Turkey's statement "we were attacked in Syria" is about as if Hitler had said "we were attacked at S


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Turkey's statement "we were attacked in Syria" is about as if Hitler had said "we were attacked at Stalingrad".

There is no one Russian soldier in Donbas. Russia is bad, an aggressor.
Turkey wants to annex 15% of Syria. It's good, Turkey is a Freedom Fighter.

What shall do Putin?

1. Recognize Donbas as a part of Russia.
2. Invite another Ukrainian territorials to join Russia.
3. Prohibit per law any business relationship with Turkey
4. Russian tourist who go to Turkey shall pay a huge fine
5. And of course push Erdogan to leave an independent Syria.

Russia get out of Syria and let Turkey and Syria fight their own war...

Funny how you whine about the World not accepting Russia right to the Ukraine while then crying about Turkey invasion of Syria...

Russia get out of Syria and let Turkey and Syria fight their own war...

Funny how you whine about the World not accepting Russia right to the Ukraine while then crying about Turkey invasion of Syria...

Because Israel ( the true father of ISIS), Turkey, EU and NATO created an terrorists enslave in Idlib, where hundred of thousands terrorists are waiting for the right time for attack western countries

Because a destabilization of Syria is a plan for creating of Greater Israel
Israel and Turkey ( Israel's bitch and ass-kisser ) shall leave Syria, not Russia

3. Prohibit per law any business relationship with Turkey
Great decision. The only problem is that some European idiots are going to get Russian gas through a Turkish pipeline which is being built by Russia. Maybe their asses will get cold enough to cure their brain.

Russia get out of Syria and let Turkey and Syria fight their own war...

Funny how you whine about the World not accepting Russia right to the Ukraine while then crying about Turkey invasion of Syria...

Because Israel ( the true father of ISIS), Turkey, EU and NATO created an terrorists enslave in Idlib, where hundred of thousands terrorists are waiting for the right time for attack western countries

Because a destabilization of Syria is a plan for creating of Greater Israel
Israel and Turkey ( Israel's bitch and ass-kisser ) shall leave Syria, not Russia


Blah, Blah Blah...

As you sit in your next Afghanistan enjoy losing money and lives in a endless war...

And they say Trump is stupid...
The International Law says: Any military intervention into any country in the world from outside is legally possible in two cases: either at request from the lawful government or with the decision of UN Security Council.

Russia is in Syria by the request of the government, Turkey and other countries are there illegally. Erdogan, your soldiers were killed on Syrian territory, then get out of Syria, your troops don't belong there.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia:
“[Russia] cannot prohibit the Syrian Army from executing the demands written in the UNSC resolutions, which call for an uncompromising fight against terrorism in all its forms.”

Ankara agreed to use the influence it has among some of the armed groups in Idlib to quell violence and eventually establish a lasting ceasefire, with Russia trying to do the same with Damascus and its forces. The arrangement however didn’t work out, and the Syrian Army started capturing villages and towns in southern Idlib to fend off jihadists.

Syria has every right to fight terrorists in Idlib and Russia can’t interfere – Moscow
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If the turks don't want to loose soldiers in war maybe they shouldn't invade another country.
If the turks don't want to loose soldiers in war maybe they shouldn't invade another country.

The Fake News Media has paid scant attention to two related developments:
(1) war between Turkey and Syria and
(2) refugees trying to push their way en masse from Turkey into Greece.

Turkey has been at war with Syria, and by extension Russia, for a few weeks. The war stems from the push by the Syrian regime, with its usual Russian backing, into one of the last footholds of the anti-Assad resistance in the northern province of Idlib, not far from Turkey.

Turkey, hoping to avoid another mass exodus of Syrians into Turkey or up against its border, attacked. This move brought it into conflict not just with Syria but also with Russia.

Dozens of Turkish troops were killed by Russian airstrikes. Turkish drones and artillery pounded Syrian positions throughout the region, killing dozens Syrian troops. However, Turkey shied away from attacking Russians.

Turkey called for support from NATO. None was forthcoming.

In addition, the U.S. reportedly turned down a request for help in the form of Patriot anti-aircraft batteries to protect Turkish troops. Trump’s negative response may have been over Turkey’s purchase last year of Russian S-400, over American objections.

Sen. Lindsey Graham called for the U.S. to enforce a no-fly zone in the region. This seems like too tall an order at this point. The time for a no-fly zone was before Russia became heavily invested in this war. Had the Obama administration acted at that time, the disasters that followed very probably would have been averted.

President Erdogan’s response to the West’s failure to assist Turkey was the release of large numbers of refugees being held behind a border wall. Greece pushed back against the resulting surge of refugees. Greece and Turkey dispute whether the Greeks have used lethal force to stem the flow.

A high level Greek official said that only a small portion — 5 percent or less — of the refugees who are trying to surge across its border are Syrians. One of the seriously injured refugees featured in the PBS report is Pakistani, and there is evidence of a significant Afghan presence, as well.

It’s easy to understand why neither Greece nor Europe as a whole desires more refugees, and even easier to understand why it doesn’t want entrants who aren’t from Syria, where the true humanitarian crisis is. At the same time, one can understand why Turkey, facing an influx of new Syrian refugees, wants to rid itself of a large number of its current refugees. And it’s natural that Turkey would play the refugee card in order to gain assistance from the West.

Turkey and Russia have agreed to a cease fire in northern Syria. It is Turkey that seems to have backed down, as one would expect given the extreme vulnerability of Turkish ground forces to Russia air attacks.

Russia, while desirous of good relations with Turkey in the long term, seems unwilling seriously to compromise its interests in Syria. For Putin, the solution is to seek an end to hostilities that allows Turkey to save face and that somehow minimizes its refugee problem, while at the same time enabling Syria to achieve its military goals.

Whether these objectives can be achieved remains to be seen.

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