Turning Points Leader Gets Attacked & Banned By Free-Speech Hating Libs


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Turning Point USA bans student chanting 'white power' in viral video

Turning Points USA -- the group who brings to us brilliant minds like Steven Crowder and Candace Owens -- this group has constantly been coming under attack by free speech hating libs who don't want to have a spirited debate in the market place of ideas. So the TPUSA removed the leader of its Las Vegas chapter after seeing a viral video that depicted him chanting “white power" --- from the article:

"TPUSA issued a statement saying the student seen in the clip was permanently removed from any current or future involvement with the organization. “His comments were abhorrent, un-American and disqualifying,” TPUSA wrote. “We’d also like to commend the decisive action taken by the UNLV chapter leadership that acted quickly to remove the student from their chapter membership and involvement.”

Basically it was just a couple of college kids who were on video having some fun, speaking their mind and exercising their free speech -- but snowflake libs made a big deal of it just because they said things like "white power", "We’re going to rule the country,” “White power. Fuck the nggrs.”, "fuck them all", etc. What is so wrong with that if they didn't mean it in a harmful or racial way? Yes, conservatives want to rule the country but because they feel they have the best ideas that will help the country, including the nggrs -- so how is this wrong?

Nonetheless, TPUSA caved to the libs and fired the guy -- and I hope there are other organizations out there who will hire this guy because he didn't deserve this -- meanwhile Rep Omar said many times how she wants to implement Sharia Law in this country and kill all the Jews, but no one says anything about her.

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