Tulsi Gabbard is back, positioning herself as last sane Democrat

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Color me shocked that someone actually said the words ''chain of custody"

And she's got a cause any sane voter interested in free and fair elections can support, sponsoring a bipartisan bill targeting the odious practice of ballot-harvesting. The Hawaii representative's bill, co-sponsored with Rep. Rodney Davis of Illinois, calls for a withholding of federal funds for states that refuse to ban the practice, where sleazy political operatives target vulnerable voters in their homes and "helpfully" collect their ballots for them, doing what they need to do with them to make sure the vote goes in the direction of their party

It's a striking move, because Democrats are all in favor of the practice, given that wherever it is practiced legally, it has benefited them.

In 2018, ballot-harvesting mysteriously flipped historically red Orange County, California entirely blue, days after the election, as ballot-harvesters kept "finding" ballots and turning them in, until they got the result they wanted.

There also was an outrageous case in North Carolina, where a sleazy Republican operative illegally harvested ballots from black Democratic voters and threw them in the trash to ensure that those ballots would not be counted. The latter case forced a judge to call a new election in North Carolina. Anything can happen when the chain of custody of votes is broken with ballot-harvesting, and it has.

Ballot-harvesting is banned already in most states because it's a repulsively corrupt practice last done on a wholesale level in Mexico during the days of its PRI permanent party, which held power for 70 years. Mario Vargas Llosa described that country and its entrenched one-party state where no one could change his government as "the perfect dictatorship."

Now Tulsi has brought forth a cause any sane American who cares about democracy and fairness should care about.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard is back, positioning herself as last sane Democrat
Color me shocked that someone actually said the words ''chain of custody"

And she's got a cause any sane voter interested in free and fair elections can support, sponsoring a bipartisan bill targeting the odious practice of ballot-harvesting. The Hawaii representative's bill, co-sponsored with Rep. Rodney Davis of Illinois, calls for a withholding of federal funds for states that refuse to ban the practice, where sleazy political operatives target vulnerable voters in their homes and "helpfully" collect their ballots for them, doing what they need to do with make sure the vote goes in the direction of their party

It's a striking move, because Democrats are all in favor of the practice, given that wherever it is practiced legally, it has benefited them.

In 2018, ballot-harvesting mysteriously flipped historically red Orange County, California entirely blue, days after the election, as ballot-harvesters kept "finding" ballots and turning them in, until they got the result they wanted.

There also was an outrageous case in North Carolina, where a sleazy Republican operative illegally harvested ballots from black Democratic voters and threw them in the trash to ensure that those ballots would not be counted. The latter case forced a judge to call a new election in North Carolina. Anything can happen when the chain of custody of votes is broken with ballot-harvesting, and it has.

Ballot-harvesting is banned already in most states because it's a repulsively corrupt practice last done on a wholesale level in Mexico during the days of its PRI permanent party, which held power for 70 years. Mario Vargas Llosa described that country and its entrenched one-party state where no one could change his government as "the perfect dictatorship."

Now Tulsi has brought forth a cause any sane American who cares about democracy and fairness should care about.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard is back, positioning herself as last sane Democrat
i don't agree with her politics, but we're dead on with process.
No such thing as a sane DemonRat.

When this is all over, the democrat party will fall apart. Democrats who don’t end up in prison will try running as a Republican. Do not fall for it!!! Anyone who has been complicit with the Democrat party this past year should never be forgiven
No such thing as a sane DemonRat.
When this is all over, the democrat party will fall apart. Democrats who don’t end up in prison will try running as a Republican. Do not fall for it!!! Anyone who has been complicit with the Democrat party this past year should never be forgiven
It is good for the GOP that the Democrats stay together and be a losing party into the indefiniate future, but it is bad for America.

We need an effective, competent and sane party to balance the GOP and keep them honest.
I really, really like the girl. I also liked Ross Perot. She has no chance. If she(or Ross) were to run in any free nation she'd be in, in a second.Chile, Costa Rica,Uruguay,Panama.....maybe even Colombia(CIA). in a heartbeat.
Color me shocked that someone actually said the words ''chain of custody"

And she's got a cause any sane voter interested in free and fair elections can support, sponsoring a bipartisan bill targeting the odious practice of ballot-harvesting. The Hawaii representative's bill, co-sponsored with Rep. Rodney Davis of Illinois, calls for a withholding of federal funds for states that refuse to ban the practice, where sleazy political operatives target vulnerable voters in their homes and "helpfully" collect their ballots for them, doing what they need to do with them to make sure the vote goes in the direction of their party

It's a striking move, because Democrats are all in favor of the practice, given that wherever it is practiced legally, it has benefited them.

In 2018, ballot-harvesting mysteriously flipped historically red Orange County, California entirely blue, days after the election, as ballot-harvesters kept "finding" ballots and turning them in, until they got the result they wanted.

There also was an outrageous case in North Carolina, where a sleazy Republican operative illegally harvested ballots from black Democratic voters and threw them in the trash to ensure that those ballots would not be counted. The latter case forced a judge to call a new election in North Carolina. Anything can happen when the chain of custody of votes is broken with ballot-harvesting, and it has.

Ballot-harvesting is banned already in most states because it's a repulsively corrupt practice last done on a wholesale level in Mexico during the days of its PRI permanent party, which held power for 70 years. Mario Vargas Llosa described that country and its entrenched one-party state where no one could change his government as "the perfect dictatorship."

Now Tulsi has brought forth a cause any sane American who cares about democracy and fairness should care about.

Continued - Tulsi Gabbard is back, positioning herself as last sane Democrat
No one will fall for that. There hasn't been a sane democRat in 50 years.

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