons become multi-millionaires during their tenure in both Houses of Congress. They make laws about inside trading for the people and use their knowledge to rake in millions while making deals under the table with foreign countries to defraud and damage our National Security.

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