Turkey' Erdogan says Ukraine deserves to be a NATO member

Wow! What a turn around. ...

No. This would cause a World War and Erdogan had not to overtake the responsibility for all his superbullshit which had weakened and will still weaken for a much longer time Europe, the USA and Turkey. The next step is Sweden in the NATO - and/or the Troyan horse Turkey including Erdogans spitlickers has to go totally out of the NATO.
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Erdogan talked about NATO membership AFTER the war is over. ...

This decision is clear also without Erdogan. This decision depends only on the NATO-countries and the Ukraine and their compatibilities.
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My speculation is not as extreme but we agree that it will be changed and probably irreversibly --- as least in our lifetimes . IMHO the most important country might be Poland ...

Poland and Hungaria are Troyan horses in the European Union.
He has turned his country into a pariah nation on the world stage.

Never, never, never and never underestimate your enemy. Putins war on Europe in the Ukraine (and Belarus! which is meanwhile practically a part of Russia) is also a war on Russia and the freedom of the Russians.
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You see, from the Russian point of view, it was Zelenskiy, who invaded a sovereign countries (the allies of the Russian Federation).

What a nonsense. Every half-intelligent Russian is not able to speak about - but he is able to know that the only responsible person is Putin who started without any light reason to have to do so this stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine.

Wow! What a turn around. If this is sincere, it is a thumb in the eye of Putin. Incredible!
It also illustrates Putin’s stupidity – there’d be no talk of Ukraine joining NATO if Russia hadn’t launched its lawless invasion.
No. This would cause a World War and Erdogan had not to overtake the responsibility for all his superbullshit which had weakened and will still weaken for a much longer time Europe, the USA and Turkey. The next step is Sweden in the NATO - and/or the Troyan horse Turkey including Erdogans spitlickers has to go totally out of the NATO.
There was talk of Ukraine joining NATO when Obama was President, and during the first Russian occupation. But NATO turned them down because Ukraine had corruption issues.
Actually, what NATO said was that Ukraine would surely become a member of NATO after it came into compliance with NATO requirements, but the truth was that France and Germany opposed admitting Ukraine because it might offend Putin and interfere with energy imports from Russia. Now, of course, these are no longer concerns, so no peace with Russia is possible without NATO membership for Ukraine.
Are you aware as to what a "populist" is? - well Erdogan - next to the Goebbels scholar in Kiev, is about the No.1 on planet earth.
Firstly he knows that Ukraine will NEVER become a NATO member (check NATO statutes) as long as a war is going on.

Secondly, he screwed up a lot with the USA, - which helped him to win the election, and he is still jonesing/craving for Patriot, F-35's and other USA military goodies. In order to revive the Ottoman dream.
Erdogan is playing his own game. Turkey is the only NATO country that gets significant profits out of relations with Russia despite this war (or I some cases, thanks to this war; the grain deal is an example).

On the other hand, he publicly supports Ukraine and sends weapons to Kiev.
Germany and France will not oppose Ukraine's entry into NATO. American energy is replacing Russian in Europe.

No peace for Russia without Ukraine in NATO.

The US and Germany are under intense pressure from other allies to show greater support for Ukraine’s eventual membership of Nato, just days before the military alliance’s leaders meet in Lithuania.

Washington and Berlin have backed a form of words for the summit’s concluding statement that does not fully endorse a “pathway” to Nato membership, let alone invite Kyiv to join once the war is over — as demanded by Ukraine’s staunchest supporters in eastern Europe.

Other members of the alliance were caught off-guard by the “conservative” US and German stance, officials briefed on the talks told the Financial Times.

On Sunday US president Joe Biden doused Kyiv’s hopes of a breakthrough on membership, saying he did not think Ukraine was ready.

“I think we have to lay out a rational path for Ukraine to be able to qualify to get into Nato,” Biden told CNN. It was “premature” to “call for a vote . . . now”, he added “because there’s other qualifications that need to be met, including democratisation and some of those issues”.

