Turkey: Children with one eye, one tail and a body fully covered with hair were born


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Meanwhile hundred of thousands died worldwide suffering of myokarditis, before almost unknown by youth.It looks like deaths due to stroke, heart attacks are 'suddenly' sky-rocketing.
Babies - half-humans half-animals being born, and this is just the beginning.
Only completely idiots believe the Corona - Gang will stop genocide ever.

Turkey: Not a vaccine, but a "gene changer" - One-eyed children are said to have been born as a result of the vaccination

YRP Chairman Fatih Erbakan, who refuses to be vaccinated and opposes the PCR commitment, claimed that the mRNA technology was developed to change the gene, saying, "If you destroy the genetic code hidden in the cell, 'children will be born with' one eye, one tail and a body covered with hair. In other words, this is not actually a vaccine, but by its scientific name, "gene therapy," meaning "changing genes," he said.
New statement from Erbakan: not a vaccine, but a gene changer
YRP Chairman Fatih Erbakan, who does not want a vaccine against Covid-19 and opposes the PCR commitment, claimed that mRNA technology was developed to change the gene, saying, "If you destroy the genetic code hidden in the cell, 'children will be born with' one eye, one tail and a body covered with hair." In other words, this is not actually a vaccine, but by its scientific name, "gene therapy," meaning a "gene modifier," he said. Welfare Party Chairman Fatih Erbakan, breast disease specialist Prof. DR. Serhat Fındık and specialist in brain, spinal cord and nerve surgery Op. DR. Bilgehan held a press conference with Bilge and said:

"A child was born with only one eye" It is a scientific fact that mRNA technology can affect and destroy the cell nucleus. If you destroy the genetic code hidden in the cell, "children with one eye, one tail and a body fully covered with hair" were born. There are 76 thousand scientific publications about this fact. It is the "graphene oxide" substance that allows mRNA technology to enter the cell nucleus.

Meanwhile hundred of thousands died worldwide suffering of myokarditis, before almost unknown by youth.It looks like deaths due to stroke, heart attacks are 'suddenly' sky-rocketing.
Babies - half-humans half-animals being born, and this is just the beginning.
Only completely idiots believe the Corona - Gang will stop genocide ever.

Turkey: Not a vaccine, but a "gene changer" - One-eyed children are said to have been born as a result of the vaccination

YRP Chairman Fatih Erbakan, who refuses to be vaccinated and opposes the PCR commitment, claimed that the mRNA technology was developed to change the gene, saying, "If you destroy the genetic code hidden in the cell, 'children will be born with' one eye, one tail and a body covered with hair. In other words, this is not actually a vaccine, but by its scientific name, "gene therapy," meaning "changing genes," he said.
New statement from Erbakan: not a vaccine, but a gene changer
YRP Chairman Fatih Erbakan, who does not want a vaccine against Covid-19 and opposes the PCR commitment, claimed that mRNA technology was developed to change the gene, saying, "If you destroy the genetic code hidden in the cell, 'children will be born with' one eye, one tail and a body covered with hair." In other words, this is not actually a vaccine, but by its scientific name, "gene therapy," meaning a "gene modifier," he said. Welfare Party Chairman Fatih Erbakan, breast disease specialist Prof. DR. Serhat Fındık and specialist in brain, spinal cord and nerve surgery Op. DR. Bilgehan held a press conference with Bilge and said:

"A child was born with only one eye" It is a scientific fact that mRNA technology can affect and destroy the cell nucleus. If you destroy the genetic code hidden in the cell, "children with one eye, one tail and a body fully covered with hair" were born. There are 76 thousand scientific publications about this fact. It is the "graphene oxide" substance that allows mRNA technology to enter the cell nucleus.

Wow.. you always come up with crackpots and crazies.

The whole world is under the power of an evil spell. The specters of the past like Naziism, Fascism, Communism, and Technocracy are rapidly converging across the globe and hurling us towards a true prison planet where authoritarian rule is commonplace.

None of this would have been possible without State of Emergency declarations being implemented in countries worldwide to stop the so-called coronavirus “pandemic.” Authoritarian governments love emergency powers and executive orders because they provide cover to implement all manner of draconian dictates essentially destroying free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press all in the name of keeping people safe.

What if the pretext for declaring a pandemic and locking down billions of people was all just a ruse? What if all that’s happened over the past 18 months had nothing to do with a global health crisis? What if many of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 could have stemmed from other causes? What if the reason for declaring a pandemic was destroy the current world system and institute a “new normal” New World Order?

There is an abundance of evidence suggesting that the coronavirus “pandemic” is nothing but a global social engineering project meant to get people used to obeying mandates and dictates from local, state, federal, and even international powers. The following statement from World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab seems to indicate there is indeed another purpose for the crisis:

I believe that sterilization is a key goal. If you look where the spike proteins concentrate (ovum/testes). If you look at the abortion rates in first trimester for vaccinated women.
I think we will begin to see serious infertility issues.
I believe that sterilization is a key goal. If you look where the spike proteins concentrate (ovum/testes). If you look at the abortion rates in first trimester particularly for vaccinated women.
I think we will begin to see serious infertility issues.

Based on what?
Wow.. you always come up with crackpots and crazies.

The whole world is under the power of an evil spell. The specters of the past like Naziism, Fascism, Communism, and Technocracy are rapidly converging across the globe and hurling us towards a true prison planet where authoritarian rule is commonplace.

None of this would have been possible without State of Emergency declarations being implemented in countries worldwide to stop the so-called coronavirus “pandemic.” Authoritarian governments love emergency powers and executive orders because they provide cover to implement all manner of draconian dictates essentially destroying free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press all in the name of keeping people safe.

What if the pretext for declaring a pandemic and locking down billions of people was all just a ruse? What if all that’s happened over the past 18 months had nothing to do with a global health crisis? What if many of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 could have stemmed from other causes? What if the reason for declaring a pandemic was destroy the current world system and institute a “new normal” New World Order?

There is an abundance of evidence suggesting that the coronavirus “pandemic” is nothing but a global social engineering project meant to get people used to obeying mandates and dictates from local, state, federal, and even international powers. The following statement from World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab seems to indicate there is indeed another purpose for the crisis:


The scamdemic isn't about control, but about the population reduction down to 100m worldwide.
I believe that sterilization is a key goal. If you look where the spike proteins concentrate (ovum/testes). If you look at the abortion rates in first trimester for vaccinated women.
I think we will begin to see serious infertility issues.

All test animals died within few months.
Accordingly humans will start to die within 2 - 3 years.
Inoculated morons were warned enough, but preferred to believe satanic 'politicians' and scoundrels like Rothschild, Fauci, Trump,Drosten, Biden, Putin, Gates & Co
Now the payday coming, grab the popcorn and enjoy the show.
Too sad, but no human will survive deadly Trump-Biden-Putin-Gates-Fauci 'jabs'
The scamdemic isn't about control, but about the population reduction down to 100m worldwide.
That number is good, but overly optimistic. It is carved in stone
I believe that sterilization is a key goal. If you look where the spike proteins concentrate (ovum/testes). If you look at the abortion rates in first trimester for vaccinated women.
I think we will begin to see serious infertility issues.
And you'd be wrong! That's totally disinformation, just like Baron's.

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