Turkeytail mushrooms appear to have put my dog's cancer into remission

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
Two years ago, my dog had cancer surgery--major cancer surgery. The vet said dogs usually only last another year after that kind of surgery and she recommended not to get any more surgeries done as it would do no good and only cause the dog more suffering. About four months ago, I noticed lumps appearing in different areas of his body. Research led me to try some supplements--tumeric, fish oil, and turkeytail mushrooms. I started giving him one capsule of each in a peanut butter sandwich once per day. The number of lumps stopped growing and, perhaps, slightly decreased.

Anyway, I ran out of the turkeytail mushrooms before the other two, which I continued to give him, but neglected to replenish the turkeytail right away. Shortly thereafter, his condition began deteriorating again, so I went to the natural food store to replenish. I couldn't remember where I found them in the store the last time so I asked the clerk where they were. As he is taking me to where they were he said his friend's mother had stage 4 cancer and he bought her turkeytail mushrooms and put her on "massive amounts". The cancer went into complete remission, he said, and disappeared completely. I hadn't mentioned to him what I wanted them for.

Wow, I said.

I started Buddy on two-a-day plus the fish oil and tumeric and two weeks later he has stopped limping, he can jump in the car without assistance again and he runs again after taking a shit. And it seems some of the lumps have either disappeared or reduced in size.

Just my testimony.


Two years ago, my dog had cancer surgery--major cancer surgery. The vet said dogs usually only last another year after that kind of surgery and she recommended not to get any more surgeries done as it would do no good and only cause the dog more suffering. About four months ago, I noticed lumps appearing in different areas of his body. Research led me to try some supplements--tumeric, fish oil, and turkeytail mushrooms. I started giving him one capsule of each in a peanut butter sandwich once per day. The number of lumps stopped growing and, perhaps, slightly decreased.

Anyway, I ran out of the turkeytail mushrooms before the other two, which I continued to give him, but neglected to replenish the turkeytail right away. Shortly thereafter, his condition began deteriorating again, so I went to the natural food store to replenish. I couldn't remember where I found them in the store the last time so I asked the clerk where they were. As he is taking me to where they were he said his friend's mother had stage 4 cancer and he bought her turkeytail mushrooms and put her on "massive amounts". The cancer went into complete remission, he said, and disappeared completely. I hadn't mentioned to him what I wanted them for.

Wow, I said.

I started Buddy on two-a-day plus the fish oil and tumeric and two weeks later he has stopped limping, he can jump in the car without assistance again and he runs again after taking a shit. And it seems some of the lumps have either disappeared or reduced in size.

Just my testimony.

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View attachment 454528
Very interesting.
Thank you

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