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine galvanised the Atlantic alliance, but the increasingly fraught negotiations over how to characterise Ukraine’s membership application threaten to expose divisions over the limits of support for Kyiv and fears in the US and Germany that Nato could be pulled into the war.

There was talk of Ukraine joining NATO when Obama was President, and during the first Russian occupation. But NATO turned them down because Ukraine had corruption issues.
It's always the same bull story, coming from pro Goebbels scholar sympathizers, that it wasn't NATO that expanded Eastward, but countries joining them instead.

Fact is - as it can be seen again with Ukraine, in order to become a full NATO member, the aspirant needs a final formal invitation by NATO. That formal invitation was never extended to Ukraine. Had NATO acted consciously and honest latest in 2021 - NATO or NATO members could have forwarded individual assistance clauses for Ukraine. And Putin could have done nothing about it. - whilst NATO officially declaring that Ukraine will remain neutral.
As such IMO, this "ridiculous war" would never have happened - or e.g. Polish/UK and US troops would be fighting in Donbas now.

However it is obvious that NATO (foremost Poland/UK/USA) clearly preferred to get involved into a proxy war, via further inciting Russia. And after two and a half years the Goebbels scholar (a totally inexperienced politician being played from day one) seems to finally realize that. See his latest statement - if no respective decisions are made, I am not willing to waste my time to travel to the NATO meeting held in Vilnius. :auiqs.jpg:
Fact is - as it can be seen again with Ukraine, in order to become a full NATO member, the aspirant needs a final formal invitation by NATO. That formal invitation was never extended to Ukraine. Had NATO acted consciously and honest latest in 2021 - NATO or NATO members could have forwarded individual assistance clauses for Ukraine. And Putin could have done nothing about it. - whilst NATO officially declaring that Ukraine will remain neutral.
As such IMO, this "ridiculous war" would never have happened - or e.g. Polish/UK and US troops would be fighting in Donbas now
You can repeat that a hundred times, but that won't change the reality. Ukraine was never close enough to join NATO. NATO refused to provide the MAP and set a certain time period for that. Since 2014 a formal cause emerged to prolong the process indefinitely as long as Ukraine would have 'disputed territories' with a neighbour.

Putin would have rejected any 'assistance clauses', because had your read their demands in December 2021 you would know that 'demilitarization' meant not only neutrality but halting any military cooperation with Ukraine and NATO.

Knowing how far the Russians interpret certain terms, if that suits them, and knowing how far they interpreted a decentralisation clause in the Minsk Accords, I am sure that 'denazification' would also mean a deeply divided state with pro-Russia regions having a say in domestic and foreign policies.
Actually, what NATO said was that Ukraine would surely become a member of NATO after it came into compliance with NATO requirements, but the truth was that France and Germany opposed admitting Ukraine because it might offend Putin and interfere with energy imports from Russia. Now, of course, these are no longer concerns, so no peace with Russia is possible without NATO membership for Ukraine.
Actually, peace with Russia isn't possible with NATO membership for Ukraine. NATO membership for Ukraine will be open war declaration against Russia. And the war between NATO and Russia highly likely will be started by the Russian counter-force nuclear strike against Britain or the USA.
Yeah, how has that gone for Putin. Mutiny, assassination attempts, etc. :)
Yeah, but it's the game for more than one player. After Cuban Missile Crisis Khrushchev was overthroned, but JFK was assassinated.
And the support of radical islamists in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Chechnya caused 911 and the "The war on terror".
Never, never, never and never underestimate your enemy. Putins war on Europe in the Ukraine (and Belarus! which is meanwhile practically a part of Russia) is also a war on Russia and the freedom of the Russians.
Actually, they can see what is German understanding of the term 'freedom' (blasphemy, discrimination, abusing and genocide) for the Russians and they don't want it. In fact, given the nature of German ruling regime, the limited nuclear war for wiping out Germany is much more preferred option.

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